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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    elseq still top tier
  2. it's just a mixer. 16 channels. has 6 aux sends for routing FX. 4 bus, direct outs per channel so can be used as 16 channel strips if i like.. mostly it's used for monitoring/routing when recording.. often i patch directly from synths into the audio interface and the mixer is skipped. but sometimes it's good for routing to fx and stuff.. convenient. but mixers are pretty easy once you understand signal flow. the mackie 1604/1640i manual is actually really good at explaining mixers in general and has example set ups for different scenarios.
  3. Kanye West has been spotted in Moscow as it’s rumoured he is set for a surprise performance, a meeting with President Putin, and a birthday party. https://metro.co.uk/2024/06/30/kanye-west-lands-russia-surprise-gig-meeting-putin-21132852/
  4. the cables hanging on the end of the desk? that's just a cable hanger for patch bay cables. or do you mean the mackie mixer?
  5. being president is mostly handling 500 advisors. biden being generally good natured will be better in office than trump. but i agree this situation sucks and it'll be interesting when we move on from this current bunch of old af power brokers and the torch gets passed to the next generation.
  6. he has typical things going on for his age but i think the "not of sound mind" characterization is overdone. his stammer/stutter is ever present and he's old. the videos of him wandering off or staring at nothing are all cropped. if you look for the actual footage of the situations you can see he's talking to someone off screen or just on the edge of frame. that being said i'm not saying he isn't old af w/some issues. i was surprised the debate was at 9pm since it's passed his bed time probably and he was going to be low energy.. but i watched a highlight or two and with my low expectations he seemed to do better than i thought he would. but that's how highlight videos work. out of context etc. bit of word salad from both of them and trump just yammering on with his sour face. whatever happens.. i hope we survive. biden calling trump out on the rape and saying "you have the morals of an alley cat" is ripe old man stuff.
  7. i watched about 30 seconds on youtube of trump going on and on while biden stared at him sideways.. couldn't take it.. trump is in full dick mode.. throwing the age and dementia jabs like a real prick. i hope he reaps what he sows one day.. soon.
  8. this has been the trend since the 80s.. it's just worse now. slowly they have chipped away everything. the left has continuously lost on all the things that matter. they've done a shit job of being in the game.. gerrymandering, the courts, taxes, schools, guns, abortion... they've been taking the highroad and the right has been in the mud since day one playing a different game. the left has many of its own problems and hasn't been united in a long time. this debate is going to be a full adult diaper of bullshit.. even though biden does have some policy wins and bills passed to stand on... it's pretty easy to take him to task on gaza and israel... but no one will be doing that tonight. meanwhile.. the band plays on.
  9. apparently, simon bolivar said on his death bed.. "All who have served the Revolution have plowed the sea."
  10. sounds more dubby to me. edit: btw this happens all the time to me. i never hear things the same way people do. i almost never hear 'autechre' in other music and always raise an eyebrow when someone says "getting (insert Ae album)______ vibes from this" my buddy played live last week and a dude i know said that about the set "getting untilTed vibes" and was like wtf? nope. because it sounded so different from any of that.. but i'm blind to it maybe because autechre's sound is quite distinct to my ears. people say that about some of my tunes and i'm always confused because tonality is so different.. along w/everything else.. idk. seems automatic when someone makes weird music to compare to autechre because they've done everything so it's expected.. but still is weird to me and i'm always reminded that maybe i'm wrong and the difference is smaller but this makes no sense either..
  11. i don't hear it. interesting release but sounds like 00s reaktor splintered scapes into reverbs w/beats. not a diss.. just a totally different vibe/character
  12. it's a fine line on what and when to bring some things to light. some stuff.. like the comanche helicopter wasting civilians had to come out asap. that was from chelsea manning... there was a lot of data from snowden and they didn't handle it w/so much care as they should've. there were a few key moments in the story where the journos were saying "wait a minute on that bit for reasons" and they had a point and he went around them and released info anyways and it was presented poorly. my memory is fuzzy somewhat on exactly how that went down but it's well documented w/who did and said what and when and it's the one thing that really paints him as an asshole to me. but whatever.. as said.. it's not about him as a person... and generally i'm all for letting people know what's going on w/domestic spying and all these other things. keep the 3 letter agencies on their toes.. hold some feet to the flames.
  13. i ate too much cuban food for the 2nd night in a row.
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