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Everything posted by caze

  1. people over in the pizzagate thread who were taking this seriously, know that you take some of the blame for bulshit like this. stop being morons please. remids me of this: https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2000/aug/30/childprotection.society
  2. underappreciated jazz/blues pianist and singer Mose Allison died the other week.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgH7tG1hVfU
  4. yep, remember the crinkly plastic wrap well. my mate used to always have them when I went to his gaff as a kid, eugh.
  5. the pizzas looked terrible? those shitty frozen cheese only ones from the 90s and before. abomination.
  6. I wanna know what's up with all the satanic stars, is limpy part of pizzagate?
  7. I remember loving that show as a kid, but the only one I can remember was the one where they were living in some house inside a massive empty void. There was another version of it in the 00s as well, that was less good. Some of the originals were great too (like the two with Shatner in them).
  8. they board a train (presumably underground), which then probably comes out of a tunnel somewhere up above.
  9. yeah, I mentioned this back when this theory was brought up the first time. I guess it's possible that a long enough period of time has passed that no-one who works there now would have been around back then, but you'd think the upper management and board people would be aware of the history of the place and know what he looked like. maybe Ford managed to scrub out Arnold's digital existence or something. it all seems a little bit contrived, but it's also pretty cool I guess. it does also look like the Billy/Ed Harris/multiple timeline theory was true as well, which is also kind of disappointing to me. all those early analysis scenes with Dolores were presumably between her and Arnold before she killed him. it seems that many times after that she almost uncovered those memories, the closest she came was when Bill brought her there, but then she got stabbed and presumably that was the end of that (guess we'll find out for sure in the next one - the final scene with her triggering some more recollections of that time I'm guessing, hopefully she'll be all caught up after that and we won't need any more of that nonsense next season - it is a nice touch though that their memories are so accurate that it's impossible for them to tell the difference between them and the present). present day Dolores seems to have had her most recent triggering of the memories by seeing the picture of Bill's fiance her da found in the dirt, so has she just wandered all the way to the church by herself while having a bunch of hallucinatory memories? Presumably after she killed the bandits at her gaff and fled she just went straight there, the younger Dolores seems also to have done that prior to running into Bill, I'm not sure (did she kill the bandits more than once, or was that just in the past?).
  10. AFAIK it's almost entirely re-coded from the ground up (at a minimum they threw out all the code that was still in IE for backwards compatibility, might have reused the rendering code for the standards compliant stuff). It's not bad, renders pages very fast, has ad blockers and other extensions finally (including LastPass), has excellent javascript performance, a bit crashy though. I saw that popup once, when I went to change the default browser to Chrome, 'wait are you sure you want to change? I'm awesome', it told me. still not good enough for me to consider changing from Chrome, but not far off. I only use Firefox for it's javascript debugging, has always been a massive memory hog.
  11. A much nicer place to live one would have thought.
  12. the drop in donations happened in 2015, so nothing to do with the result of the election. probably more to do with the fact that they weren't soliciting donations as much in the build up to the campaign, and obviously were too busy during it as well.
  13. Malcolm Tucker is amazing. A fan once sent Armando Iannucci an embroidered towel that read: If some cunt can fuck something up, that cunt will pick the worst possible time to fucking fuck up, because that cunt's a cunt.
  14. listened to a bunch of Fila Brazillia albums (the first four or five I think) the other day, had been a while, still great.
  15. Presumably he'll just ban the journalists who displease him.
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