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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. i'll shit on his face then you can pee it off so it'll be a net gain.
  2. fcuk those copyrights. hopefully they argue that internet archive is acting as a library.. which also lends out books.
  3. but still better than that american remake staring john cusack
  4. looking for a cool rock.. hit the spot.
  5. i haven't watched season 2 in a while. should dive into the series again.
  6. Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, author of ‘Moore’s Law’ that helped drive computer revolution, dies at 94 https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/24/tech/gordon-moore-obituary/index.html
  7. yep. it's petrochemicals. i read somewhere that the most waste in the oceans is put there by commercial fisheries. massively long fishing nets and lines all tangled up in everything else. tons and tons of fishing lines and nets. i'm sure all the microplastics are doing wonders for fish gills and stuff. ?
  8. some mushrooms and other plants. maybe some kind of Fern too.. can't recall.. i think there was some kind of caterpillar too.. but i'm foggy on that. you'd have to google up an answer. there was conspiracy talk back in the late 90s about the flesh eating bacteria that some surfers got in san diego.. one guy died. i guess it got in his wetsuit and stayed there all day. he had an itchy feeling on his arm and when he took his wetsuit off at the end of the day it was a big sore then it became a wound and wouldn't heal. he died i think... the conspiracy chatter that it was some chemical used to clean up oil spills and disperse the oil etc.. and it somehow "mutated" and was dissolving people's skin because it was attracted to the skin oils etc. sounds like an X-files episode. only mentioning it because i'm sure if something gets invented to eat plastic and poop out 'harmless' chemicals or inert chemicals or H2O or whatever that it'll be ripe for conspiracy stuff and fears of all kinds.
  9. plastic is forming on rocks and stuff.. congealing or something.. in some places. plastics are in everything.. getting rid of humans will get rid of some plastics because we're all part plastic now. also pfas and other forever chemicals. wild animals are going away.. pretty small fraction of what they were and getting smaller.. something like 1/10th the biomass compared to the humans on the planet. totally legal and totally cool! i think humanity will take care of itself indirectly with climate change and various cancers. colon cancer is on the rise in young people.. probably from eating plastics. seems like climate change is not going to be distributed properly though.. like lightning. anyway, if we're gonna get rid of human beings can we start white people who have never done psychedelics and the non-weirdos? and people who litter or turn their heat up to 77 when it's only 40 degrees out so they can walk around barefoot in a t-shirt and shorts? maybe we should get rid of cars first though.
  10. it's a pretty special delay. i wouldn't compare it to melda. i have a bunch of melda plug ins.. not dissing them.. just a very different thing compared to Dedalus. i recommend checking the demo to hear what it can do and see if the interface i for you. i like the interface. it's fast and fun and very flexible. the over drive and karplus stuff in it is really great.. combfiltery pitch tracking thing it can do is really really good and sounds different/better than other delays that have similar feature set. i like delays and own a lot of them and this one is a no brainer. so good.
  11. wasn't sure where to post this but a subway near me closed and they made the sign GOTH before they left.
  12. that's the theory but damn.. there was a few days when i was a sliver of myself just trying to cope w/all the symptoms. and one night i took the robitussin DM and only about 30 minutes later did i look on the drugs.com interaction checker to see that it has a MAJOR interaction with one of my medications because of the DM and then i tried to puke it all up but was too late so i had a pretty wild ride that night. oops. cool!
  13. other than covid.. RSV is going around. gnarly infection.. but also the flu is pretty wicked this year at least it is over here. i had 2 colds in 5 weeks or so. one kind of mild and the other one ass kickingly shitty. also - would've
  14. not sure. will find out next week unless they are able to get to it tomorrow. it's not necessarily a simple system. there's like a bowl/tank up top then a radiator tucked behind plastic in the front but all kinds of other shit in there not seen unless all the plastic covers are removed. shit i don't have the will to deal with or understanding to know how to fix if i find the problem. modern cars, even one from 2004, is still more complex than older things that just have a water pump, radiator and some hoses. he told me that a lot of the cooling system is made of some kind of plastic so was probably just ready to break after 19 years.. so.. we'll see. he said it's rare for it to be the radiator w/this car (2004 VW golf/vr6) so hopefully that means it's something simpler and less expensive.. but i'm not trying to get my hopes up. for some reason i think i'll feel lucky if it's under $1k. but worst case i'll get told "your engine is cracked in half.. gotta replace the whole car" or something. the shocks are in need of replacing for 2 years now.. they work and aren't leaking but sometimes a bump has that feel like the strut is gonna pop up through the front fender... and last week i hit a series of small bumps in a row while slowing down and the car just like slammed repeatedly in a weird rhythm. i think that may have done the trick of breaking something and causing the leak. had to top off the coolant twice. it didn't overheat or anything though.. thermostat stayed right where it always is. fart. wasn't lifting. as always it happens when i'm doing some basic routine shit.. brushing my teeth.. pouring water from the kettle etc. this morning i was making breakfast.. took something outta the fridge. wham. dead.
  15. stalin, what a prankster though. he'd make his cabinet and military people drink until they threw up or passed out and do it consecutive nights to the same people. if you hung out w/stalin you could drink or die.. from drinking. also, stalin and ukraine.. it's complicated. listened to some stories about iraq recently since it's 20 years since USA did the thing... it's basically crony capitalism. super corrupt.. as is the way. USA broke it good. lot's of younger people there who weren't alive under sadam aren't so happy w/USA and UK and that whole mess that happened. not that the older people who lived through it are happy either.. anyway.. who wants hot cocoa? edit: also, Russian activity near Norway’s oil and gas pipelines being monitored by NATO obviously super mainstream media angle but..
  16. so go ask nicely. i'm sure they'll see your logic and lay down arms and wear big smiles on their faces as they hug in joy and set out to make paradise. perhaps they'll all get on board w/fighting climate change too and agree to dismantle the global market economy. no need to force anyone to do anything. just explain. anyone who doesn't agree can go to the gulag or GITMO or join the Uyghurs in camps.. or whatever you choose.
  17. car in shop for leaking coolant. hard back spasm this morning before taking it in. almost threw up. cool.
  18. I don’t think you can speak for the people of Ukraine. edit: also, you know they had an uprising there to throw out the dictator who spent a fortune on his palace and made himself a private pond and private zoo w/griaffes and stuff right? i mean.. people died in the streets to make this happen and they chased him from power because he was a stooge of russia and corrupt af. yes, ukraine has oligarch and there's still corruption. change takes time but obviously they're working it out and making it happen. the country has changed and is still changing even while the war is ongoing. russia is immoral, most corrupt on the planet perhaps.. if not in the top 3. it's a joke that you don't see this and some how think it's the better option to let them run over their neighbor which they're doing because that country is trying to change and be its own distinct country and have control over its destiny and all that shit.. .it's crystal fucking clear.
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