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Everything posted by caze

  1. The people who hype up the dangers have very good and pretty logically unassailable reasons for doing so. Their argument, to oversimplify it quite a bit, is more about the catastrophic risk being greater than the improbability, more than it's about it being a very likely scenario in the near future. To say there is no AI, only applied machine learning is also not quite right. While you're right there are many dangers within applied machine learning by itself, and that there is no general AI in operation at the moment, you cannot back up a claim that that's all there ever will be. It remains a pretty reasonable possibility that superintelligent general AI will happen some day, and for all we know it could be in the coming decades or hundreds of years from now (it also could be never), we don't know enough about regular human intelligence to know what is and isn't possible, and thus what is required to achieve it. Lots of machine learning researchers don't fully understand the risks because they're stuck down in the weeds, can't see the big picture. There's a very real chance it'll all just click into place one day, without much warning, and if that happens things could escalate very very quickly. Which is why we need to start thinking about things in detail now, set up proper regulatory frameworks and international treaties and such. Robots with machine guns would be the the least of our worries if a genuine superintelligence were to evolve.
  2. The Circle was indeed one of the most awful pieces of shit I've seen in a long time, there was only one scene in the entire film that was even vaguely passable (the bit with the pod people who wanted her to engage more with the bulshit corporate social media thing, was funny). Emma Watson is a terrible actor for one thing, but the story was just idiotic, also her character learned absolutely nothing from the incredibly stupid events of the movie, just terrible. I thought Trainspotting 2 was alright though, felt like a natural sequel, not forced. A few too many overly nostalgic moments perhaps, especially the snippets of the old soundtrack drenched in reverb, but it had a reasonably entertaining story and when they were just getting on with that it was good.
  3. Pretty terrible article really, no indication what the risks are. Could be a devastating health apocalypse, or completely irrelevant, who knows?
  4. Most of those sources are in the intelligence game, one is an oligarch, not exactly sterling sources. The BBC are just reporting what their sources told them, they haven't seen the tapes. I think there's a reasonable chance it's true, but until there's actual firm evidence it is pretty worthless.
  5. Jones isn't a shill, he's a fraud. he's simply in it for the cash at this point, he no doubt genuinely believes some of it, and got into the game off the back of that. but it's clear by now he's just in it for the vitamin pill cash.
  6. Everyone is always complaining about this obnoxious fanbase, where are you all encountering these people?
  7. Aja is one of the best albums of all time, most everything else they did was gold too.
  8. yeah people not taking this shit seriously yet, might be not worth worrying about, but we're not even close to knowing enough about it to rule out worry, and a worse case scenario is plausible until we do. listened to this the other day, physicist Max Tegmark talking with Sam Harris: https://soundcloud.com/samharrisorg/94-the-future-of-intelligence
  9. good excuse for me to post this photo I took there a couple of years ago:
  10. Diatoms has a very poor handle on how human memory works. Memory can't be trusted, especially the memory of a weed-addled mind.
  11. Joel Osteen has been retconned into this universe? he didn't used to exist? I guess the past was a better place after all.
  12. no, the top half was always grey: diatoms shitty memory strikes again
  13. can't say I've ever seen jelly served as a condiment, must be an american thing. the only gelatin related meat dish I know about is aspic, but the less said about that the better.
  14. jello is a wobbly dessert, not a condiment to eat with your dinner. mint sauce doesn't have gelatin in it.
  15. You can also see the ISS easily with the naked eye, I saw that and Mir. Looks like a very bright, very fast (faster than a plane), star.
  16. I thought for sure they weren't going to introduce Humperdido, thought that would be too much for US tv to handle (in the comic he loved to fling his shit at people too).
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