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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. regarding gun control... the current situation is useless. there is no universal gun law. each state does what it wants. people drive form NYC or chicago to south carolina and make 'straw man' purchases for handguns.. buying 20 30.. 50 guns then going back to the cities and selling them on the street. there is an expo center.. big hall where they have all kinds of events.. just about 1.5 miles from my house.. all summer every other week there's guns shows. anyone can walk in there.. buy a gun and leave. the gun shows aren't subject to the same laws as gun shops. it's different in every state.. my friend bought a handgun and took home same day from a gun show. there is no database of gun owners at the federal level. the mess of laws and lack of regulations make it impossible for federal agencies to track data and have investigations into things like gun running, illegal sales, state to state traffic.. etc etc.. it's a joke. if they had universal back ground checks, one set of federal laws to handle registration, a database etc it would make things way simpler and more efficient for law enforcement. obviously, assault weapons ban, gun modification controls, no more high round magazines etc etc.. there's tons of things that can be done to reduce access to guns and reduce gun deaths. practical things. not to mention the other side of this in figuring out liability for gun deaths.. gun insurance.. licenses etc. are there other problems? of course. USA is a weird culture and very self centered in the world. the fear of outsiders "taking what i have" is buried deep inside a lot of people. the discussion needs to be had in congress. something needs to be ironed out.. a start. we can't just say "oh no it's too complicated we can't do anything" or nothing will change. btw, the 'good guy w/a gun is the only thing to stop a bad guy w/a gun' argument is dumb. the guy in akron killed 9 people and injured how many? in under 1 minute. the police were there in 1 minute.
  2. i think the "white nationalist terrorist" hasn't become standardized yet. it's only now starting to become a term that news outlets use as a default and only slightly. they still largely go to "mentally ill" or something like that. they have a much easier time calling brown/muslim people terrorists. they're still far from calling these types of mass shootings "terror attacks". it's in the news and some people are asking the question "is this domestic terrorism" but they haven't quite gone down that path totally.. they await cues from law enforcement/FBI/prosecutors etc. there's the odd police spokesperson here or there who straight up calls it domestic terrorism when giving a briefing though. i think a lot of people are ahead of the media on this but for some reason there seems to be resistance to calling it what it is by news outlets. they still opt for "lone wolf" or something.
  3. there's always been voters like this woman they interviewed. as long as i can remember this type of story has been on the news only the focus changes. the issues now seem more dangerous than all the standard right vs left shit that's usually talked about. but these same voters are essentially in the same mental place they've always been in. they have no sense of history, no sense of time.. no idea about what is normal except in their own little me bubble. and yeah.. totally.. a lot of people do not understand how things have changed and keep changing in the 24 hour news cycle and the information era. plus, america is fundamentally broken in several ways and lot's of people just don't realize that because they're blinded by some type of pride or nationalism or old school deep rooted belief that "america is the best nation on god's earth" and blah blah blah. i can't put all the thoughts together.
  4. regarding Dayton Ohio recent news story about Ohio voters, white flight, Dayton's diversity compared to its surroundings. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/in-ohio-do-republican-voters-care-about-trumps-remarks-on-race?fbclid=IwAR0A44EYemyYAWAcMCWV9Jq7K_XZ03VszJIJPlMhCCEYYul5TYcSkzp22f8
  5. regarding Dayton Ohio recent news story about Ohio voters, white flight, Dayton's diversity compared to its surroundings. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/in-ohio-do-republican-voters-care-about-trumps-remarks-on-race?fbclid=IwAR0A44EYemyYAWAcMCWV9Jq7K_XZ03VszJIJPlMhCCEYYul5TYcSkzp22f8
  6. also, the premise that "something is wrong w/manhood today and our manhood is being taken and blah blah blah" is silly imo. hey but this guns guns guns america problem is nuts.. chicago persists.. wtf.. heartbreaking https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/for-mothers-men-against-senseless-killings-chicagos-violence-strikes-close-to-home
  7. #leningradLindsey is trending now. fucking craziness is outta hand.
  8. maybe you gained muscle? weightloss is something like 80% diet 20% exercise. i learned that right here on watmm
  9. he listened to kim kardashian about giving some people clemency and letting them out of jail. <---- brand new sentence i thought no one would ever type.
  10. jfc this thread.. endless amounts of scumbags living in trump tower went to jail
  11. checked out their site. wtf. i guess everyone needs a purpose or something to belong to but this shit is stupid.
  12. made cuban black beans and rice. rice a solid A. beans a C on my gringo scale. now i have big pot of meiocre black beans to work into recipes all week.
  13. er.. why? i like the funny shit and the investigative type of stories about healthcare debt and stuff like that.. he's no worse than the lot really.. watching any late night talk show or weekly politically slanted funny show is nothing to seek mental health over. i think oliver and back in the day jon stewart gave it to the left pretty often and are more than lefty shills. but was anything in that boris johnson bit inaccurate or unfunny? i found it funny as an outsider but i'm not going to go research boris johnson now to investigate john oliver reporting. i had a laugh i thought the thread would appreciate the post.
  14. yeah.. i know. but i didn't come across anything about comey opting one way or the other about his reasoning to do anything.
  15. what lead you to that conclusion? did he state that somewhere or is it widely hinted at somewhere? that's a new wrinkle to me..
  16. which is why he'll do whatever it takes to get reelected. all the dirty tricks all the time. ll the foreign help and foreign money.. all the voter disenfranchisement etc etc.. republicans don't want free and fair elections.. hence mconnel blocking voting security bills.
  17. holy fuck.. had no idea about this group.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psy-Group
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