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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. "oh my god i'm so tired of fire. can we have some lasers or something?"
  2. freezing rain them some snow then freezing rain.. so, ice dams in the gutters. spent a few hours in the cold rain on a ladder clearing ice dams in the gutters. there's a covered patio in the back. the person who built the roof over it didn't properly seal it where it meets the siding.. so when the water isn't going where it's supposed to go (the gutters) because of ice dams in the gutters.. it backs up and pours down the siding.. which wouldn't be a problem except for the length of the header attached to the roof that covers the patio. some amount of water got in there and tripped a breaker so a few lights and plugs aren't working in the back of the house which is where my bedroom is. i broke up all the ice on the patio roof and cleared the ice dams so the water is going where it's supposed to. the breaker won't reset though. have to wait a while for it to dry out. this means the moisture in the wall is probably causing other problems. there's no leaks into the house anywhere but i imagine there's mold that's gonna happen. Also, need to wait for it to be dry enough for the breaker not to trip. so, that means my summer house project $$$$ has emerged and i get to figure out how to seal behind a thing already built.. which means i'll have to take part of it apart, hire someone to do parts of it most likely and i'm annoyed to fuck even thinking about it... also annoyed because i was cold af for a while and on an ice up mostly flat part of the patio roof in the rain and wind shoveling blocks of ice that formed over the gutters and built up under the gutters between the roof and the gutters and my back is tired, i'm tired. i'm annoyed. fwp af though. only one breaker tripped which is good. no other water issues in relation to the gutters. usually if they're blocked the water just spills over onto the ground. i could go on but i've said too much. merry xmas.
  3. happy holidaze. don't believe the people who say to drink your own piss. it just doesn't work. if you're going to drink your own piss it should only be recreationally. for real, i hope it's mild and you skate through w/o any drama. the nightly news actually used this as a lead more or less... "million people could die.. but the economy!"
  4. pretty intense. China estimates COVID surge is infecting 37 million people a day https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/china-estimates-covid-surge-is-infecting-37-million-people-day-bloomberg-news-2022-12-23/ a lot of older people didn't get the vax or only got first shot.. or never got boosted.
  5. noise cancelling headphones make me dizzy. sorta trigger my Meniere's. but wtf. i'm sure some super tech bro cyberpunk mafia will adopt these things.
  6. saw a massive hawk on a bike rid elast week. was just chillin the took off and was gone. huge one. perhaps biggest i've seen
  7. i'm just glad someone else has seen this movie. my brothers and I watched the shit out of it as kids. seemed like many of my friends did too. we'd go around using the caveman language at school sometimes.
  8. slimmed down in the last 2 years. modular became a new roof and some other stuff.. other extraneous bits went little by little. just these 2 bits of hardware synthesis left which is plenty. laptop stuff w/software of course. ipad and bunch of hard drives out of view
  9. so, the guy lived and is apparently fine. but this is so british it made me laugh. the resignation in his voice "Oh god.. oh dear god"
  10. they've done all kinds of squeaky physical modeling things over the years though. "is that a horn?" and it turns out it's the mc202 or something being weirdly sequenced. idk. their sound design is pretty stunning quite often. and not to jerk myself off but in this track i did some years ago is a feedback thing w/delay weirdness.. comes in about 1:20 and is sort of an artifact of some processing on the drums.. it meanders in pitch based on the feedback level mostly... but isn't nearly as rich and nuanced sounding as the thing sean has going in that clip. https://ignatiusmusic.bandcamp.com/track/bessipl-2 i can see there being some really well thought out feedback machine in the sound design abilities of the AE system somewhere that's really capable of doing all kinds of stuff. but it could be squeally fm sine waves or some freq shifting thing and we're all wrong. ? fun to think about though. messing around trying to make sounds i've heard somewhere usually leads to something totally different but also interesting. rambling as distraction because nausea
  11. just saw on the news an update about SBF landing in USA and being held and will he get bail etc.. and they had a blurb from some woman who put her entire $1.5 million retirement savings in FTX crypto exchange and was complaining about having all her retirement dreams dashed unless she gets some kind of repayment. wtf?
  12. when the bass comes in and that other synth part... ohhhh...
  13. yeah.. their approach and just the autechre'ness of sean and rob is the thing. they have consistently made amazing stuff on whatever gear they happen to have around. when i found out that maphive 6.1 was just the little roland pma5 .. or how so much sampling was accomplished w/the rsd-10... or just the minimal stuff they had at different times etc.. it's awesome they've been able to keep doing what they're doing and any success they have is fuckn earned. also, the more ya hear sean talk about stuff the more it sounds like all the gear they've used... has gone into the emulations they've created in max.. emulating nords, emulating their own process for writing rhythms and all that.. "how can i do this thing i did w/that pile of stuff but only w/this bit of software" or whatever.. however that goes. it's really inspiring to me and has a "punk rock" ethos to it.. but probably early days hiphop too.. many of the early hiphop things were made w/minimal gear.
  14. he's such a dick and totally self interested and will fuck over anything that is a threat to the idea of electric cars.. like how he sold the idea of hyperloop and managed to fuck up parts of highspeed rail in CA. he's doing shit on purpose on calculated ways because he has an agenda. also, i've yet to see any of these billionaire futurist types who are just fuckn weird and have some over arcing leftfield shit show of a "philosophy" about life, freedom, commerce, capitalism etc... we definitely shouldn't look to them to fix the future etc. https://www.gatesnotes.com/About-Bill-Gates/The-Year-Ahead-2023 even that guy ^^^^
  15. dude. so at my subsistence level part time job people do this and it's fucking annoying. like 3 people listening on things on their phones and in multiple languages.. then also in multiple languages talking like no one else is around and it doesn't matter because no one understands them etc.. then other people speaking in a different language talk over those people and it's all kind of amazing and i wish i knew what everyone was saying because i'm curious how they'd overlap.. but w/tiktok shit going off in the middle of it it kind of ruins the jazz-like conversation aspect of it for my brain. still, the dude playing an imam reading/singing the quran as it's done.. was pretty cool sounding as the guy had a really perfect lyrical voice/quality to it. no idea what was being said of course but it was relaxing especially w/what else was happening around the space i was in. edit: my fwp.. car battery keeps dying because i don't drive enough.
  16. thought about making a new twitter account just so i could clip some video of louie CK saying "Stop being such a faggot" and doing an @elonmusk but didn't for reasons. i feel incredibly inconvenienced.
  17. seems weird we're making artificial intelligence when we don't even have actual intelligence yet.
  18. it sounds like feedback to me. tuned or whatever.
  19. ignatius


    at best you'll get break up sex. so, i wouldn't bend over backwards trying to please her. be kind of business-like. if a long talk happens then that's good. maybe you get an early chance at closure. sorry for the roller coaster you're gonna experience but just try and hang on.
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