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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. sounds so good. that middle one has some bits from the last round of live sets. the One Six stuff. no idea what SIGN might sound like really.. could be anything.
  2. we've had hot east winds blowing the smoke out to the ocean and igniting fires. it's smokey here. the winds will change tonight and come from the west blowing all the smoke that's out over the coast and over the ocean back over us and to the east. eventually this means we'll have blue skies again but not until sunday or monday probably. things will improve saturday probably. house is closed up tight and i'm hunkering down. shit sucks. but could be worse. could be actually under evacuation warnings or something.
  3. power is more important to them than anything. they won't give up power if they don't have to. they'll abandon democracy before they give up power.
  4. agreed.. and a bunch of other idiots will vote for him because they're afraid of socialism even though they don't know what that is.. but somehow joe biden is a socialist. there may be some swing voters (other idiots) who go towards biden because of this 'scandal' which is weird when there's been a revelation like this every month for 3 years but they still just couldn't decide who they'd vote for because IDIOTS.
  5. total lack of surprise. god.. i hope he's on tape. also total lack of surprise.
  6. not sure where to post this but wtf. seriously shit.
  7. ended up grabbing ^this^ and 3 other releases from that label. really digging all of it. some of it is top tier electronics for me. just enough of all the things in all the right places. off kilter wickedness.
  8. Researchers concluded that more than 266,000 cases were tied to the event attended by more than 460,000 individuals. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/515453-sturgis-motorcycle-rally-was-superspreading-event-that-cost-public#.X1e3u8dXO8s.twitter
  9. What the actual fuck? Zombie wildfires beneath the arctic surface? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Internet is down from high winds. Send thoughts and prayers Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. every few centimeters in sea level rise is a million or so people displaced. there's no way to stop it now. we can only slow things down.. delay the end result.. perhaps maybe make it less severe. barring some miracle of technology and rapid transition humanity is in for several decades of weather/fire/flood/heat/cold chaos. "may you live in interesting times" - some asshole, probably. miami beach is supposed to have 100+ days a year of sunny day floods by 2030.
  12. watching "I'm thinking of ending things" and got to the part w/the conversation wher ethye say sign like 3 times and had ot come here and post. though i couldn't find the video clip that someone posted and now that i think of it it's in anothe rthread.
  13. today begins what the weather service is calling an "extreme weather event" in the PNW. Once 50 year event. 4-60-mph winds beginning around 5pm. extreme fire risk all over northwest oregon. burn ban, don't mow your lawn, don't BBQ, don't park your hot car on grass etc.. because of the fire risk. it's a holiday so of course people will ignore it and do all those things and probably light off fireworks. there's a massive cedar tree in my yard and i expect so limbs will break off. i have it trimmed for hazards etc every year and had that done a couple months ago so hopefully it will not scatter branches all over the place. if the tree somehow blows over and lands on a house it'll destroy that house. i'm not so concerned with this happening because the tree is healthy and massive with a root system to match.. also previous winter storms haven't phased it. It's survived similar wind speeds w/o any trouble. a little nerve wracking though. we've had some storms but usually in the winter and they usually last a night for a few hours.
  14. that 4th track is especially nice. thanks for the link! there's a lot interesting stuff on that label. this is pretty deep too. https://dingndents.bandcamp.com/album/one-atove
  15. as does battery storage. i think all the relevant tech will get better but may be too late by then. We need that new nuclear tech that bill gates is all hard for to bridge the gap between now and new tech jesus
  16. cali has many problems. energy grid and utilities is one. the enron scandal wasn't that long ago. i was living in san diego at the time. There were all kinds of energy companies selling pie in the sky type shit to consumers then 6 months later fucking them over and calling for collections. it was a mess then. can't imagine what it's like now. entire USA needs billions invested to modernize the energy grid. patchwork system is gonna fail and go boom. already has when that mega blackout happened in NYC years ago.
  17. that's just brutal. the rolling blackouts are the topper. doesn't matter if you have AC when there's no power. fuck. it's gonna be the new normal. some mellower years but typical high temps are going to be higher like this probably. until some paradigm shifting energy source makes a big boner in the world of energy the rolling blackouts will continue when demand is high or fire risk is high.. or whatever the fuck. summer up here has felt relatively mild compared to recent years even though we've had a bunch of high average highs. didn't get the 107 degree days like we have in the past. go buy a bag of ice. put some in a footbath.. put your feet in it. will cool you down. make one for your head balls and ass.
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