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  1. Raver is so good, took me places
  2. Inadvertent dance music
  3. There was a long queue going into Trianon and weirdly enough there’s so many guys wearing Sunn tees in the queue and I was like eh I’m at the wrong gig, or are these guys at the wrong one so weird It was cool to see everyone repping their r&s, tresor, and other legit IDMz tees last night
  4. I’m glad the weekly two hour gym bike I’ve been doing all year is proving its worth kept dancing all the way from first min to… uhm, 90???? Made some new friends as well because apparently i ‘got so into in and kept dancing all the way so can we be friends?’ ae I love you so much
  5. See you thereeeeeeeeeee Incredibly warm day in Paris today, it’s a SIGN
  6. i saw a couple being sold on reddit - r/autechre. not sure if they're legit or still available but might worth to check out see you guys tomorrow!
  7. Dont sell your ticket yet! I’m still deciding and will let you know next week
  8. I’ve got both tickets for Paris and Rennes and most likely I won’t be able to make it for the Rennes show as well That said… still looking for 2 Paris tickets for my friends who are suddenly available on the 6th
  9. he's back! this track is compensating well for my immeasurable disappointment from that two shell track yesterday
  10. new stuff is indeed coming soon apparently new track next wednesday
  11. I think it he used gated reverb, not sure he chopped the breaks for this one (except the actual breaks lol)
  12. im sorry but what r u talking about the breaks
  13. Just chiming in to tell how awesome that cat/baby scream part at 4:20 on enbounce is
  14. I just had a look at my random primavera videos and turned out he actually played duneray! https://streamable.com/twtmtw
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