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Everything posted by caze

  1. Dad Lieutenant Dad Lieutenant : Port of Call New Orleans
  2. I'm skeptical about a lot of that stuff, seeing as it was all dug up as a result of Republicans trying to shaft the Democrats, and even after all that they couldn't find anything to actually impeach Bill on other than a blowjob. Not saying there's not some dodgy stuff in there, they are politicians after all, but I'd take the accusations with a grain of salt as well.
  3. watched the first two 11.22.63s last night, pretty good.
  4. http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/how-america-made-donald-trump-unstoppable-20160224
  5. yeah, Cruz is a far more frightening prospect in reality. not that Trump isn't a piece of shit, but Cruz has a principled belief in what he says (to some degree at least, for a politician). Trump will do/say anything to get there, so who knows what kind of shit he'd actually pull if he got there.
  6. Well Mike mentioned Tuco in this one, so presumably he'll make an appearance this season. I reckon Gus won't show up until next season or something.
  7. it seems like he can't force it through, they're under no obligation to accept a nomination.
  8. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/02/ben-carson-thinks-maybe-his-campaign-was-a-scam/470715/?utm_source=SFTwitter
  9. lol I think once Sturgeon makes it clear there's another independence referendum back on the table (which I think they'd comfortably win this time), all it would take is Cameron giving it the go ahead to scare any vacillating eurosceptics back into the fold.
  10. the superdelegates can change their mind in theory, but barring some kind of scandal or something I can't see that happening.
  11. a paranoid conspiracy nut is complaining about my avatar creation skills on twitter
  12. Yusef Lateef is definitely under appreciated, that album Eastern Sounds is a good place to start if ppl aren't familiar with him, all of his 60s albums are great. Love Theme from Spartacus is one of my all time favourites, love this Bill Evans' version as well:
  13. yeah this was pretty good. watched most of it whilst hungover yesterday. cool cameo of Mark Everett (Eels) in an episode. oh yeah, I recognised that dude but couldn't put a name to the face. the andy dick cameo was less good. just after posting the above I watched the following episode, where Mickey literally apologises for being a 'narcissistic asshole' lol. maybe it's more of an LA thing as well, the show is probably trying to make a deliberate comment about something there. the craft services guy was the best character, the aussie roommate was good too (the whole date episode with her was great).
  14. Love is pretty good, the last one I watched (#7) was the best one so far. Best thing Apatow has done in years. Main downside to it is the fact that the two main characters are so unlikable, solely from watching US TV and movies one would get the impression that America is entirely populated with narcissistic assholes, I think the blame probably lies with the writers and actors though, I'm sure the rest of you are probably fine.
  15. i like the way he doesn't believe in hate, but still wants to kill motherfuckers with a rocket launcher.
  16. btw, the Eddie Henderson album is actually Inside Out (the version I have is a double with Realization as the first half, which is more of the Miles fusion sound), the more spiritual sounding stuff is on Inside Out.
  17. caze

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    RIP Umberto Eco Anyone read his latest one?
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