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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. recorded this modular jam i kinda dig and i created some kind of organic type dying underwater sea creature sounds in there for a big sad vibe and sometimes that sound kinda sounds like some big whale stoned on roofies and nitrous trying to avoid brain damage.. like a derp derp derp.. so now i can't take it seriously but gonna finish it anyways because wtf.
  2. it's usually a bunch of gunk (hair slime blob) that's near the top. if you look on youtube and find a DIY /How to video w/your type sink/drain as the example.. it will show you how to take the drain plug out and pull the mess out. if it's not that then just plunge it for like an hour and you'll move the clog to the larger drain pipe and maybe that'll solve your problems. don't stick a wire hanger down the drain. if your pipe is old or has a plastic part that's somewhere in the link you might punture the pipe.. i know because i did it.
  3. i hope they print these out and pass them around
  4. this one all about bush. and covers the lies and misleading stuff w/in the white house and intelligence organizations and how when 9/11 happened basically people said "what plans do you have for invading iraq?" https://www.pbs.org/video/frontline-bushs-war-part-1/ this one straddles bush/obama years https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/losing-iraq/
  5. me too. but at least the bush people are out and a new set of morons are in place so it's in the rear view mirror even if we're still dealing w/the consequences of those decisions. the iraq stuff is particularly amazing. the battles between rumsfeld and CIA etc. Bremmer disbanding the iraqi army etc. he was the provisional authority in iraq and they go in deep on his actions there and the conversations around it. it's all pretty crazy and intense jaw dropping head smacking wtf type of content. so many mistakes or bad decisions. there's also lot's of content about big business, pharma, prisons etc etc.. all kinds of investigative journalism that's really good but i'm w/you.. i can only take in so much of that or get a bit bananas.
  6. "they voted for him to own the libs" is a pretty common theory too. protest the establishment because they know he's terrible and libs hate him so he's the guy they want. plus so many people are ill informed. "he's a successful businessman and he'll run the country like a business". we're fucked. i'm ok w/it if a bunch of Bolsheviks want to give trump and his whole family the Romanov treatment. Can't we arrange a family photo in the basement of the whitehouse? ? hello FBI/NSA i'm only kidding.
  7. at some point i expect a big monologue from Deloris about her motivations which will be about consciousness/humanity etc. her character has flirted w/that at times when convincing people of her point or to work w/her. this season so far seems to be about missions like missions in a modern game. she has to achieve a bunch of things to get to her goal and along the way they let us know how she's gone about things. the bigger theme seems to be about choice and who gets to make the choices.. the big super computer thing and what is life, what is a life worth living etc etc.. curious where they take that as it seems relevant w/things like facebook and data collecting.
  8. some leadership from the president would be nice right about now but i guess his 'leadership' is what's stoking this insanity.
  9. if you find yourself in a certain frame of mind and want to explore more you can go back to the bush era and watch all their coverage of the gulf war stuff. it's pretty amazing.
  10. X desk would be a good way to go because it's expandable. they're small, sound good etc. only a couple sends though. there's various older/new mid range mixers out there from soundcraft and allen/heath that are pretty good. i can't obsess about the differences in that range of mixers though. just find the oe that stays out of the way, sonically.. my patch bay is the thing i'd really love to replace w/a proper TT bay and new cabling but that would cost thousands. i don't do DIY. i'm awful at anythign that requires a soldering iron. i just make a fucking mess. last time i tried to do something w/a soldering iron was put a new screen in my DX11... i took a pic of it and posted it on IG and a friend texted me saying "STOP. just bring your shit over and i'll do it". he has a modular company and knows how to do all that obviously and has the right tools for that shit. so i haven't looked at any diy. some pro audio brands really have a niche. if you look at the frequency specs of all the gear you'll see why certain things are known for being "the best thing to use on rock drum kit snare" or whatever the fuck. the avedis stuff is wide open. i probably make more of that than it is. but i used to have a couple avalon DIs and they also are flat down to like 2hz or something and have a wide open top end so on a drum machine that's bumping they just sound amazing. everything sounded so good. ideally some API eqs and avedis eqs wold make a nice rack. but i don't even use the eq much on my mackie except for the hi pass filter here and there. it's mostly just for tracking and lately i've only used it when monitoring and then i patch directly into the AD converters. shrug. a mixer, currently, is just a convenience when writing stuff then when i'm ready to record i do something different. it's weird. but it's what i've done lately. i guess that'll change when i use things differently again and integrate w/more gear/modular/fx etc. in a big patch bay mess being controlled by Max or something. need to build those max patches though. if the RonaDemic lasts long enough maybe i'll have time. derp. as for more capitalist bootlicker robreport type fantasy... i'd love to swim in the backyard.
  11. it's their stripped down project studio mixer. can load it w/500 series modules. has a handful of sends, bus compressor, direct outs, no automation or anything. would make a nice thing for tracking since it's got transparent circuitry and super nice freq range. like flat to 3hz or something. no color but what is added somewhere else which i like. if dreaming it'd be a nice thing but honestly the mackie i have works just fine. if i could post a photo of being independently wealthy and retired from a day job i'd post that.
  12. these things or some variation on all these things. or maybe just an RV for driving around and working on a laptop wherever i want.
  13. washington, oregon, northern california, BC, CASCADIA https://www.cascadianow.org https://zapatopi.net/cascadia/ https://zapatopi.net/bsa/militia/
  14. got the email this morning. dope.
  15. it's splintered as fuck now though. anti vaxxer essential oils moms, anarchists, antifa, hippies, hippy capitalists, festival culture.. in some way it's all a myriad of pyramid schemes or something weird. not gonna write a PHD on it or anything but i'll be surprised if a progerssive movement that's also counter culture becomes mature and doesn't PC itself to death. there's so much handholding that is required of some people. like wtf these are facts.. we're not trying to hurt your feelings. grow up and be pragmatic and let's get some shit done. "BUT MY FEELINGS!!!!"
  16. couldn't find appropriate goth gf picture to post here.
  17. it is! @Brisbot i'd also check out all the content on Frontline. there are several about his administration and different issues. https://watch.opb.org/show/frontline/ the 2 parter "the Great Divide" is a good place to start. https://watch.opb.org/video/americas-great-divide-from-obama-to-trump-part-one-8wtjss/ immigration focused https://watch.opb.org/video/zero-tolerance-en2plm/ trade war https://watch.opb.org/video/trumps-trade-war-xrqqdl/ mueller report https://watch.opb.org/video/mueller-investigation-mw2cf1/ american nazis https://watch.opb.org/video/documenting-hate-new-american-nazis-vrbezk/ campaign investigation https://watch.opb.org/video/trumps-showdown-jqp2qd/ documenting hate https://watch.opb.org/video/documenting-hate-charlottesville-1120-ie0mod/ trump's takeover of the "establishment" https://watch.opb.org/video/trumps-takeover-purccz/ and much like the great hack.. the facebook dilemma is a must watch and fits w/that doc nicely. it's also a 2 parter... https://watch.opb.org/video/the-facebook-dilemma-part-one-s43cuc/ https://watch.opb.org/video/the-facebook-dilemma-part-two-iev1xh/
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