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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. they also did a similar thing w/a neanderthal's vocal chords. i forget who the expert is but this is what they came up with.. and i can imagine hundred of neanderthals running around screeching at each other and it's no wonder homo sapiens won out. https://youtu.be/ClgdyYqTk_o?si=STwEWLNZabmX-_aj won't embed for some youtube reason.. below is an edit obviously but you only get part of the clip from above
  2. by "we" i meant the world. humans as a species. not just the USA. we're breaking records. as for evolving a sense of duty to community and greater good etc.. that was trained out of us by capitalism and individuality messaging/propaganda. other countries are different of course. i mean.. here's america.. these are the people we have to club in the head with messaging or legislate this dumb shit out of existence.
  3. there's going to be a lot of that kind of thing and people who just lean real hard on it and generate tracks alllllll daaayyy long.
  4. saw it on instagram. they're legit targeting and killing civilians w/drones.
  5. i don't see us voting our way out of this. to survive it's going to require a systems change. not saying to not vote.. but don't hang all the hopes on it. we're breaking emissions records EVERY YEAR for the last like 5 years or something. effectively doing absolutely nothing to fight the problem. the heat that's built into the system already hasn't shown itself yet. if we stopped emitting right now and everyone one in the world sat on their couches and did nothing we'd still hit 2 degrees warming which now looks like it will be genuinely catastrophic for humanity. the communication of the problem has been a huge failure. it should be every day everywhere. a lot of americans don't know what's going on at all. they think climate change is the ozone hole and by not buying paper towels they're doing enough. worth reminding that this isn't just a warming problem but overshooting earth's boundaries. even w/o global warming and the climate predicament we'd be up against the wall due to resource limitations and wrecking the ecology of the entire planet. we're basically going full Harkonnen and making a shit planet.
  6. dude had so many great parts. showed up in so many places.. total legend. of course he was golden as the narrator/story teller of this x-files episode which is one of my favs of the series. sorry for potato quality.
  7. this platform kinda sucks. but maybe we're all just used to youtube.
  8. there's a few places this could go.. the social media effect on our lives thread or the how does the world view america thread.. but here is where it lands it is a good bit of info about this movie and the people involved.. and pulls in all kinds of people and ideas and snowballs into a big finale about social media, america, right wing conservative religious fascists
  9. do insects piss? and if so how much?
  10. jfc these people. psychopaths.
  11. envious! hoping we get some recordings from these released by autechre
  12. climate change is the final boss of everything anyways... edit to add this fckn 'song'
  13. popcorn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
  14. talked to one of my nephews a minute ago. he's in south florida.. said it's already 94 degrees in the afternoons there. march is usually kinda decent there. it's summer heat already. in that video i posted one of the things they talk about is how we're breaking emissions records every year. edit: starting to think a lot of things are over already and we just don’t know it yet because of the lag in the system of the world. the heat build up in the system… we’re already up against a wall.
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