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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. no, really i have no idea what this is about and don't understand the formula. so, here's a NEW FORMULA!!
  2. yeah.. 3 releases. have talked about making a 4th but the motivation to proceed hasn't been there thus far. maybe we'll return to cascade at some point. i dig it. it's a good mix of our styles.
  3. made this pay what you want on bandcamp. also here's a bunch of codes for the other 2 cascade data releases. redeem code here: https://cascadedata.bandcamp.com/yum mmjt-7kja fgg3-j99b 5uuw-k86x bm5q-6nzq wr69-ymkz pv3u-b6t6 8bvv-x6uk tdf8-jyj9 u6ty-bpqm xyny-xfgg jtaz-jafu 9n9z-k25q nwtu-6hnt 5jzv-kj57 g938-6k25 32xy-g94f avey-u9ja rg6n-jz9b a23l-kt6x uzjv-gg29 vyg7-u7xz 6ttd-evmg Edit Volley EP redeem code here: https://cascadedata.bandcamp.com/yum znzp-uyy3 z5tg-5f74 36zz-baqm wz2z-xngg etmk-jefu 8u8k-kb5q 2wk2-6xnt apya-kv57 6fv5-x9nk kwb9-jtq9 zjvn-y26t z9bv-7h97 ztx7-vjgv 3kqa-gy29 5z8r-uuxz
  4. have seen a few things but some of it is totally unconfirmed stuff that came from telegram. but there's plenty of reports of looting by russian soldiers, rapes, killing civilians. i haven't gone looking for sources and confirmations as i don't really want to see any of that stuff but take for granted that its happening. i recall at the start of the invasion there was 'leaked' or hacked docs from russia that said putin told them to do as much damage as possible. also have seen some things that are reported to be ukraine soldiers shooting captured russian soldiers in the leg once they surrender and are tied up. then leaving them there some die from blood loss or shock. but these were also videos spread on telegram so i don't know what to believe.. but it was awful to watch and i looked recent with relevant uniforms and gear. thinking about all this... w/ukraine rallying up all kinds of people to partake in defense i can see how some less disciplined type who are more civilian than soldier might take an opportunity for revenge especially when hearing and seeing of how the russians are destroying everything and bombing civilians. there's bound to be numerous soldiers who've lost family and loved ones etc i can't really blame them for taking revenge when they can. the feeling must be overwhelming. and the russians have shown they're not following any kind of 'rules of war' or whatever. i'm sure all kinds of shit is happening. it's a war and they all suck and people do terrible things, heroic things, sad things miserable things, kind things and yada yada yada... it's all putin's fault.
  5. just to echo.. yeah.. Consumed is kinda perfect. really great record. as for richie jumped the shark idk. once every couple years there's a 12inch that's good and sounds like it's full of focus or has a 'voice' or whatever. but i think when that whole "The Cube" tour happened things got pretty fishy. he's a kind of entrepreneur now and is invested in a sake brand that he promotes and stuff. he came to portland promoting it and went into my work (i'd gone home already so missed meeting him) also seems he's still in to complex technology and trying to do new things for live sets but seems like new tunes are less of a focus and spending lot's of time on custom solutions for recreating plastikman live is more his thing regardless of how effective those are. i recall seeing some thing about his set up for detroit a few years (5 or 6??) back with ipads and custom one off apps and interacting with analog gear and a serge modular etc. the clips they played sounded good but was basically Gak which is obviously a banger. if he was playing here in a smaller venue and not a festival all hyped about something i'd go if i could but the pretense of something magical like "the cube" or whatever is just not a thing i'm gonna go check out. i used to play records at a couple places in portland.. Ground Kontrol barcade and long ago a weekly in a bar and i'd always play a couple plastikman tracks because they're dope. maybe he's busy having tons of fun djing and whatever and isn't interested in producing new music. it happens. artifaks, sheetone, consumed, plastik are all gems
  6. read an interview long ago w/richie hawtin where he said he usually jams and then once he has a track all laid out he starts removing elements of it so it'll be focused on only what's essential therefore making it minimal and yada yada.. and said now and then his problem is when to stop removing things. kinda funny that he sends consumed (which i like a lot and think is just great how it is) to someone to doodle over. why not do something new and collaborative instead? in that same interview he was talking about how amazing it is to have a lexicon reverb.. like PCM 80 or 90 or whatever.. and pull everything out but the wet signal and have that w/bass and it just sounds so massive etc... but yeah.. go ahead.. sprinkle some stuff on it for whatever. he's resampled things in the past.. Closer is bits and pieces of Consumed + his spoken word vocal bits and some rearranging. it seemed lazy to me at the time. and i also don't understand this release.. in Key.. idk.. they should've just made something all new. it'd be nice if he found some new vein of inspiration to mine. he's talented and can do a thing well and making something unique and interesting.
  7. yeah.. definitely.. i'd also say the proliferation of super biased media sources that have an agenda/political stance have really helped social media shit the bed on all this. social media is the amplifier for the talking head entertainers who spew total bullshit all day long.
