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Everything posted by caze

  1. there's the hope that the failsafe plan of impeachment would work.
  2. god those things sounded terrible. great fun though when i was 16, good introduction to music production.
  3. doing away with a central government is a terrible idea, it's equally retarded whether it's framed in a right or left libertarian model (left libertarianism is oxymoronic, you can't establish public ownership through agreement, it requires the force of a state, and both forms would descend into mad-max style tribal conflict pretty quickly). the best idea is to a have a strong centralised state, but with limited responsibilities, and with more power devolved to local political structures (councils, cantons, assemblies, what have you). this should be a gradual process too, slowly seeding more and more power away as is technically possible and empirically provable to be effective, revolutionary politics is inherently evil for the most part (with the exception of the popular overthrowing of totalitarian regimes).
  4. several towns in Germany have experimented with doing away with stop lights, signs and various detriments to driving, it seems to reduce road traffic accidents, makes drivers more focused on what's in front of them.
  5. it looks exactly like him, same face, same neck fat, same hair, same shirt, same sneakers.
  6. Kasich going to win one of these things for a change as well (Ohio), important the other guys keep picking up the odd state to keep Trump's delegate count down.
  7. early results from Florida make it look like Sanders will get his ass handed to him, a difficult job getting more difficult for him. in the exit polls Clinton is ahead in Ohio, tied in Illinois.
  8. Me too, I feel your pain. I should probably get the operation, but fuck it.
  9. though it's entirely possible that he just got a cold and this had nothing to do with the cocaine.
  10. I assume you realise that's not a real news site? Pretty funny though, if I had to go out on my own terms a giant anthropomorphic robot bear would be one way to do it I suppose.
  11. yep Actually do not agree with this... To me this is perfectly Aphex... the drums remind me of AB tracks, the melodies on this are so fucking great remind me of rdj album and AB ep's (like for instance AB5's A1 track), melodies that bring vast horizons visions to my mind every single time... Maybe the only thing is the minimalistic approach to the song that could be doubted (and even this wouldn't be that surprising since at the time he was making music with Glass) about but other than that... It's pure Aphex genius. the use of samples in it isn't very afx to my ears. neither are the melodies, they don't sound anything like anything off rdj to me. lovely tune though.
  12. if the popular vote ends up close the superdelegates who have pledged for Clinton will remain with her, baring some scandal. Bernie has a good chance of winning California, but due to the size of the delegate count, if it's close, it won't be much of a win for him. Clinton is still polling with a significant lead in Illinois and Ohio, if the Michigan polling errors were a one off (possible due to the fact the polling stopped before the last debate) then he would need to win both of them to stand any chance. it's also silly to predict that only Bernie can gain in support from now on, Clinton has been around the block a long time, would be incredibly naive to rule her out at this point. another interesting fact, despite the polling upset last night, Sanders is currently behind where fivethirtyeight predicted he'd be at at this stage on pledged delegates (Clinton has won bigger margins than predicted overall so far).
  13. Clinton has a 650 delegate lead when you include the superdelegates (a 205 lead without), it's not enough for Bernie to win all the northern states, he has to do so by significant margins, 60% of the remaining delegates to be precise. Hillary's popularity amongst black and hispanic voters is likely to see her win Florida, though maybe not now by margins that you would have predicted a week ago, and even if she lost, it would not be by a significant amount - and Florida has a big delegate count (so that 60% is likely to increase before it decreases), only NY and California have more, and the latter's large Hispanic population will likely be a big plus for Hillary as well (and I think she might do better with whites there than on the east coast anyway). One hope for him might be that the California primary is one of the last ones, so if he's still in with a chance at that point and has been building up momentum he could win California by a decent margin and squeak over the line. I think the best chance for him though is if there's some big scandal for Hillary which causes the superdelegates to change their position (like the FBI thing blowing up maybe). http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/democratic_delegate_count.html
  14. nah, they're just splitting the delegates in michigan. hillary is 80% in the other race, bernie would need to start winning the other states by similar margins to make up the difference. also, apparently the michigan results so far don't include detroit, so it could be that once the black vote is in hillary will pull out ahead again by a decent margin (though it's unlikely that it'll be by the predicted margin, bernie does seem to be doing better among black voters there than in previous states).
  15. reading into it a bit more, it seems that the product (and similar pre-prepared veg and the likes) are not likely to have been designed and marketed with that in mind (it's more about convenience), but they are actually a boon to people with disabilities.
  16. apparently the orange thing is to make it easier for older people and people with disabilities who have trouble peeling oranges.
  17. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/compost/wp/2016/03/02/chris-christies-wordless-screaming/
  18. caze


    jaysus, that tom jones song is woeful.
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