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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. interesting. didn't know about the bots or her opposition to the magnitsky act.
  2. "eat some bread pussy" the other night I ate a little something i thought was GF but wasn't. my guts felt like they were being twisted in opposite directions. i'll spare you the rest of the details
  3. think of it as an artist grant like they do in canada. all that sweet sweet grant money for the arts. all the pro putin hip hop is pretty awful though.
  4. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/rep-tulsi-gabbard-gets-2020-endorsement-from-david-duke-2019-10-19
  5. what a shit show. apparently he has a mushroom dick too.. if stormy daniels is to be believed.
  6. also commented about removing sanctions.. ahem.. cancelling them. maybe the hillsdog will be proven right in a couple years. or in 1 year. who knows.. wtf with this squirelly political system we'll end up with during the election. mayhaps the russians are planning on funneling cash to a 3rd party to even things up for drumpf? we should really just get nuked from orbit.. it's the only way to be safe.
  7. fckn mulvaney... "we're crooks... so what.. get over it" - maybe his face will melt soon
  8. Fackn cables. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. re: a bigger crash.. it's not unlikely.. i mean.. the banks are more or less doing all the same shit. btw, the book "HomeWreckers" is about how people wilbur ross and mnuchen in trumps cabinet were positioned to make tons of cash after the previous collapse and how they basically got indieMac bank for free and made a deal so any forclosed loans would be covered by the gov't. so they forcefully booted people from their homes and foreclosed so they could collect the gov't subsidies. real fucking scumbags.. https://www.amazon.com/Homewreckers-Kingpins-Magnates-Capitalists-Demolished/dp/0062869531/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2MF82IFXUF3LC&keywords=homewreckers&qid=1571351443&s=books&sprefix=homewreckers%2Caps%2C262&sr=1-1
  10. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/turkey-syria-us-nuclear-weapons-bombs-trump-war-isis-kurds-a9158416.html
  11. most awkward dumb ridiculous person is the president. got that kid's parents over here to try and arrange a photo op. https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/trump-admin-made-gargantuan-miscalculation-arranged-surprise-meeting-between-harry-dunns-parents-and-their-sons-killer-lawyer/ he had 3 photographers standing by.
  12. reading up more about giuliani's alleged crime.. it's basically what Mike Flynn got put in jail for. same fucking plot. working for turkey to get the muslim cleric ejected from USA so turkey can have him. what a shit stain. fucking paywall https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/10/us/politics/giuliani-trump-rex-tillerson.html
  13. yep i know she's not an idiot.. it seems there's been ample opportunity to put pressure on some the people refusing to cooperate and they've yet to make an example of anyone. they wouldn't have to take a vote to do any of that. perhaps they're waiting for ever single democrat to fall in line.. even those 7 who are in districts that Trump won. dems are really just waiting until they have that smoking gun or whatever.. until they really have him by the balls w/o any doubt etc etc... but who knows if that's going to come. trump has no shame and will not resign like nixon did. they'll really have to put their foot sup his ass to get anywhere with him and his people.
  14. fuck. nut up nancy. hold the vote. hold giuliani in contempt. arrest him.
  15. i clicked on your link in safari.. then the transport/progress play bar loads in the middle of the browser.. right clicked on the transport and "download video as" and the base.mp3 file downloads w/o issue. it's around 1GB.
  16. really hoping trump just freaks out on camera soon in a more than the usual sputtering bullshit kind of way. it'd be nice if he was visibly panicked in a way that was too obvious to hide. he needs to be embarrassed and humiliated. this is when he'll make the desperate decisions and start throwing people under the bus. he has this bizarre form of composure nad comfort in front of his base at rallies.. when he's speaking to 'his people'. all that shit needs to uncomfortable for him. whatever happens.. if this progresses and has real teeth etc it's gonna get more weird and probably more ugly.
  17. Especially after he was cautious and hesitant about everything in previous scenes. Dumbest characters. Some good bits but overall they shit the bed with the script. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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