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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. i've heard people describe it as a lack of hierarchy. i guess there are examples in history in spain and somewhere else but i'm not familiar and tend to think that at this point it's a pipe dream for theoretical thinkers who imagine a world based on mutual aid. it'd be nice and i wouldn't argue against it if it happened but deconstructing the entire world isn't going to happen... certainly not for free.. meaning the cost would be way too high in lives etc. but maybe some kind of thing like that will eventually emerge after most of the world drowns/starves/burns etc from eco-collapse. in the meantime here's some bleeps and bloops.
  2. and xanax - he had a total collapse and went to russia to detox he went even further off the rails about the devil being the real enemy or something. can't find the video but it's ridiculous and the comments are full of christians being grateful he's 'finally talking about the real enemy' and shit like that.
  3. [oprah "you're getting it and you're getting and you're getting!" handing out breakthrough infections gif] future herman cain award winner.
  4. seems totally dependent on what happens w/the variants. if they get less deadly but more infectious it'll eventually end up like the flu. no idea how long that would take. if the west can help get the rest of the world vaccinated it'll help of course. but we'll see. year 3 is just around the corner. USA still averaging 1000 deaths per day. in 3 weeks the serge in cases will balloon from holiday travel. many unvax'd people will end up in hospital. many will die. i remember reading more than once an epidemiologist saying that basically everyone who's not vaccinated will eventually get infected.
  5. put them out the back door just on the ground. or put them in a pile on whatever she is going to sleep on. all sounds like shit man.. i hope you make it through the holidays OK.
  6. that guy is funny in all the Mr. Show episodes. politics is strange business. sucks that people get drawn into it to the point of doing really dumb shit and wrecking their lives.
  7. if it was logan's run all the olds would be long dead. gov't control varies a lot by country and is largely temporary or tightens then loosens based on the science. we're still pretty far from THX1138. when Alexa is an android then we'll see..
  8. stoked about this. already wish-listed all of it.. so will have jump in asap and download all the things
  9. i visited east coast family in october. so glad i did it then instead of holidays traveling.. fuck that. i'll be surprised if there's not another big spike 2 weeks after the holidays. fingers crossed it turns out to be not as bad as is possible but i'm staying home and dog sitting for a friend who's traveling by car for holiday family stuff.
  10. one of my nephews who's vax'd and lives in florida the other day said "covid is over man. lit's DONE" and i didn't say shit because i've gone around in circles w/him before. mask mandates are non-existent in florida for months now so things are pretty much 'normal' though lot's of people still wearing masks in places (thankfully) but people are going to restaurants and doing all the normal things people do. in winter, as of probably october/november lot's of people head to south florida from northern states.. and then stay there thru the winter.. until march or so. if omicron is more transmissible, which appears that it is, then this all spells out to bad news.. even though also appears it's less deadly but that's still a lot of people who will have severe cases if not vax'd
  11. i'd try that chicken and waffle pizza
  12. it's becoming unsatisfying for me to pollute the forum with twitter posts because they don't embed right. FWP thread. seems only in safari are twitter embeds broken. don't make me use Chrome.
  13. that Del TFH and Kool Keith collab is coming in 2022 https://koolkeith.bandcamp.com/album/subatomic
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