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Everything posted by caze

  1. So it was identical to every other speech he's given since he announced he was running for president?
  2. I can't remember the exact recipe, and we had to substitute a few ingredients. Normally they coat the wings in potato starch prior to frying, but we used cornstarch. Then you cook up a sauce which you pour over at the end, garlic, ginger, soy, honey (were supposed to use a korean sweet chilli sauce, but we didn't have any), sesame oil.
  3. I saw him in London a few years ago, great gig, his 'positive-vibe' ramblings between each track were pretty funny.
  4. what would be the point of that? when you clearly didn't read and/or understand the very article you just posted.
  5. Hummus is hard to get right alright, especially the texture (either too runny or too grainy). Thankfully there's a Greek shop close to me that does a nice one.
  6. that was a great show, loved the bit where PBW played all the prince knock-offs, and Dam Funk complaining about all the memers and getting all riled up, also this at the end: https://youtu.be/LJGt73KHxEk
  7. I just had some roast chicken, onion+parsley salad, regular salad, pickled chillies, hummus, pita, and the last of the first of two 10L boxes of red wine my da gave me after his recent trip to burgundy.
  8. https://youtu.be/2S5tDk99DCc Very odd Prince & Morris Day bootleg.
  9. yeh, new Silicon Valley was excellent. best satire going, best in a long time.
  10. http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2016/03/04/3756135/trump-steaks-a-definitive-history/
  11. http://nymag.com/following/2016/04/princes-legendary-floppy-disk-symbol-font.html
  12. I listened to it a bunch when it came out, liked it, haven't listened since. It's alright.
  13. get it from where? damn you and your edits
  14. Get Dirty Mind (his best album IMHO, along with Purple Rain) and Controversy if you want that stripped down synthy-funk sound, his first two albums were more conventional r&b/funk (the self titled one is decent, haven't listened to his debut). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smW75KaDIuA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WchcuulrV8Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaOhPWSdiNI 1999 is a classic track as well, as is Lady Cab Driver from the same album: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yui_QSLW0QA
  15. caze

    Now Reading

    Lol. Twenty pages. It does take a while to get going.
  16. just post a gif of some projectile vomiting.
  17. you could try my go to phrase around babies: "he/she looks like a baby!"
  18. never heard it before either, it's fantastic.
  19. cheers C, funny, insightful & having an ex who had a serious Nordstrom addiction brought some not too serious flashbacks Purple Music is a rare Prince track reworked and edited via various folks over time, proper groover https://www.sendspace.com/file/1m0g4w I really want to know more about that track you shared, it's amazing! What's the source, who are playing on here, when / where was this released? Sounds like it could be a Peven Everett track or something.
  20. I could get behind this. have they stopped making terrible psychedelic music?
  21. hardly, he won 6 out of the 7 primaries prior to NY (picking up 79 delegates over Clinton), but he's just lost 33 of those back to her in NY, and will likely lose the rest next week. It's true that California is a long way away, and the polls could easily change before then. That doesn't mean it's likely to happen though, will take something completely unpredictable and scandalous one would have thought. In order for him to have had any real chance of winning the thing he really needed to win NY.
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