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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. well put. i do think they need someone attacking him. someone who isn't the focal point.. not AOC etc.. but someone like that guy Al Green. someone who's not running for president. someone to get under his skin and make him say dumb racist shit to help keep the outrage meter at a steady place so people will be sick o fshit and come out and vote. they'll be overwhelmed by his fucking pig face and non stop bullshit lies they'll vote for whoever is on the dem ticket just to end the trump presidency. and during all that the investigations continue and more dirt comes out more details come out etc.. the crimes get revealed. this makes trump even more nuts and stupid and weird
  2. anyone think someone will come from the future soon to end this donald trump problem? [hello NSA!] he's really getting to babby hitler status. i guess if he was to go on to become leader for life then sciene won't be aroun dlong enough to have a time machine some day unless it's made by british science. hey, british science.. if you're listening in the future.. send Micheal Steele esquire the XXIV back here to sort some shit out for my immedite present. modular synths are less fun w/ hitler2 in office.
  3. they must have a plan. also, moscow mitch mconnel won't let it go forward in the senate. but i still believe pelosi wants to see trump in jail rather than impeached which i can't argue with. that being said.. i think we've got to be getting close to some kind of move on the dems part towards impeachment. when the fuck is mueller gonna testify? if public opinion starts to change.. then maybe she'll get behind it but i think they all want some kind of smoking gun or they know this will all get spun out in a wash and look like partisan politics or something. idk... these insider politics is hard to get agrip on sometimes w/o digesting lot's and lot's of news in various media/sources edit: ya know.. if the dems could get a bit savy w/the impeachment they could put the congressman who's impeachment proceeding was tabled out front.. he's black. you know it'd only be a matter of time until trump attacked him racially. they could make that guy the focal point and let him be attacked for a while. after how trump came out against the new congresswomen and singled out omar IIhan it wouldn't take long for him to start some shit with congressman Al Green https://www.salon.com/2019/07/17/texas-congressman-introduces-articles-of-impeachment-against-president-trump/
  4. if only this was evidence of some email wrong doings it'd be all over for trump ? also, is it me or does trump have those Joe Pesci eyebrows from his character in JFK?
  5. we need that pee tape of nekkid 14 yr old ivanka showering his face while straddling his gross nekkid self. even then i think his followers would try to spin it. and republicans in congress would remain silent. turtle face moscow mitch won't let impeachment proceed in the senate.
  6. who could do that to some innocent ice cream????!?!?!
  7. this public freakout road rage get together is hilarious.. listening to the guy change his tone when he yells at the woman who's w/him vs the dude in the van.. is just too much.. so hilarious.. https://v.redd.it/6uogvtggfy931
  8. not modest but hell.. she "feuded" w/the president, talked shit, caused an uproar and went out there and playe like a fucking boss. the equal pay stuff w/women's soccer at the front has been ongoing for years. they generated more revenue than USA men's soccer the last 3 years but they make like 1/8th what the men get and they have a super tiny budget for travel etc. so, it's easy to argue that mayhaps she does deserve it ?
  9. she honed her chops as a regulator. long before she became a senator she was out there trying to protect consumers and holding banks and big corporation's feet to the flames. i think she'd do a good job and a sanders warren ticket (in any order) would be cool. no candidate is perfect and people need to stop looking for perfect. .it doesn't exist. they can't please everyone and I don't think that should be their jobs. even if candidate is checks all the boxes for you when/if he/she gets elected there will be compromises to get things done.
  10. identity politics always fucks up the dems in some places.. so, if whoever wins the nomination knows how to be politically smart about the message.. inclusive yet working class or whatever.. for better or worse.. will be able to motivate voters i think.. but i'm not a professional.. i'm sure there's lot's of details the analysts have ticking around in their brains.. hopefully the right formula is reached and we don't get a candidate who is focus grouped into oblivion and turns off a bunch of people.
  11. the question was "Who has a chance of beating trump?" also, people said the same about hillary.. but i'd take her any day and twice on sunday over trump. there's still a lot of good things a corporate shill can do/protect. I'm not arguing for center politics.. just saying.. if it comes down to biden or whoever.. i'm voting for that person. i think warren would be good though.
  12. hard to say. probably biden maybe warren.. mayhaps bernie... if trump gets humiliated savagely it'd help everyone's chances. in a debate or a scandal that actually sticks to him... if young people come out to vote.. etc.. it's a numbers crunch right? i mean... there's people who have all the different voting blocks already sussed out. they know which voters they're fighting over. dems need to register a lot of new voters and get people to vote. trump's get out the vote effort is way more organized than it was in 2016. they're more prepared and expect to win. it's gonna take a lot to get him out of office.
  13. that video is cringetopia trump and tarrifs.. yeah.. it's all one long backfire in the long run. he's not addressing the real issues of intellectual property and chinese requiring foreign companies to share in intellectual property to gain entry to the chinese market.
  14. shit. "He's a real character" R.I.P. Rip Torn. Make ya daddy proud. proud.
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