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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. is there any company that old that doesn't have a past full of crimes or sad dark history of owning slaves and benefiting from colonialism or something like that? hard to imagine a 500 year old company existing w/o blood on its hands... not saying they're getting what they deserve just an observation/useless thought. greedy pig men is sort of what capitalism is right?
  2. hopefully this makes the other "indicatedments" come more easily since the seal has been broken by the NYC DA w/the hush money case. what a fucking shitshow.. endless shit show. edit: also worth remembering this DA is the guy who took over for the previous DA who had worked hard on the case against trump for inflating the value of his assets and lying to the IRS and state tax agencies. two of the attorneys working on that in the DA office resigned in protest because according to them it was a solid case and perhaps a better one than this one the DA is going forward with. so, not putting on a tinfoil hat but sometimes things smell funny
  3. in america too. there are a lot of myths people believe about america.
  4. lol.. already back tracking. i guess people let them know.. https://www.waves.com/news/perpetual-waves-licenses-are-back Following your feedback, we are bringing back the option to purchase and update perpetual Waves plugin and bundle licenses, side-by-side with the new Waves Creative Access subscriptions. We are working to make perpetual licenses available to you again as quickly as possible. We will post real-time updates here as soon as they are available.
  5. i work with several people from ukraine/russia/moldova.. some who've been in america for several years and some of are more recent.. one woman i've become friends with has been here 6 months. there is a language barrier w/all of them and i do my best to understand but there's various opinions about what's happening.. or judging by the sometimes intense discussions that happen i can only surmise that opinions vary and the history is complicated and there's very different life experiences amongst this group. most of them speak more than one language.. some 4 or 5. The ukrainian woman who's been here 6 months has lived in several places.. spain, israel, romania, netherlands and has a lot to say about all of them. she's not sold on america at all.. I'm trying to figure out her thoughts on ukraine/russia/nato etc and it's difficult because she's learning english and has a ways to go to be fluent and i speak no russian/ukrainian.. .but we had a brief chat about recent history with zelenksy and previous presidents and varying degrees of corruption and relationship status w/russia and europe. she had a bit of a hard time talking about it because it was painful.. but she said for a while life was really good even under the corrupt presidents of the past but i expect that experience wasn't shared by everyone.. but she did say that ukraine was 'becoming ukraine' and it felt really good to be ukrainian and now it feels like everyone is trying to take a part of ukraine. i look forward to further discussions w/her because her thoughts/narrative seem way more nuanced/complex than the narratives we get fed by media over here... but i suspect we'll disagree on plenty of things but i'm trying to stay open minded about it all and listen.
  6. Paul barker (Lead into Gold) has been posting some pics of rehearsals too... on his instagram and also Malekko Heavy Industry IG. Stoked for him to be going out on tour again. He's such a solid performer/composer and awesome human being. should be a great tour/show. edit: actually Was malekko josh's IG and not paul's.. pretty minimal rehearsal pic!
  7. Yo dawg. We heard you like monthly bills so we added a monthly bill to your monthly bills. fuck software subscriptions. Also there’s plenty of options out there for software that does anything and everything. So, fuck waves. I have a handful of their plug ins that I find useful. I guess they’ll stop working some day when an apple OS breaks stuff. Oh well.
  8. i'll shit on his face then you can pee it off so it'll be a net gain.
  9. fcuk those copyrights. hopefully they argue that internet archive is acting as a library.. which also lends out books.
  10. but still better than that american remake staring john cusack
  11. looking for a cool rock.. hit the spot.
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