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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. too many big sads. too many. she's gone way too soon. RIP. she was involved in so many things and seems to had such a wide circle of friends and projects etc. huge loss for many people.
  2. trying to find something funny but it's not working. internet is terrible today. too many big sads.
  3. same. fucking hell. shocked.
  4. what.. no.. fuck. warp ig post. ? fuck https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbp0bgnt_96/
  5. Slime mold and mushrooms. I read the book “Sapiens” a while ago. It’s got some interesting info in it all organized amazingly well. Also, saw some climate doc a while back that went into how the earth warms and cools periodically and what that means and how long each cycle tends to last etc and how all human existence is in one of the “just right” Goldie locks zones. It’s all pretty weird. Surreal. but here we are making the most of it bombing each other.
  6. as far as we know. ? dolphins and jellyfish and octopi could be plotting something. who knows what dinosaurs would've evolved into if not for the big space rock. it's true though, that wherever human beings migrated to, mass extinctions followed. all the megafauna were hunted to extinction by homo sapiens. every single time. in every place. but yeah, animals are dicks to each other. territorial. cruelty and things like jealousy etc have been observed in groups of primates. but overall animals seem to have some kind of order about the whole system or something. balance. meh. i'm not really informed on all the details. i've just read a few things over the years.
  7. its like the world has been cursed as soon as Covid human beings dropped.
  8. how's that going so far? also, karl marx had servants.
  9. that's a good phrase. i think it's also academic or theoretical. it's people playing ping pong in a classroom w/shit they read about and picking a side and sticking to it and thinking they can apply it real life like it's some kind of thing they can rollover society and make it so...
  10. you mean like gay people in russia? or uyghurs in china? if there's a ww3 and everyone starts bombing and killing everyone else i can't wait to read your posts of bullshit from up on your moral high ground or wherever the fuck you look down on everything from... i think there must be a mirage between you and the rest of the world because of all the distortion in your perspective
  11. many of them prescription medications but also opiates and stuff. a lot of that stuff doesn't mix well or becomes something that requires lot's of management. people make mistakes and accidental OD or have complications like sudden heart failure etc. a bummer any way ya cut it. accidental OD is huge these days w/fentanyl in so many drugs.
  12. somehow missed this.. haven't watched this show in a long time. this is from last year
  13. they also have some nazis. pretty much every country does.. even cummunist china. also, i'd say that giving ukraine a hard time right now about a small amount of far right nazis is like complaining that someone needs to do the dishes in the sink meanwhile someone outside is trying to burn the house down. also, @maxwellsq it's good to hear from you. don't get bogged down in all the communism vs capitalism stuff in this thread. it's unfortunate it takes that turn but some people are obsessed w/it.
  14. that sux. i hate hearing about people my age who die suddenly. but yeah, sux for those dudes. they seemed like a tight group.
  15. i can smell it from here. seriously though... fascinating.
  16. watched a doc about nazi exploitation films and there was a long segment on her.
  17. i think things would be different if women ruled the world.. especially if they were all mothers. but there's plenty of female psychopaths out there as well so over time i think the same type of troubles would happen. just look at some of the idiots america elects.. not that any of them could be elected president... also, what about lepenn in france? isn't she a far right white supremacist style leader?
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