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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. dude. what happened? get some immodium. drink a fuck ton of water.
  2. nice lush ambient things and some beats too.. i really like the vibes of this release. classic short and sweet.
  3. same for my breakfast. this "tainted love" remix cover is dope.
  4. ignatius


    agreed. it's taking ownership of the situation and doing so because it's in his best interest to get this going and move on. it's the right move entirely.
  5. it's sean. he posted about it on mastodon yesterday. https://autechre.mixlr.com/events/1858132
  6. search #ambient, #DAWLess, #modular on any social media site and of course on youtube but w/o the hashtag. there's more than any one person could listen to in a lifetime.
  7. ignatius

    Avatar 2

    saw the first avatar in hospital recovery room after a heart procedure.. think i've mentioned this in another thread? can't recall.. anyway.. it was the DVD on loop and i was doped to the gills on fentanyl so i kept nodding off and then waking up in different parts of the movie.. i think i saw the whole movie like 1.5 times or something and eventually had a picture of the plot and stuff but generally thought it was pretty goofy but a great movie to see when you're in a hospital recovery room doped to fuck on class A narcotics.
  8. oh dude. that's a rough series of events. sounds stressful. i hope this time passes quickly and no further damages done
  9. you've probably eaten food and snacks and stuff that will have more long term effects than mrna vaccine. red dye No. 5 or whatever. .not to mention all the shit they have sprayed on food for a long time and all the stuff they feed live stock as well.. i know we try to avoid such things whenever possible but here in the USA i recall many stories about girls entering puberty earlier and some link to bovine growth hormone because some little kids drank a lot of milk.. but that was many years ago and probably bullshit since we don't hear about it any more. ? this reminds me of someone who wagged her finger at me over Kava tea and sent me a link to the possible long term effects but she "loves her exxies" meaning E, MDMA.. the molly etc. and ^^^ not saying that's you. just reminded of that little anecdote. also, i had cancer a few years before COVID happened and i got vaccinated.. so does this mean the vax caused cancer will cancel out my existing cancer? that's how this works right?
  10. the flu is pretty heavy this year too so could just be that. i hope you can de-snot yourself.
  11. same way i've always done it. sequence from computer.. monitor on mixer then when ready to record.. route audio to computer.. multitrack then mix... usually just build tracks w/multitimbral midi stuff. use drums from the computer sometimes or synthesize drum sounds from the synths. sometimes everything is in the box but i add a few synth parts from hardware... previously everything was mostly coming from the modular... sequencing, sounds, fx etc.. in long jam sessions multi-tracked and mixed in the box. but modular is bye bye. there's so many options for sequencing w/software. i've used five12 numerology a while and can jam w/that but also all the m4L stuff in ableton and eventually i'll make some max sequencer type things and send a bunch of midi + modulation to the synths and see how that goes. still early days w/max though.
  12. they do not care and think that's the government's problem. they resent the small or 0 amount of taxes they do actually pay. they are hoarding wealth.
  13. Part of the problem is that there’s so much to complain about. So many problems. So half the time it gets turned into some sarcastic type of comedy built around “fuck my life” and “Karens”.
  14. and if you take a step back it's yet another reason america bad mmmkay... i think many people daily have a moment or more where they wonder "wtf" or "why is it like this".. and that is spreading as the middle class evaporates and they wake up to the reality that so many people have lived w/for so long which is, generically, "the cruelty of american capitalism" or whatever people want to call it. the memes do the talking for a lot of people i think. it's coping until they win the lottery or one of their parents dies and leaves them some money or they become the next tech bro elon musk or something.. or they die. it's pretty easy to look at america and see it as so far behind the rest of the world when it comes to some measure of sanity in how things work.. saying that doesn't mean every other place in the world has it all going 100% correctly for everyone and has dealt w/whatever inequities their societies have... American Cops Killed 1,124 People in 2022 Are we okay with this? https://survivingtomorrow.org/american-cops-killed-1-124-people-in-2022-58e62e1617a7 Also re Italy aren’t they letting migrants drown or something?
  15. every country got mega dirt at various times. but the pic seemed in line w/the thread's title. dude below is fine btw.
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