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Everything posted by caze

  1. Clinton has a nearly 10 point lead in the polls in California, it doesn't matter what happens in the rest of the states, he needs to win California by more than 10 points, and he won't.
  2. pretty much, though Trump isn't guaranteed to get the nomination wrapped up before the convention yet, so it could still be some other republican, hopefully with Trump running as an independent.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LhcParuzpc
  4. shit. seeing as he's managed to get all of his music removed from youtube we'll have to do with this edit of uptown by Akufen by way of tribute:
  5. well that's an easy question to answer, are they were you wanted to paste them? if you cut and paste things on the same drive btw it doesn't take any time to move them, just changes the pointers to them so they belong to the new parent folder, they stay in the same physical location on the disk.
  6. yep, 100% agree. only problem with this season was there wasn't enough episodes.
  7. this was streaming in chatmm's dubtrack a while back, I found it pretty much unwatchably awful I have to say, and I have a high tollerance for shitty movies. there were a few funny/awful bits, but not enough to make it worth watching properly.
  8. are you using windows? because that's impossible on windows, 'cut' just puts them in the clipboard with an intention to move them later. Yes, I'm using Windows. Where is this mysterious clipboard? (I've been searching to no avail.) *I've downloaded a program called clipbook viewer. The folders I cut are not viewable there. Today is turning into bullshit. it doesn't put the folders in the clipboard, just the paths to the folders, the folders stay exactly where they were until you paste them somewhere else. you must've hit delete or something else dumb
  9. are you using windows? because that's impossible on windows, 'cut' just puts them in the clipboard with an intention to move them later.
  10. what use is it then?? I've only tried to use the ignore function once, and that was when I learnt you can't ignore mods. Chen's not that bad.
  11. remember it's probably a lot louder for you than anyone else, others mightn't even notice it at all.
  12. binged on season two of Bosch over the last few days, created by Eric Overmyer (of The Wire fame), somewhat clichéd hard-nosed detective solving murders and dealing with corruption in LA, well made and quite enjoyable though, seven of nine makes an appearance as a femme fatale.
  13. just had some of these korean chicken wings, lush
  14. like this, i'll post it for you. why not just unlock the thread? we can have page upon page about renaming limpyloo but a thread essentially about the doomsday clock gets locked? also, mods can just go in and post in locked threads if they feel like it, for no reason other than they like what that poster had to say? where does it end? oh the humanity!
  15. that's a wonderful album alright, the previous one is great too, but they quickly went downhill after that alright.
  16. yeah, it's a top film. I've still not gotten around to seeing the remake, Sorcerer by William Friedkin - starring Roy Scheider, which is supposed to be really good as well.
  17. is there much stuff being put out there in this format? all I'm seeing is x264 still.
  18. 'many of them have tattoo's on their foreheads, i hate to generalise about it, but it's true' lol wtf
  19. I'm not sure if I'd describe just having shot my ex-wife in the brain as 'chilling out', but whatever. I liked the chaotic opening. the capsized boat actually appeared out of fog, you could see it all around them when they jumped into the water. sea fog can happen at any time of day.
  20. I'm pretty sure you're hope will be in vain.
  21. http://dailycaller.com/2016/04/07/clinton-campaign-uses-noise-machine-to-block-reporters-from-hearing-fundraiser-speech/#ixzz45CpOhToQ
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