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Everything posted by caze

  1. caze


    what do you mean by 'non-linear consciousness'? the physical processes behind human consciousness are already non-linear. one good thing about nightmarish machine intelligence is that it might just want to chill out in it's own system and suck the energy out of it's own star, rather than try and take over the galaxy. we might not be so lucky if we create it here though.
  2. what about My Darling Clementine? or Shane? or The Searchers? or Once Upon a Time in the West? or The Wild Bunch? (I could go on)
  3. Why are you getting your news from geopolitical fan fiction?
  4. agreed, especially about the martians, though at least something interesting happened with them in the last episode, though I'm not sure what exactly. the acting and dialog is as bad as it was in S1, but the plot is much faster paced now, and the political and science shit was all very good in S1 and a lot better now. it's nice to see someone put some effort into getting the science right, and even when they do have something that makes no sense they have the decency to have a character say 'hey, this makes no fucking sense!'.
  5. just had a pork chop with some sauteed potatoes, drinking some wine now, and am soon to eat some freshly cooked choc chip cookies
  6. came here to post this. this is equal parts amazing/terrifying.
  7. men don't need melodrama to have those things to be appreciated. I'm a big fan of Pedro Almodovar for example, his films are just funny, with great acting, and interesting characters (many of whom you wouldn't like if you met in real life, but they're fun to watch, unlike the characters of Girls, who just make you want to kick the TV screen while you're watching - not only are they unlikable, but they're dull and rarely funny). ...I also loved Rectified, which was ridiculously melodramatic.
  8. This chart is a little misleading though, because total population of the US is not the same as the population eligible to vote. Still, voter apathy is one of the big issues the US democratic system faces. That chart isn't just misleading, it's wrong. 62,985,106 people voted for Trump, 65,853,625 voted for Clinton.
  9. https://soundcloud.com/time94/sets/i-m-e-9-4-liquid-ride-ep
  10. caze


    yikes, and I thought the lift in my last apartment was dangerous.
  11. There's been lots of film-within-a-film movies done before, not sure if I've come across novel-brought-to-life-in-the-imagination-of-the-protagonist-within-a-film before though. It's nice to see some originality in a mainstream hollywood movie these days, there's not too many people still pulling that off. Beautifully shot, and Amy Adams and Jake Gyllenhaal were both really excellent. Lots of absurdity and dark humour, plus real emotional resonance, and it's nice to have some unambiguous metaphors going on as well, some dreamlike Lynchian nonsense is great too, but there's plenty of room for something carefully constructed like this as well.
  12. Dishoom? on Carnaby st? Not been to that one, but the one in Shoreditch was really good.
  13. http://boingboing.net/2017/02/24/immigration-authorities-detain.html
  14. Can't wait. Loved the first two, and Mary Elizabeth Winstead is supposedly in this new one. Double hype! swoon
  15. i'm sure it goes higher than the swedish government, was probably george soros.
  16. So Fox news now knows how to manipulate him .. talk about mainstream media control jeez Being called a racist is obviously the bigger issue for Swedish people (and other people around the western continent) than letting in these violent refugee thugs. They'll proudly take the beatings over it and ruin their country for diversity's sake. Also, 'Feinberg', oy vey? Let them in. Goyims! What's the issue? the two cops interviewed in that documentary the fox item was about have come out and called the documentary maker a 'madman', and said their interviews were edited to in a way to distort what they said (specifically, asking one question, then using the answer of that question to answer a different question and not including the original question at all; so not just highlighting out of context, but deliberate distortion), he also misled them about the purpose of the documentary apparently. so surprise surprise, this massive increase in refugee crime doesn't appear to be a thing that's actually happening.
  17. caze

    Now Reading

    Funnily enough when Herbert came on the scene (or maybe it was slightly after), everyone considered him 'new wave', breaking from the pulpy non-literature SF that came before it. I guess writers like Dick, Aldis and obviously Ballard hold up a bit better nowadays in that regard.
  18. I only got this the other day, no idea why I slept on it so long, it's great.
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