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Everything posted by caze

  1. lol @ people complaining about cliffhanger endings, have you heard of tv before?
  2. I thought Calvary was fucking atrocious, Gleason is great in it of course, he's usually great in everything, everything else about the film was shite though. I liked The Guard. Just watched the new Star Wars again, still think the same as last time, pretty good, but the next one needs to up it's game plot-wise.
  3. https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/715877811370778625/pu/vid/1280x720/P8vZXgNt2BfvPFfP.mp4
  4. Sounds hilarious. Was it any good? you might want to wait til he watches it before you ask him.
  5. "The petition got 350 signatures". George Washington's student population (undergrad and graduate) is approx 25,000. So just over 1%. In other words,pretty fringe. yet they still managed to ruin an event for everyone else.
  6. it does, or at least it can, depending on the degree to which it causes a blockage (most people have it to some degree, it's only in extreme cases that you should get something done about it). it's not causing an allergic reaction, just making you more susceptible to one. if you can resolve the allergic reaction some other way, then great, surgery should be a last resort type deal.
  7. It's an immune response to pollen in your nasal passages tho, there's an obvious relationship.
  8. you want it a little pink, but not as bloody as a proper steak should be.
  9. another simple and classic lamb recipe is to get a leg, use a small sharp knife to make about 15 1" incisions around it, chop some garlic into little slivers and jam them in the cuts with some rosemary. season and drizzle with olive oil, place in a roasting dish with some sliced onions, bay leaf, thyme, and more garlic for the gravy. whack it in a medium-hot oven for an hour (or less maybe, use a meat thermometer for best results - leg takes less cooking time than shoulder). add some water to the roasting dish for the last 20 mins, and make up a gravy at the end with a glass of red wine and a couple tbsp of roux in the strained roasting juices. serve with mint sauce and roast spuds and roast carrots & parsnips (or any other root veg).
  10. I never take antibiotics for minor head colds, even though I get them all the time (I have a mild one right now, they don't really bother me that much to be honest). I've probably only taken them about 2-3 times my entire adult life (once for an ear infection, incredibly painful) and the other times with a bad flu with a fever. You said you also had the surgery though, so not sure why you think all the other things you did were the cure and not the surgery? By surgery I presume you mean they unblocked your nasal airways? That's the most likely thing to have fixed your allergy problems, also good for preventing head colds apparently (makes it less likely for pollen and other things to settle in the nasal cavity). I also suffer from hayfever, it used to trigger asthma when I was younger (asthma is almost entirely gone now, might need a puff on an inhaler once a year, maybe every other year). Allergies in general tend to dissipate on their own anyway as you age (as your immune system slowly gets it's act together), the hay fever is less of a problem now than it was five years ago as well.
  11. just had a toasted ham & cheese with wholegrain mustard in there too. and lots of tea.
  12. Bridge of Spies - pretty good, overly sentimental at times as is to be expected with Spielberg, great script from the Coens though, and Hanks nails it. Room - great start, but kind of peters out into more sentimentality (though I can't see how else it could've gone I guess). Good to see some original ideas though, the kid was great in it too.
  13. i've roasted a chicken. that's it, just a chicken. now i'm going to eat it and drink a bottle of wine.
  14. part three is too ridiculous, has to be fake surely?
  15. not that chomsky's ideas are any better, libertarian socialism is just as silly a concept.
  16. No it wouldn't, what you are describing is called a protection racket. Maybe if you're lucky some turf war would lead to you being genuinely protected from some bad guys, but then some other gangs would join up to crush the other one, eventually everything would evolve back into a regular centralised state again.
  17. also, if you're upset about the theft of a government tax, you're going to be really pissed off when some roving band of thugs shows up and steals all your shit and leaves you dying in a puddle somewhere because there's no cops.
  18. your examples aren't proof of anything. if you look at bad outcomes from medical interventions you'll see that it used to be far far worse, seeing the doctor at all would be a very bad thing once upon a time. only in the last hundred or so years have we started to actually figure health out in any kind of rational manner, and not surprisingly problems with unnecessary interventions have massively decreased. that's not to say it's perfect now, or we can regulate and design our way to perfect health, that's probably impossible in principle, but we can improve. we can also let things get worse if you go back to the bad old ways of doing things.
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