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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. "Old Tits" would've been a decent band name in the 90s. could've abbreviated it like "Anal Cunt" did. AC and OT edit: this is pretty dumb as random thoughts go.
  2. my basement was a mess when i moved in. after cleaning it up i framed it in and drywalled it. still some weirdness because the ceiling is a little low.. .but moving the desk and listening position a bit further out from the wall a and a bit off center fixed a lot of problems. GIKs people were helpful w/sorting that out. so, trial and error w/mix position and moving shit around can fix a lot of things or at least help find the sweet spot for listening. if you have a test oscillator in your DAW you can load it up w/a sine wave and try 30hz, 60hz then 100hz and 200hz etc at a normal listening level and walk around the room and you'll be able to hear any standing waves or nulls to find problem areas. easy thing to do is make a bunch of panels and deaden the room. bass traps in the corners and front/rear walls will be a good start.. then just figure out where shit sounds right and make that your listening position. can try putting your speakers on each wall and see how it goes.. not always great for ergonomics depending on the things you'll have in there but it's a good way to figure things out.
  3. ignatius


    i liked it. some great sound design in it as well. looking forward to 2023 or whenever the next one comes out.
  4. it was huge for a while. w/the eurorack format was like 8 rows of 168hp. when i worked in synth shops i got lot's of stuff free or cheap.. .but before that i had modcan A series system that was big. so, modular was kind of a primary thing in the studio for a long time. .like since 2005 or 2006.. then really heavily since like 2012 or so. most of the music i've produced over the last 8 years maybe? has been mostly modular. so, just wanted to move on to some other things to focus on and also seemed a good time to convert it to cash. if the modular was in the studio i'd use it because i was really comfortable w/it.. but just want to do different stuff so best to take it out of the equation.
  5. and e6400 and some FX and computah plug ins. don't need much these days. they're GIKs acoustics panels. https://www.gikacoustics.com/ panels are on all the walls w/bass traps in corners and at front/rear of the room. even if there's racks etc.. the panels make a difference w/reflections. you should aim for symmetry.. panels on one side might make shit weird.
  6. sold off all the things except for what's here. computah ftw
  7. would like it if someone offered them a good fit for a movie score. would be interesting to hear their creations applied to visual medium and storytelling. some kind of syfy or experimental film thing but it's probably not their bag ya know.. but never say never. i think a 1 hour album of uptempo dancefloor head spinning jams would be a gift. it's useless to try to predict what Ae will do. wouldn't mind if they unloaded some of these kinds of jams on us. whatever they do.. i'm up for it.
  8. Peter Scolari, 'Bosom Buddies' and 'Newhart' star, has died https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/22/entertainment/peter-scolari-obit/index.html
  9. if this is available in oregon i can't find it. oregon small state.. especially compared to texas. part of the problem in oregon is there is no sales tax of any kind. so any time they want to raise money they do w/bonds and levies as increases on property taxes. usually it's when one bond measure expires so they make a new one and property taxes will stay the same more or less. this is done via ballot measures "your taxes will not increase as this measure replaces an expiring measure" - yet my property taxes are about 2.5 times what they were in 2006 though i've not done shit to my house and the assessed value has only gone up $5000.
  10. got back home tonight. house smells funny. so i guess i'm nose blind to my house's normal smell. time to burn some incense. checking the pile of mail on the floor there's my property tax which is $500 increase over last year. FU portland.
  11. https://va.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_r18l4ecZca1v59k6n.mp4
  12. that's why they're rewriting jesus into a type of rambo guy who "made his enemy's blood boil with his mere presence".. and shit like that. no shit.. they tweak the bible stories all the time especially in the kid editions and bible study type environments. warrior king.. warrior jesus
  13. isn't that what spotify did w/the major labels? gave them $4 billion in stock in a trade (bribe) for access to their catalogs.. then structured the stock into the label's financials in a way that means the artists don't see a dime of that stock offer??? thought i read that somewhere. essentially an end run around the artists. good for the labels.. bad for the artists. it's another one of those 'race to the bottom' scenarios for lot's of artists i guess. i suspect many artists have different deals and different awareness of streaming royalties etc. a lot of record contracts were done long before streaming mechanics for payouts were in place. obviously beyonce and taylor swift etc will have a different experience than Hall & Oats or someone like that who was popular in the 80s. but then so will radiohead and the black keys or whatever... idk.. i think streams blow except for convenience and i don't find it very convenient for a listening experience unless it's at work or whatever. i'm still rocking the old ipod classic w/my playlists and all that.. no internet required except to downloading the files from bandcamp or bleep etc. i stream video via netflix and podcasts from the apple app and youtube or stitcher but can't be arsed otherwise.
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