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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. not saying ignore anything or that him being a racist asshole erases her bad behavior.. just saying.. there's zero need to use that word and the only reason he does it is because its ability to hurt a black person in a very precise way. it's more than a word really. it's basically saying "know your place. i'm a white man and you are less than me". that's what he's saying to her. he could've easily said "you dumb asshole learn how to drive" or whatever road ragey type bullshit we yell in our cars. it seems obvious to me but i grew up in a diverse place w/lot's of people of color and it becomes well understood at somepoint in life what that word means.. and it's not the same to everyone but i've seen it hurt people pretty badly so maybe i'm over reacting but it's more than just typical stupid shit people say. i'm all for distracted driving laws and getting police to actually enforce them. i look forward to everyone having a self driving car because most drivers are fucking idiots. just spend 20 minutes looking at r/idiotsincars and you'll never drive w/o anxiety again.
  2. er, what? dude.. there's no reason to bring that word out. you can cuss someone out for shitty driving w/o being racist about it. the n-word is forbidden. that's how i feel anyways.. i mean.. you can get real pissed off at someone.. have words.. tell them to fuck off.. but if you then drop a n-bomb on them you flipped a switch. lit a fuse.. whatever. it's fucked up. no need for a white person to go there because it means something else entirely.. that guy int he truck knows what it means and he knows she knows what it means and exactly what he's saying to her. and that's why he said it. a white person holding that word over a black person and flaunting it.. is waving it like a flag.
  3. ugh. another bilionaire entering the ring. the pollsters say he and biden would be fighting for the same voters. shrug.
  4. well.. china is becoming less religious everyday but that's because they're ethnic cleansing the religious people and harvesting their organs. ? it's interesting the religious people in america aren't raising loud objections but i guess it's because the ethnic group in question aren't christians so america doesn't care. lot's of people are outraged but the secular capitalists fall back on "it's complicated" because of how intertwined our economy is w/china. anyway.. sorry for the tangent. i think the less religious america becomes the more pragmatic it might become but we'll see. it might be nice if we have a true separation of church and state. the fundamentalist evangelical cultists are the scary part of religion in america.
  5. election results.. always more nuanced than anyone wants to admit.. except this guy! good analysis.. his commentary starts around 3:50 but the whole segment is about elections https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/the-nationwide-trends-tuesdays-off-year-election-results-reinforced
  6. there's a reaktor based live coding thing i saw yesterday... https://github.com/freeeco/livecore
  7. meh. i think his foreign policy ideas are often misguided due to that libertarian idea of retreating from the world entirely even though having a military bases in certain places is literally the only thing keeping the aggression at bay. it may seem expensive on the surface but would be more expensive if we weren't there because things would get topsy turvy in some places. an ounce of prevention and all that.. just by our presence. but it's certainly more complicated than this here blurb i'm typing.
  8. Juli Briskman, who famously flipped off President Donald Trump’s motorcade in a viral 2017 photo, won her race Tuesday night for a seat on the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors in Virginia. Briskman, a former marketing executive and local Democratic activist, unseated eight-year incumbent Republican Suzanne Volpe. She will represent the Algonkian District on the board, which serves more than 400,000 residents. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/juli-briskman-flipped-off-trump-motorcade-loudoun-county-supervisor-board-virginia_n_5dc1e085e4b08b735d616c7e
  9. America sucks! "say it to my face" lol.. that's america. SMELLL THE FREEEEEEDOOOOMMMMM!!!
  10. what a dope. kinda sounded like common for a minute there though. if he'd have skipped the black face it might've been funny because those microsoft commercials are prime fodder for spoofing.
  11. the look on trump's face like he's trying to follow what rand paul is saying.. classic.. i hate the way trump points at people from the stage.. it just bugs me.. and wtf.. why is rand paul sucking trump's cock so hard? ugh.. so much bullshit. fuck all these people.
  12. another state to avoid if you're not already avoiding it. https://www.foxnews.com/us/permitless-gun-carry-oklahoma Most Oklahomans 21 and older can now carry concealed or unconcealed firearms without having gone through a background check or training requirements, with exceptions for those illegally in the country or who have been convicted of certain crimes.
  13. trump's tax case to go the supreme court. must be some really shady shit in there. also, what even are ethics rules anyways? http://www.startribune.com/trump-plugs-son-s-book-while-accusing-bidens-of-self-dealing/564379622/
  14. are they pretty much doing the titanic thing there?
  15. btw bottom of kleenex boxes are exact height to fit as blank panels. so, next time you run out of kleenex cut the bottom off the box and it fits right in the rails. the rectangular ones. not sure about the cube boxes.
  16. i've heard other conservatives say things like "If hillary was smart she'd get in the race". i hope not. let someone else have a chance. i'm all for reasonable people but i don't think we need a dead ass centrist in there just now. pendulum swung pretty far right last time let's let it swing back left a bit before it settles back into the center. and the new center may end up being left of center if we're lucky.
  17. The Big Short Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-california-wildfires-twitter-gavin-newsom-federal-aid-latest-a9183216.html
  19. some steady boos happening... it's din of noise with some cheers and some people waving and trying to get his attention but there's long loud boos.
  20. just like trump... except trump wouldn't confess STUDENTS FOR TRUMP FOUNDER FACES PRISON AFTER CONFESSING TO $46,000 SCAM WHILE POSING AS ATTORNEY WITH A DEGREE FROM AN ELITE LAW SCHOOL https://www.newsweek.com/john-lambert-maga-donald-trump-students-trump-manhattan-1452963 also, this bonus...
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