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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. couple of footnotes 0.04g will cross the thresh-hold into alleviating chronic pain if lobbed in an Arizer Air on it highest setting....210-degrees which rinses nearly all the active ingredients in said shrubberies 0.04g a night, trialed over 6 weeks & allowing for weekends, equates to approx an eighth, which is fk all really compared to the getting blasted into deep space orbits of yesteryear if you have orthopedic/joint pain (i dont aims these puns) or muscular strains, bad breaks or ligament damage lingering in discomfort that 99.99999% of Dr's here would treat with opiates, you can get v close equivalent gains with the above amounts/method, a good indica being the ideal source but thats another issue entirely hill walking up fairly rigorous gradients in local mountains is a fkn joy now, rather than a pathway to a few minutes of shredded, inflamed, aggravated bone & muscle structures hobbling along the path outside for days after its not something for everyone & rinsing it day in day out for extended periods seems to have claimed a steady supply of human minds, BUT for physical pain that is relentlessly exhausting its ideal call that hippy bollix but practice & increased quality of life are enough in themselves, but if you so much as went near this issue with a GP (primary care Dr in Britain for all your usual common ailments) it'd be pinpointed as cause for a complete care-plan review where virtual all meds would then be withdrawn a farce beyond the common good
  2. 1 of my old man's favourites, so lobbed on a new mix
  3. The Dark Song Steve Oram is usually spot in most roles, Sightseers and Ahhhhhhhh being quality platforms for his speciality with damaged souls and without him this filem would not have even made it past the 10min mark Rural Wales looks particularly good & the occult angle offered just a hint of something more psychologically nuanced & sublime than the usual fodder, but then the shadow creatures came out of the cupboards and.........nah decent end though, v similar to The Witch in that so much of the story converges in the final scenes, not knowing how to do the spoiler thang that "confrontation" with "x" almost saved it daft bollix/10
  4. i like emmy rossum's hot JAP-y body. that's about it Yeah she's a smokeshow. So far the show is decent though, nice mixture of stupid shit with a tiny bit of drama mixed in. I don't watch much, TV or movies, so generally gravitate to shows that are kind of... I don't know, shallow or where I don't need to pay too much attention or whatever. It stays surprisingly fresh after 7 seasons, Frank is kinda like Homer Simpson; always onto some new scheme or spontaneous revelation. Fiona really is the anchor, but watching all the kids grow up is rewarding too. the UK original took some beating, never sure the US re-make got at the heart of the thing, ie our culture of anti-aspiration and Frank was a northern English genius distilled:
  5. managed to push my walking range from a range of about 10mins 2 years ago to 90mins now after a life-changing RTA/reconstructive surgeries from the pelvis down, with a little help from the precioussssses flower friends as an alternative for chronic (no pun intended) pain and heavy opiates like Morphine (granted which is v nice in small doses), or Oxy, physiotherapy would've been nigh on impossible when that deep deep orthopedic grind starts to rise in my pelvis & leg joints, 1 or 2 vape hits push that extreme threshold of irritation (mental as well as physical) away to the point that it slowly subsides into manageable proportions i'd rather this than hundreds of hardcore opiates, month in month out, slowly building up completely unnecessary addictions a ridiculous situation compounded by seeing a nation that invented the War On Drugs slowly seeing sense way way b4 your own cuntry's lingering sense of institutional denial has even come close to being addressed at home good luck, merka
  6. learning today that the Artful Dodger was in the year above me in school = brrrrrrrrrr absolutely hated And the Crowd Say Bo Selecta + loathed the posing of 2step so deeply & now this hibernating trauma emerges from the caves shudder
  7. after a day walking in the mountains on the weekend, accompanied by Lynch/Splet's "Sounds of a Different Realm", this show cant come quickly enough
  8. The Trip to Spain overall = mint & avoids the darkness of so much other contemporary British comedy, plus the last ep's finale was wickedly funny, the best thing since Camping's anarchic chaos loads of impressions, but rips the piss out of Coogan's fragile ego more & the Spanish landscape vistas are relentlessly enjoyable just like the food (cos lets face it, Spain has the best fodder in Europe) breezy, unpretentious & fun, plus its subliminal advocacy of the north coastal regions is worthy of a drive down this summer in itself, cos FUCK the ferry
  9. Porridge - may the gods bless the cast n writers for a show that might age a bit on the surface, but the humour & jokes never will, bit like Dad's Army Ronny Barker showing the world how to mix tragic-comedy and Mr Mackay's chinny grimacing gestures, effortless genius found The Singing Detective with Michael Gambon on an old drive recently thought long lost, another timeless BBC gem the quality of which seems beyond that organization these days the sheer quantity of new American network shows means older classics often slip below the radar of relevance
  10. 20mg of diazepam + 60mg of dihydrocodeine after managing the more gentle route up Pen Y Fan earlier, southern Britain's highest peak my knees are swollen like weird mid-leg orbs, but at least i made the summit albeit with crutches (plus a Jack Russell) all to be followed imminently by pan-seared, roasted Turbot caught by my kid bro off the Irish Sea coast y'day, complete with freshly picked samphire & a rich stock-based cream sauce & sauteed spuds.... when you have a chef in the family seafood can take on mythical properties
  11. when the gun jammed, delete, although its discussion here has prompted an alternative viewing later..... Possession (1981) did something transcendental with a tiny budget although Isabelle Adjani is a force of nature nevermind a force of wtf, complete bias but that filem is beyond words, the plot isnt even that strong & yet its deeply deeply disturbing still, Heinz Bennent is the cherry on top granted The Void was aiming elsewhere, but it'd be F8 to be taken into that realm of Possession's strange intensity again, no guns, straight for the fear triggers
  12. thats why i havent touched alcohol in 4&half years
  13. enjoyed Redford as the overbearing semi-psychopathic type, when he was dressing down the female center-attendee that veneer of warmth just dissolved away in rare form its quite rare to see grief treated with something resembling intelligence & empathy from mainstream US films in recent years & the ending was well crafted
  14. fried chorizo, red peppers, red onions & spring onion omlette toasted sourdough with salted butter black tea, 1 sugar mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  15. add Jah Wobble's entire discography to that, his collaborations with Holger Czukay are a tangent unto themselves
  16. Head over to DJHistory and search their threads, some seriously focused spotting on this genre over the years (if the site is still up)
  17. River Monsters - some failed geography teacher type with a fishing fetish fishes for fish you may or may not know, in environs that bridge the inane & the beyond pointless (eg: fishing near Chernobyl ffs). This is what is encountered when actually turning on a television. with downsloads gotta find out exact circumstances of how Toki joined Dethklok, but after 4 series of repeated Metalocalypse mania, the idea of getting thru a prog-thrash musical might have to keep for a bit
  18. a sci-fi bimbo bastard by the time they're all done, a marathon 9 film epic will show the post-classic additions in even more stark constrast Personal Shopper - wanted to hate it, but couldnt. It melds the elements superbly, KS seems to fit the loneliness of her framing better than intended. Deffo worth the price of a big screen/chill/smuggled beverages & vapes = 8 Gitanes/10
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