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Everything posted by caze

  1. lol, that last company realised they were a bunch of dumbasses who couldn't spell, and have renamed the company: http://templeturmeric.com/ingredients/tumeric-or-turmeric/
  2. nah, as long as he's legitimising far right pieces of shit people need to keep calling him on it.
  3. Nitrogen in fertilizer is a big cause of ocean dead zones, organic fertilizers use far more nitrogen (and other harmful things for the ocean).
  4. Organic farming (especially the big business US stuff) is far worse for the environment than regular farming as well, so if you want to stay off the meat keep it industrialised please, for the planet's sake.
  5. Mostly it just makes things yellow too.
  6. And your 'fact' is supposed to dismember which one of my arguments exactly? The graph is quite ridiculous, tbh. It shows the projection that until 2015, about 10% of world population lives with 1.9$ per day, while another graph shows that more than 50% of world population is living with 2$ per day. Wow, those 10 cents must really make a difference. Can you pull up a graph that plots any decent (that is deserving) amount of money earned per day for the kind of economical strata we discussed? it's not just a graph, read the whole report. this is well documented, and has been known about for some time now (especially wrt to China since the 70s). What about it? It seems to maximise profit and decrease global poverty. Also, there are plenty of regulations, and regulations are often unhelpful meddling themselves.
  7. yea so all is well then no impending environmental collapse to speak of...capitalism meeting human needs since.... the end of feudalism.... ourworldindata is an excellent resource...but our problems are much more complex than tidy graphs did I say 'all is well'? were we talking about climate change? no. you're changing the subject. I doubt our global economic system has much to do with impending environmental collapse either btw, no matter what system we used we'd be fucking shit up (the commies were far worse than we are now for example), that's just how we roll as a species.
  8. https://www.theonion.com/the-onion-has-obtained-exclusive-information-from-jai-1820808638
  9. The way you view the world isn't borne out by the facts I'm afraid. https://ourworldindata.org/extreme-poverty/
  10. Nyet. Shit is cheap because of the discrepancy between socio-economical spheres where the majority of work gets done. Keeping low standards of living and preventing mining countries to develop is a sure way to keep it that way. All countries where the hard labor is done (mining resources and refinery) have no share in profit, nor they receive any sort of compensation for their natural riches (yes, including cheap workers). Do you have any idea how much corporations save when they employ 10,000 workers (slaves) from African (or Indian) villages for a fistful of dollars per week? Make a calculation how much more expensive a same labor force would be in America, or Europe. Also, human robots (assembly) in China, Taiwan, Cambodia, HongKong, etc etc. The parts of the chain you describe are actually the more expensive part of the deal. And with numerous creative ways they try to eliminate the middle man as much as is possible (self-driving trucks, delivery drones, bigger and bigger container ships, warehouse dealership connected to internet stores.........) да. 'supply chain efficiencies' is a catch-all, and includes the fact that we outsource a lot of our production to developing countries. you're wrong to think that living standards are kept low though, they go up in response to investment from multinational corporations, quite significantly. they are an engine for local economic growth, not just directly from the factories or whatever, but from all the required support industries and services, and also from indigenous competition, which often ends up replacing the initial multinational's directly run factory. eventually their economy develops beyond what their labour force are willing to work for, and they'll move to somewhere cheaper, and the pattern will play out again (at least until robots replace everyone).
  11. No, shit is cheap because of supply chain efficiencies, automation, and other technological advances. Significant growth in the manual labour force in the US would lead to increased prices, decreased demand, and lower wages. Much of the global south has benefited massively from free trade globalisation in recent years too, so what we need is to continue that good work and for more countries to take part.
  12. common sense solution: completely outlaw automation, even the forms we have right now. Boom, hundreds of millions of jobs and hundreds of millions back in the economy. boom, everything costs 10 times as much, standard of living plummets. wahey!
  13. punisher's pretty great though, best one of the marvel netflix shows so far (not saying much though I guess), not surprisingly because this is the least superhero'y one yet.
  14. caze

    House Music

    that Afuken track is a cracker cwm (as is the whole album, and far better than the Avon Sparkle one imho, which is just good not great), it's all a matter of taste though. I've enjoyed pretty much every track you've posted in this thread, just not sure why you feel the need to shit on lots of other genuinely good and often quite similar music to the stuff you yourself are posting, for some very nebulous non-music related reasons as far as I can tell. at the end of the day all I care about is what the track sounds like, do I enjoy listening to it, it's a pretty simple metric that doesn't require a lot of thought. works for me. you can react similarly without being a dick about it. here's another one I was listening to last night, straddles the line with techno, but it's got 'house' in the title so I guess it still counts: not a fan of where most of these guys went in the late 90s, but loved that early techno/house sound.
  15. You shush - Mr. Robot is the best thing on TV. It's got this weird tenseness that comes through the screen so well. The past 2 episodes of season 3 have been pretty tense as you'd say. But the show is climbing up it's own ass at this point. The whole Elliot fighting Mr. Robot sequence was an lol. Although it wasn't meant to be. Seriously, do people with split personalities really do this shit?!? I'm pretty sure it was meant to be funny, either way I loled a lot. I like the way the plot is taking a spooky/scifi turn too, if all this ended up being was a boring occupy anarchists wet dream it would be pretty dull. The last two episodes have been particularly great, really well directed.
  16. you mean because there are so many more cretins in the world than you previously thought?
  17. caze

    House Music

  18. You're unsure whether to tell your family about your recent diagnosis of early-onset alzheimer's?
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