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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. i liked the most recent season of better call saul more than a lot of breaking bad. breaking bad is good and beyond brilliant a times but sometimes they make walter a little too much of a magic macguyver w/the tasks he has to solve. but some of it is pretty amazing and great story telling. they do the task/macguyver thing in some early parts of better call saul too but it rises up beyond that pretty quickly and the stuff w/jimmy's brother is amazing.. how that whole story turns out.. also, Kim is fucking great. the two series are really quite comparable overall.. for me anyways. i think the first couple seasons of better call saul were lacking some too but really don't remember them so much. edit: started watching Severance. which is interesting and weird. slow pace but compelling and draws me in. it's also darkly funny but also goofy funny too.
  2. listened to the 2 Paul manafort episodes of Behind the Bastards (what a huge asshole manafort is) and in part 2 it gets to his involvement with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Yanukovych and how basically manafort was getting millions from him to be an advisor. he helped his campaign etc. but manafort was doing shady financial shit constantly. he had all these loans. he was fond of debt as a way to launder his money that he wasn't reporting in the USA and wasn't registered as a foreign agent etc.. and when Yanukovych was being ousted.. when all the protests etc were happening he was getting advice from manafort about what to do. because manafort didn't want to lose his income stream he told Yanukovych to ramp up the troops putting down the protests and they killed like a 100 people in one night. people started disappearing etc. the cops stripped protestors in mid winter and threw them into the snow. shit like that. the podcast host was actually in ukraine at the time as a reporter and was interviewing protestors and people supplying the protestors etc. he said it was crazy. nazis, communists and every day people were all on the same side fighting together because in western ukraine they all hated Yanukovych that much they overlooked how much they hated each other. it's a pretty interesting tie in to what's going on now in some way. the episodes are early on in the pdocast's history.. i think like episode 20 or something. there's a lot of detail about the financial stuff. it's all really shady. so shady.
  3. just make one 20 minute track w/all the ideas in it over time.
  4. watched possessor recently. saw the uncut version. it's a good psychological type syfy horror. immersive and has a nice muted subdued type score. well done. will probably watch it again at some point.
  5. wow. that track is amazing. these fucking guys just consistently wreck shop on whatever they use.. and it's always autechre music ?
  6. Dugin really having his day in the spotlight isn't he?
  7. breakdown of what's happening there from protests being shut down w/arrests to all the economic issues etc. pretty amazing.
  8. wow. that guy. i can hear his voice just seeing his face in that sesame street scene. RIP.
  9. Giant Spiders Will Reportedly Fall From the Sky This Summer in the U.S. https://pethelpful.com/pet-news/news/spiders-falling-from-sky
  10. ok. i got vax'd early, boosted early etc. but it's been weird and pre-vaccine was full of anxiety. once i got vaccinated stress level went way down. the weirdest thing for me is my cancer medication has side effects that often are similar to signs of covid.. flu like symptoms, night sweats, fatigue etc.. there's like a hundred possible side effects.. so i got tested a few times when i couldn't handle playing the game of "is it covid or medication side effects" also, i've stayed very isolated though did travel in october to see family which seemed like good timing. otherwise i've seen friends outside a couple times or been to small dinner things at someone's house w/vax'd only people who'd been tested. so, other than my own relevant anxiety stuff it's probably been a lot like everyone else's experience. i have a friend who has crohn's and has to take a shot every few weeks that obliterates her immune system. her risk is much greater than mine. she was out of it for like 3 days after getting each vax shot and got a 4th booster like a month ago via doctor's prescription. and still was only generating a moderate immune response of building antibodies etc.. so, she's still at a very heightened level of precaution. works from home and is in out the country (rural) so not a lot of people around and can go outside and not see another person other than her husband who also works from home.. so they're fortunate but i think she'll be wearing a mask for a long time.
  11. got a 4th shot a week ago (immunocompromised) so should be fully reup'd in another week. still gonna wear a mask when around people or going to the store etc. edit: oregon's situation. w/explanation from the health authority as to why restrictions being lifted. https://www.opb.org/article/2022/03/11/covid-safety-end-oregon-mask-mandate/
  12. there's some amazing shit in this. a bit of road trip filler but mostly all killer. some of these people are bonkers. what a shit show. when that lady is talking about 'the old days' and mentions john wayne movies like they're actually history i lost it. wtf kind of fantasy has she been sold all her life? jfc read a book.
  13. ha.. maybe that's why i don't see adverts? lols. $5 or whatever.
  14. it's fucked. i check out the r/hermancainaward sub now and then it's endless antivax/unvax'd people dying after posting many many stupid fauci/my freedom/batshit vax memes and disinfo. so preventable and sad. half the time there's a screengrab of family member saying "he's off to be jesus' side" or "she's with the angels now" or "god gained a good one today" or similar.. and "leaves behind 4 children" etc. fucking trauma doled out en masse. lot's duped republicans now dead.
  15. yeah.. i know there's more than one. russia's invasion will likely strengthen fascist in russia and in ukraine. but we'll see. time will tell. hard to imagine ukrainians will be in the mood to tolerate fascists if they get through this and can rebuild.
  16. that says that azov is about 2500 members. ukrainian army is about 250,000 give or take.. and bigger now that something like 100,000 ukrainians from abroad returned to ukraine to fight. there's a lot of videos and pics on r/ukraine of soldiers w/o patches or nazi symbols. btw russia is using mercenaries in ukraine.. their version of blackwater i guess. https://pmc-wagner.net https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wagner_Group apparently they've made beheading videos.. as have azov. PMC has also killed journalists and as expected all kinds of shitty stuff.. as 'contractors' do. this provides putin with 'plausible deniability'
  17. lols. what a dope. you'd think he'd get some translation going before he jumped in for a photo op. of course canada has nazis and fascists etc.. every place has some. anyway.. we can just agree to disagree about ukraine.
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