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Everything posted by caze

  1. The point was to have a shit character that's annoying and just generally shit? Interesting strategy...
  2. ...he didn't say the shithole comment publicly though. It was from a private meeting in the Oval Office. ...and the AIDS comments were from last year, not three weeks ago (only skimmed the article and misread). Still though, this wasn't a private meeting, it was with a bipartisan group of senators. As long as he's around anyone outside of his inner circle he should know better to modulate his outbursts at least somewhat. In the same meeting he initially said he was a big fan of some Democrat initiative apparently, until one of the Republicans jumped in and had to remind him that was verboten. He also made some really dumb comment about not having any opinion on what deal to make, and he'd just listen to what everyone else had to say. lol. He's not supposed to let on that he doesn't have a fucking clue what he's doing.
  3. you are correct, Domhnall Gleeson was really bad, his character is just terrible. He's a laughable caricature of a baddie.
  4. jesus, I hadn't heard about the 'AIDS' comment, but that was just from a few weeks ago? so it's in the same timeframe as his current comments, re his declining mental state it all still fits. I'm not saying he hasn't always thought this stuff, he just had enough sense to not say it publicly, or at least add 'and some of them are nice people' or some other weasel words.
  5. explicitly calling other countries 'shit holes' is most certainly an escalation of his rhetoric.
  6. This "Shithole" business seems to be a further level of the degradation of his dementia, he's basically operating at Prince Phillip levels now. He'll be a total mess in a year.
  7. Hang the DJ was the best one, had the best writing. Arkangel was good too. Star Trek one was pretty shit, as was the robodoggie armageddon (though they were cool looking yokes at least). The others were ok.
  8. watched this over crimbo, was really good. looks fantastic. the story was even a bit more interesting than the original.
  9. The Snowman was a nice return to that 90s/2000s serial killer thriller movie they don't really make any more. shame that they ran out of time to finish it off properly (apparently a lot of the plot from the book was dropped due to time/budget constraints), was a bit of a mess, still a fun watch though.
  10. presumably now they'll hire a bunch of closeted evangelicals to preach abstinence only and pray the gay away.
  11. been preparing christmas dinner all day, now taking a break to cook myself a steak sandwich: fillet steak, toasted ciabatta, mayo, wholegrain mustard, lettuce, gherkin. will open a red too.
  12. By 'it' you presumably mean the possibility of mainstream cinema ever being exciting again?
  13. meh. it was pretty boring. the cgi was pretty bad, other times the film looked pretty good tho (e.g. the salt planet). the opening battle scene was alright, the battle in the throne room was ok, the rest of the battle/fight scenes were pretty dull though. the bad guys are so terrible in this, not only are they all hilariously incompetent, they're really hard to take seriously as threatening individuals, even when they're blowing up people left and right, there's something very slapstick about them or something. Ren is still acting like a moody teenager as well, terrible acting, terrible writing (might be more believable if we had some idea how he was turned, and if they'd shown some of his training maybe). poe and rey and finn are all decent in it again at least, doing the best with the flimsy writing. the porgs were probably the best thing about it, was expecting to hate them, and it was actually pretty funny at times. not sure if it was better than the previous one or not, at least it was more original and not a thinly veiled remake. it was full of superfluous shit though, the whole casino planet sequence was terrible, rey's dark-side-hole adventure accomplished nothing, chatting with maz kanada, captain phasma, none of all that added anything to the film. rogue one was definitely better than this, and the previous one.
  14. caze

    Now Reading

    recently read The Dispossessed by Ursula le Guinn, which I really liked, so am now reading The Left Hand of Darkness, also really good.
  15. caze

    Now Reading

    Saw a documentary about her, nuts story.
  16. Future Man - very good. Starts off relying a bit too heavily on the 80s references for cheap laughs, but once it gets going it's very good. Wolf is great. Stranger Things 2 - meh. A few good bits, the ragtag group of racially diverse misfits were lame, no doubt they'll return next season, ugh. Final fight with the demon thing was terrible. Mr Robot Season 3 - very excellent. Season 2 was pretty poor overall, but this was even better than the first one, the whole thing hung together nicely and there were a couple of really outstanding episodes. Walking Dead Season 8 - why am I still watching this? There was actually a good and entertaining story in here, buried under some seriously cack-handed directing. Their trying to be very 'interesting' with the way this season has been constructed, with constant non-linear sidetracks, really didn't work, just made everything into an incoherent mess, they need to fire all their directors.
  17. lol, I never even gave the 'bussing in votes' thing much thought, just dismissed it out of hand, but when you think about it, it really is ridiculous nonsense.
  18. Maybe if someone kidnapped him in the middle of the night and he woke up in one he wouldn't know the difference? It's worth a try.
  19. The Spanish are afraid of spicy food. Ate in a restaurant in Seville once, it was mexican food but without any of the ingredients, i.e. no chilli, lime juice, coriander, etc. weird. You'd think they'd be down with that shit after importing chillies to Europe first. I wouldn't even class Tabasco as a hot sauce, it just tastes of vinegar, and isn't at all hot.
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