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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. so crazy. shows his tax avoidance pretty clearly apparently. edit: i guess it's not that crazy. it's expected but it seems crazy based on reality of what working people pay etc.
  2. i view it like this... spotify is taking someone else's work and using it for profit. it's really that simple. they aren't offering up fair renumeration for the thing they are selling. Regardless if it's a hobby or full time job.. art was created. sometimes for its own sake and sometimes it's one hat that a person wears to make a living. most artists of all kinds have some kind income stream that isn't from their art directly.. maybe they teach.. maybe they work in advertising.. maybe a recording engineer or sound designer etc etc.. so, saying that "oh you're just a hobbyist because you're not making a living from your art" is disingenuous. It's harder than ever for niche artist to make a living from the work and most artists would be considered hobbyists by that standard. your farmer analogy doesn't really add up to me. it's a bit simple. anyway.. i don't see it as entitlement to expect compensation for work. I think it's entitlement on spotfy's to expect to use someone's work essentially for free and charge other people to hear it then not compensate the person who created the work. I'm not saying everyone who has music on spotify should be able to support themselves from that or get rich or something.. but fair pay is fair pay and spotify isn't living up to their end.
  3. getting mentally prepared to have my healthcare taken away by year's end. then the overwhelmingly stressful attempts at figuring out how to get my necessary cancer drug w/o having sell my house and move into a trailer park or something. edit: i'd say there's around 50/50 or better chance that when/if the new supreme court judge gets pushed in the ACA will be gonners. arguments are scheduled to begin Nov. 10th.
  4. streaming is already dominant. i hate it. i never do it. sometimes i'll search out a track on youtube but i never stream to my phone or any other device. i know cell coverage is pretty good these days but i don't want to have to have internet to be able to listen to music. I much prefer having a lot of music on an ipod and using that. with proper headphones instead of wireless ones. i like making my own playlists with all the gems and for whatever mood. also, i think turning over the music industry to a bunch of tech bros who make deals with labels and operate like a start up is shit for long term. spotify is not in the music business. they exploit a commodity. that's how i think they see it. and i'm still not cool with them spending $2+ million a month on rent for their trade center offices in NYC. that's some bullshit. I just think they're a shit company.
  5. there's people commenting at that video that 1 million plays in a month = $4000. but i haven't seen any new math that shows that spotify's royalty rates have gone up. i'm guessing there's different rates for different people which is also a problem, imo.
  6. i posted in the commetns of his video and he replied saying he knows people with 200k monthly listeners who make their living on spotify. i doubt that. unless he knows beyonce. if they do make their living from spotify then they are getting better than the typical royalty rate. you need more than 5 or 10 million plays to get more than minimum wage from spotify at the standard royalty rate.
  7. i regret i only have but one burger to give
  8. what a douche that guy is. so dismissive of the issues with spotify and the fact that spotify is making money that should be going to artists. also, i've discovered many many great releases on bandcamp. ugh. fuck this guy. i lol'd when he basically said "do it for the exposure".. like.. fuck off.
  9. i feel shame because i'm top poster in the "now that trump's president" thread.
  10. i was browsing but i've thought about getting one a few times. I went shooting in the woods with friends long ago and the shotguns were the most fun. as for online ordering.. i don't know.. i don't think in oregon.. but i know in other states you can buy on line. maybe it's possible here too but i haven't looked in it too hard. In no pandemic times there's a gun show every month at the local expo center. there's gun stores all over too but I've never been to one. my friend in southern washington said the gun store near him has a line down the block for months. i'm sure they're not letting the place fill up with customers due to social distancing but a line every day for that long seems weird. I think ammo sales are at 1000 percent of normal or something dumb. that's typical of election year though.
  11. i'm a little disappointed in all of you. 9 pages of this when the first comment should've been "... uh yeah.. sounds of your mom" low hanging fruit and immature but fits right in.
  12. that wall went up around the white house in july for a reason. they've been planning for a long time.
  13. spent 30 minutes looking at tactical shotguns and they're all sold out or on backorder. hmm.
  14. sounds pretty solid he's going to try and do some shit on election night and basically have a coup regardless of the outcome.
  15. psyops. from the right or russia.. or a troll. after the silk road dread pirate roberts fiasco and ross ulbricht being the patsy for that.. i assumed Q could really be anyone. it's easy enough to fool people on the internet.
  16. Idiocracy doesn't have all the racism that america has though. ?
  17. this kind of thing has got people's anxiety working overtime. it's a kind of psyops even if true or likely. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/11/what-if-trump-refuses-concede/616424/
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