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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. they started doing it a couple generations ago though. also, miami about to do one of those sweetheart deals for developers/sports people on public land to build a soccer stadium for david beckham and associates. https://www.instagram.com/p/CciQjJgLzF-/ typical city shit.
  2. have submitted links and done all the things to get the streaming services to figure out this guy isn't me and all the music by anyone who uses ignatius as a moniker isn't the same person. lols. hopefully they get it sorted out sooner or later. there's also an Indian group or person who makes music that ends up in Bollywood movies. it's all kinds of fascinating but annoying.. even after setting up my artist page etc i can't pick/choose which releases are linked to my page. have to go thru some process so their 'team' can look into it.
  3. cool. sounds like something you can develop. probably a bunch of tracks in that patch. i put it on and just let it go. i forget which hour i'm listening to. i haven't listened in a while though. i remember i'd listen at work and a lot of it would catch my ear and i'd take a peak at my ipod to see which theme or whatever. i found that's a good way to experience it for me. i think him saying "it's all IDM" is a way of saying it's all experimental music.
  4. i have watched some react videos of people reacting to other people reacting to something.
  5. he's essentially isolated russia for the next 20 years. no one is going to trust this guy on the world stage. he's not going to be part of any of those G20, G7 or whatever they're called, events anymore. gonna be closer to north korea though w/more robust black market because they're already a mafia type state. until putin is gone russia will be isolated. i guess his thinking was he'd get away with it because little repercussions came from ukraine invasion in 2014 and prior to that georgia etc. so, this ukraine invasion needs to be the end of that shit for him. his plans are backfiring too. other nations talking about joining nato, harsh sanctions, countries moving away from their oil/gas and russian business around the world being clamped down on.. but there's still a ways to go and the west needs to stick to it's guns and keep him isolated regardless of what happens in ukraine. can only hope ukraine wins out.. but the cost is so high. it's so fucked. i wish putin would fall down the stairs or something and knock his head and die already.
  6. he's betting that no one else is stupid enough to use them. but the whole tactic of "you're upsetting me so stop or else" is failing thankfully. fuck Vlad.
  7. a shame there's no radar evading stealth cruise missiles USA could fire at russians in ukraine. it'd be nice if there were some ways to get directly involved w/o starting ww3. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/04/16/7339988/
  8. here's a bunch more codes for Tethered EP http://ignatiusmusic.bandcamp.com/yum 7bln-5gmq xdsv-7bkt qqq7-vxz7 9bbd-g5yv 3xxc-7fb9 g87f-bteg tuwl-w7f3 t5jj-hev4 28g7-53ta xur2-jv5e h5mw-6823 jr8e-kn44 flnf-gmja lcam-368b ejf6-h67x bfdu-5ymq wdha-73kt pjeb-j4z7 8b7w-ypyv
  9. seinfeld's tv mom. dies at 93. wow. https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/15/entertainment/liz-sheridan-seinfeld-death-cec/index.html are all the seinfeld parents dead now? his TV dad died in 2005. Barney Martin
  10. of course there's a cloud based service you can pay for to do this. https://www.originaudio.net/software/auto-slicer seems like someone could write a script to do this. i recall such scripts for 'strip silence -> make new audio files'. and others to make reaktor sample libraries. ableton does 'slice to midi' and creates a new drum rack with the slices. then you can save the drumrack.
  11. it's my fav of his releases. it's when i can really hear the algorithms making choices. i like the story of it too. program in the style. press go. come back when it's done.
  12. NSFW dude pissing w/pants down so high while watching a car burn. living his best life.
  13. M1 Max 16 inch. have hardly pushed it. i'm not working in 96k. there's still a bunch of stuff that isn't apple silicon native yet.. but more things get added to the list every day. here's a comprehensive list of what is native apple silicon already. it gets updated all the time. https://asaudio.tech i've done projects w/a mix of things running native and in rosetta2 and not had any issues.
  14. regardless of what i was using on my 2018 6 core macbook pro the fans would come on and it'd get hot. i managed it with the "macs fan control" app which allows customizing the fan settings. i would set them to come on sooner at lower RPM just to get a jump on cooling things off in hopes they wouldn't go into full RPM over drive when things start getting CPU intensive. i know someone who's a graphic designer and always used the macbook pro in a dock w/external monitor and external GPU thingy and after some year of heavy use he essentially melted the thing. they're fine for most things but if you're routinely crushing it you'll shorten its life imo. i sold the 2018 mbp last year and got a shiny new apple silicon macbook pro and have rarely had the fans even turn on to be audible. so, it' snot just live that kicks off the fans on intel macbook pros.. it's everything. maybe some things are worse than others but i found that everything kicked off the fans sooner or later
  15. good story about Open Source intelligence and how crowd sourcing is playing out in Ukraine.. also debunking false flag stuff. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/open-source-intelligence-combats-disinformation-on-russias-war-against-ukraine It is often said that truth is the first casualty in any war. Propaganda, disinformation and outright lies have always been dependable tactics to win hearts and minds. But in a world more connected than ever by technology, it is more possible for anyone to root out information. It’s called open source intelligence, and as Miles O’Brien reports, some are using it to lift the fog of war in Ukraine. edit: added
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