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Everything posted by caze

  1. Obama still has time to leave a shit in a couple of the oval office drawers, a few dead fish hidden around the place would work too.
  2. lol, from Trump's press conference later today: Journalists to get to bring home some steaks and Trump-wine, will there be similar goodie bags for the White House press briefings?
  3. 100% (Because 'mark up' means 'what percentage of the original you are adding on top of it') Brings me to my FWP as what you've said is exactly what markup is (or at least what I understand it to be). My textbook (yep) says 50%. It's defining markup % as (P-MC)/P So (50-25)/50 = 0.5 *100 = 50% "(P-MC)/P, is the markup over marginal cost as a percentage of price" Thought I was misunderstanding until I did a couple practice problems... Scratches head* Why is your textbook using marginal cost? That's just weird. Which textbook is it? In the wild both are used, but basing it off the cost price is definitely the default (i.e. 100%), when I'm coding a markup function I'll usually put both in and have a switch to change from one method to the other, most clients use the default. Maybe it comes down to which textbook they had in college? The inequality there is they have a lot more money than the rest of Spain, not the other way around. They're not happy to be subsidising the rest of the country.
  4. caze


    yeah, the afx track was in the yoker vid I posted just there, where he's running back home at the end.
  5. An episode of the 1950s western TV series 'Trackdown' featured a snake oil salesman named 'Trump' who promised to build a wall in order to prevent the end of the world. http://www.snopes.com/trackdown-trump-character-wall/
  6. ...well that was embarrassing He also had that exchange recently with Eric Andre which was also quite something... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcpiihCQITg Brett, what are you doin', STAHP. correct me if i'm wrong but those seem to be 2 different Bretts you're not wrong, that first thing was unwatchably awful. the 2nd thing it's hard to know what's going on without the context, gellman's shtick involves doing non-comedy mixed with anger followed by some weird meta humour (like the many times he got 'banned' from Comedy Bang Bang), so he's probably in on the joke.
  7. Gelman is pretty great, loved him in Eagle Heart, also some of his Comedy Bang Bang appearances were excellent.
  8. caze

    Now Reading

    I enjoyed reading Underworld, but didn't quite know what to make of it when it was finished. Libra was really good though, only other thing of his I've read.
  9. each beer in that was picked individually afaict. I think last year I got one that was randomly selected by them though, a few brewdog ones, plus a bunch of other european and american ones too. check out their website I guess. think they have a brewery in the US now, so shouldn't be a problem getting stuff in Canada.
  10. got a brew dog selection box for christmas: ...can't drink any of it until February though, as I'm attempting a dry January
  11. the girl on the train, entertaining enough yarn, but goddamn those were some of the dumbest motherfucking cops ever seen in the history of cinema.
  12. I watched Un Prophete last night, and before that Catch Me Daddy. Amazed I manage to hold off on watching the former for so long, really great film (only other film of the director's I've seen was The Beat That My Heart Skipped, which is also very good, he's got a new one out too Dheepan, which I should check out). The other one was pretty good too, bleak realism with what I'm guessing was mostly non-professional actors, mostly doing a pretty good job - the guy making the milkshakes the main hilarious exception; story was basically a gangster/honour killing combo with a bunch of yorkshire and pakistani folk chasing around the moors - very very bleak, with a couple of genuinely disturbing scenes. Catch me Daddy also had an amazing DVD cover/booklet/DVD pause screen, very memeish.
  13. this whole discussion is pretty FWP tbqh, so carry on I suppose
  14. I keep trying but it's just not resonating with him. Doesn't matter how many people he hears it from. must be something wrong with his his hippocampus
  15. The second season of The Man in the High Castle was a lot better, slow moving, but acting was much improved, loads of great performances. Frink annoyed me most in the first season, but he was a lot better in this one. Smith's wife was great as the model Nazi house-frau. Joe was the only slightly annoying character this time, doesn't really do a whole lot, just along for the ride. Was interesting to see a potential version of the 60s Nazi counter culture, lots of sex and drugs, but no so much political rebellion.
  16. Prometheus was great, this trailer makes it look like they're abandoning that whole story line, which would be a shame, hopefully they at least keep some of the engineer stuff in there, but still looking forward to it.
  17. two plates of christmas dinner wiped me out, just about recovered from food coma now, not sure if I have room for christmas pudding and custard though. definitely have room for more wine though...
  18. dementia is awful yeah, my 86 year old grandmother spending christmas with us this year, spent an hour talking with her this morning about her toast, after each slice she had she insisted she only had one, after the 4th slice she was convinced there was a family conspiracy to deny her access to toast, she has literally zero short term memory at this point. agree with everything they say and figure out various distraction strategies, only way to go, everything else leads to stress and aggravation. her childhood memories are actually stronger than ever though, get her talking about the old days and it's like there's nothing wrong with her.
  19. a nice red from alentejano, portugal, ferrero rocher
  20. well it's not obviously, but people are dumb, what ya gonna do?
  21. Trump was hardly hiding his love for Israel during the campaign,was always far more likely to let them away with murder IMHO.
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