  8. i've seen a few stories reported by various news agencies but the source is i think all the same.. ukraine's state nuclear agency. but this.. was from the operator of the chenobyl reactor. only the first couple paragraphs are relevant. just to clarify the operator is the state so there's no real difference but the one guy is quoted.. https://www.silive.com/news/2022/03/russian-forces-leaving-chernobyl-after-soldiers-dug-trenches-and-got-significant-radiation-exposure.html radiation levels did spike at different times apparently from disturbed soil around the containment zone. so, seems possible some people got some radiation but we'll probably not know for sure... i guess the iaea will have a look when they can and see if there's trenches etc.
  9. liking that track. sweet and lush sounding. rave vibes. this is the kind of track you'd remember the hook of later the morning after the party.
  10. the final in the 6 part series on henry kissinger was today. the whole series is epic. fucking amazing really. what a huge piece of shit that guy is. it's fucking funny too. the guests are excellent and they take every opportunity to drop shit on him but are also like shocked and "WTF" about a lot of what's revealed. it's great. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/
  11. so, not an achievement but good news. CT scan last week revealed that the 1.9cm mass in my right kidney is now 2cm. it likely hasn't grown at all in the year as the 1mm is basically the width of the little click/drag tool they use to measure and is dependent on where the radiologist puts the boundary. this means that if it grows at this rate yearly it'll be 15 years or so until it's big enough to be a problem.. so no immediate surgery for me which is fuckn great because as much as i like to be blacked out on the drugs w/missing time i'm not a huge fan of going into the hospital for surgery and staying there a couple days while my divorced parents make it weird. so that's good. so, yearly scans to keep an eye on things and only have to keep taking medication for my other cancer. so, maybe i have time to learn Max well enough to do something interesting with it... or at least make more tunes to flood the niche nerd dork segment of 'content' with.
  12. shit! sorry man that sucks. do you have a pulse oximeter? can check your O2 sats w/it and what's what. try to lay on your stomach and be prone. it's supposed to help w/things.. or that's what i've read and it's what they're doing in the covid treatment wings. rotate people. but maybe there's more to it than that??? i hope you get through the worst of it quickly.
  13. this is awesome. new reverb w/inspirations from this track. this quote is from michael hetrick who is part of Unfiltered Audio: the reverb is available to plug in alliance subscribers for now but will be available to all in a week or something. it was developed over 3-4 years w/BT. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/unfiltered_audio_tails.html
  14. a lot of people in russia only found out about chernobyl when the series came out. and then russia decided to make its own "patriotic retelling" https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2019/jun/07/chernobyl-hbo-russian-tv-remake https://www.hbo.com/chernobyl also, radioactive dust! https://news.yahoo.com/unprotected-russian-soldiers-disturbed-radioactive-165419388.html
  15. there's people pushing old videos as new things done by azov or other parties in ukraine. so if you come across anything think befor eyou repost etc. also here's some anarchist antifascists in ukraine. also, more than 13,000 people arrested at antiwar protests in russia edit: also saw some reports of ukraine soldiers shooting russian soldiers in the leg after they're captured and have hands tied behind their backs. i think those are still being verified so could be bullshit but looks gruesome. there's no 'fair play' in any war i've ever read about. probably hard for undisciplined citizen soldiers to keep it together when russia is targeting civilians so broadly and word gets back to them as to what's happening... or just what they've seen etc. fuckn sucks. all of it. fuck putin for starting this shit.
  16. awful. fuck. A Ukrainian woman recounts being raped by the Russian soldiers who killed her husband: 'Shall we kill her or keep her alive?' https://www.businessinsider.com/ukrainian-woman-raped-by-russian-soldiers-sexual-violence-investigation-2022-3 hard to read article in spoiler
  17. i mean.. isn't this like you saying Mao was good and experimental crop rotation didn't kill 20 million people? what's the difference? your posts sometimes read just as crazy as whatever you think these people are trying to do on wikipedia also, people "doing things" on wikipedia has what to do w/russia attacking ukraine for no reason? ugh. tiresome. today was too much at 9am and it's almost 8pm. go for a walk or something.
  18. i've read some things and national also has covered more than once the african refugees turned away at the polish border. many have commented on some hypocrisy etc regarding response to syrian refugees. but, there's people in america, mostly rightwing fucktards.. saying that there's no reason for any ukranian refugees to come to USA. there's been coverage all over the spectrum about racism and "this is so shocking because it's happening to european white people" and people pointing out that that's a fucked up thing to say and yada yada. a lot of hay was made during trump's administration about the handling of refugees etc and a lot of that was supposed to be reversed/undone when biden took office but it's been slow going and people have also called him out on that. priorities i guess. i don't know. i don't expect to be please w/whoever is in office so i'm not surprised when they do shit that makes no sense or is outright racist etc. certainly trump was worse than most but biden hasn't moved the needle too far on a lot of things.. or maybe hasn't gotten to it yet because covid or whatever shit excuse they want to give. social media of course is all over the map but has called out hypocrisy.
  19. did i post this already. seems a good day to post or repost
  20. this is nice memories from Dj Food
  21. jfc. kinda expected something like this though. putin would drop the poison tea on anyone.
  22. she was part of so many worlds. museum installations, working w/dance companies and of course releasing tunes. for a long time. my heart goes out to all the people w/worked w/her and knew her and her friends and family. she seemed like a really lovely person.
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