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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. no worries. it's a good interview and worth a repeat if it was already posted. shows just how deep tom gets w/his gear. tearing apart eventide algorithms with vsig is tedious stuff... more than most other patching environments.
  2. more than anything they were organizers. they fed people locally, provided daycare, legal assistance, breakfast for kids before school etc. sure there were militants but i think a lot of people today who have no idea what life was like then for black people.. would've lined up alongside them. i mean.. people were still being lynched in the south and black kids were being drafted to go to vietnam by the thousands long before the government got pressure and started included more white men. largely it focused on poor blacks and then poor whites. also, there were white people blowing shit up. violeence and directt acttion came from multiple camps. itt's an interesting history to dive into if tthat's a thing you're interesteed in. this keyboard is fucked.
  3. akai S6000, Qy sequencer, eventide orvilles, 303/101, bass and maybe yamaha FM synth fs1r or something.. but i think he sampled the shit out of everything and it ended up in the akai then he jammed w/the sequencer and FX. talks about it some in this interview.
  4. i don't think engagement has to be with the government. there are other ways to engage. see black panthers in the 60s or any other community organizing to solve problems directly. but i hear you. i still vote. i think often the best to hope for with voting is some measure of harm reduction. it's like making the choice to have someone shit next to your foot so you can see it and step over it vs someone shitting directly into your mouth. sometimes it's possible to improve things a little bit for a part of the population that needs help but still a lot of people are left out of that partial half way solution. i don't we can lay the blame of where the USA is at the feet of a disengaged population.. sure.. if everyone voted it'd be better maybe.. but it took a while to get where we're at.. and a lot of it was many intentional steps chipping away at things over decades by changing laws that allow for more money in politics, fewer regulations over complex systems and directly altering the way taxes work to benefit the few. dis/misinformation isn't new. it's been used forever in many ways at many times to swing voters one way or another. sure, it's weaponized and something else currently but media spin and media leaks and "swift boating" and willy horton etc type shit has been around since the beginning. i don't think it's defeatist to say "yeah.. this whole fucking thing is rigged and i'm going to do something else that is more productive for my neighborhood and community"
  5. and some of them are republicans. the point is at some point people lose faith in electoral politics and don't see the system as effecting their lives in a good way.. there are parts of this country and population that haven't been moved much one way or the other regardless of who is in control. at some point these people leave the system and depend on mutual aid if it exists or find other ways to survive. the system just doesn't work for a big part of this population and it never has. edeit: just saying.. when it comes to congress and public service etc that comes in all forms and shapes and the power struggle still exists among tthese people who's ideas are all over the map. being righteous and dedicated to democracy doesn't mean a person is going to have good ideas about taking care of people and making progress on climatet change or whatetver we think it important.
  6. always thought it's a peavy pc1600 midi controller and dat tapes. midi going to the eventide to control FX
  7. was unaware of adoption subsidies! interesting. as for blaming joe.. yeah.. i mean.. it's typical for people not to see all the surrounding complexities of a situation and just focus on a narrative or whoever is in power because the 'buck stops' there. most americans and perhaps people in general.. prefer the simpler explanations rather than trying to navigate all the complexities of something like inflation due to a fucking pandemic.
  8. i think there's degrees of influence. some are total shills others stick to their principles as much as possible but bend more than they'd like to. ideally.. because of outside influence.
  9. yeah.. i mean.. a lot of them are but def her and manchin as well. not just cash grabs and campaign funding but i'm sure there's some dark money ending up as stocks or something that is a payday for both of them. they all have their corporate masters
  10. it's just someone's theory. that there are 'fall guys' for a given situation. it's certainly possible.
  11. yeah true.. i mean.. so many people are on food stamps and public assistance and would love to be able to buy a tenth of the things that family does every week but instead are paycheck to paycheck and stressing about their car breaking down or some other unforeseen expense that throws the whole dance off beat.
  12. lols.oh, i too been a cereal addict. also chocolate ice cream addict.. i ate like a beast when i was a kid. the proverbial hollow leg and i was a skinny bone rack who never gained wait. still, i think profiling a working class family would've been better for the piece.. though i think it's awesome these people adopt and foster kids. it's a big hearted thing to do and i don't blame them and wouldn't give them too much shit about it all ... the reporter the network suck though.
  13. you get subsidies for fostering kids.. not adopting. it's big of them to adopt kids and give them a family and home. more people should do that instead of having more of their own kids imo. anyway... i have 2 brothers, a step brother and step sister. 12 gallons of milk a week is high amount of milk drinking. if they're all having milk w/every meal well.. idk.. how about a glass of fucking water. regardless, i'd say they all have it pretty damn well.. those parents look pretty relaxed. that dude looks super chill and i find it weird that they are complaining.. and maybe they wouldn't had CNN not plucked them out of the ether to comment on everything.
  14. this is a grower for sure. it's really weird in a good compelling way. "Like Jenga" is thumping and that synth is great and then that high violin comes in late and i emitted a nervous laugh for some reason (joy?) and was captivated. overall it's a nice fresh scramble for my head and i'm liking it a lot. it's a fresh sounding sample collage which i guess is the point. well done.
  15. jfc don't eat so much. these people have no idea that they are living so well compared to many others in america and the world. who buys 12 gallons of milk every week! "you can pick 5 boxes of cereal"
  16. i have a package coming from shanghai. it's supposed to be here today as per the tracking notification i got yesterday. i tracked it this morning and it's in fucking louisville kentucky for some reason! it went china -> south korea -> anchorage alaska -> kentucky.. .WTF why leave the west coast to go to the ass end of the south to kentucky? why not go to LA or seattle or something. these logistics suck. i'm sure it won't be here today unless by magic. tiny violins
  17. this was a chop shop in portland. like 10 minutes from my house if that. near freeway on/off ramps. the sign there that says "delta park" is full of big box stores and is a huge park w/like 6 or 7 soccer fields and a few baseball fields and some open grass for all kinds of events. thee whole side of the park that borders the freeway was wall to wall homeless camps and RVs. they finally cleared it out last month. found like 17 stolen cars. when someone's car gets stolen they often drive around the various homeless camps looking for it to try and get to it before it gets totaled or chopped. the city plays whack-a-mole w/the camps basically. there's a bunch of them around and it's easy to find chopped and abandoned cars on blocks and stuff.
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