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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. my friend started posting constant weird memes to his FB timeline and for 3 or 4 months and he trained the algorithm and everything that shows up now is all just bizarre shit. if you click on every mattress ad for a few weeks you'll see nothing but mattress ads.. same for shoes or underwear or headphones etc.. then that stuff w/follow you everywhere.. so the ads in google adsense and stuff on amazon.. all of it becomes those things..
  2. been bringing my dog to work all week which means i have a bunch of dog treats and the chicken/venison jerky dog treats are starting to look pretty good.
  3. i think it's just connecting the dots or collecting all the puzzle pieces to see what the big picture is. There's definitely the tendency to jump to conclusions. sometimes a coincidence is just that but also sometimes it's more. as someone said.. it's a big ol mess..
  4. it's true but all that was apparently scheduled to be sold long ago. it's how big corporations operate because of insider info.. they have to schedule the sale of stock far in advance... or something. there's rules i guess.
  5. flol https://www.yahoo.com/news/white-house-defends-trumps-congratulations-putin-192241212.html https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/former-playboy-model-karen-mcdougal-sues-break-silence-180236071.html
  6. yes. but i didn't. edit: here's the link https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/85p30j/deletefacebook_movement_gains_steam_after_50/dvz4y6o/
  7. do you want to fart lot's? because cauliflower is how you get farts.
  8. tiny hernia is getting bigger and been painful the last couple days. solo at work while the boss is out for a few days.. worried i may have to get surgery which gives me anxiety because i'll have to put m dog in a doggie hotel or find a friend to watch him for a couple days then i'll be out of commission for a week.. apparently not even supposed to cough or laugh after hernia surgery... if that's even what it is.. feels like my guts want to come out every time i piss and when i'm just sitting around like there's a bubble at my waist line... getting old sucks. also, 2 of my nieces are having weddings this year... my younger brother next year and my cousin's kid either this year or next year... 4 weddings in the next 12 months all on the easy coast. frak. if it doesn't work out can i have her number? srsly though go meet her.. wtf could it hurt.. maybe she's interesting.
  9. long post on reddit about FB in deep w/russian oligarch Russia is deeply embedded into Facebook. In 2009, Russian social-media mogul Yuri Milner invested $200 million into Facebook at a valuation of $10 billion dollars without voting rights or a seat on the board. To understand this investment, at the time the world was going through a global recession and Facebook's general valuation had dropped from the $15 billion from the year prior to $4-$6 billion in 2009. https://www.cnet.com/news/facebooks-valuation-the-cheat-sheet/ One company did offer a valuation of $8 billion, but with a seat on the board, which Zuckerberg was strongly against. In other words, Yuri Milner invested in Facebook when they were strapped for cash and at an inflated price without voting rights or a seat on the board. That's an amazing deal for Zuckerberg! Here's Yuri Milner and Mark Zuckerberg hanging out for an interview: https://techcrunch.com/2009/05/26/mark-zuckerberg-and-yuri-milner-talk-about-facebooks-new-investment-video/ The deal was coordinated by Alisher B. Usmanov, a Russian oligarch that earned his fortune managing steel mill subsidiaries for Gazprom. Usmanov spent six years in prison for fraud and embezzlement in the 80's. In 2008, Usmanov fired a publisher and editor at one of Russia's most respected news paper after it published detailed accounts of Russian election fraud. It is said, "His ties to the Kremlin and Facebook have stirred concerns that he might influence the company’s policies in subtle ways to appease governments in markets where Facebook is also an important tool of political dissent, such as Russia." This was in 2009. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/16/technology/a-russian-facebook-bet-pays-off-big.html Usmanov is close friends with Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alisher_Usmanov Ivanka Trump and Wendi Deng are good friends with Abramovich's then wife, Dasha Zhoukova. Here they are watching a tennis match. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3784716/Ivanka-Trump-Karlie-Kloss-Wendi-Deng-Murdoch-watch-Open.html The leak of the Paradise Papers revealed the money Yuri Milner used to invest into Facebook came from Gazprom, a US sanctioned Russian oil and gas company, at one point owning 9% of the company. http://www.wired.co.uk/article/what-is-the-paradise-papers-leak-facebook-yuri-milner-facebook-twitter-russia Soon after, Zuckerberg and Milner became friends, meeting monthly: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/zuckerberg-got-early-business-advice-194957335.html And even spoke together in November 2015 at the 2016 Breakthrough Prize Ceremony. http://www.wired.co.uk/article/what-is-the-paradise-papers-leak-facebook-yuri-milner-facebook-twitter-russia In May 2012, Milner attended Zuckerberg's wedding. In 2014, Milner moved to California home he paid 100% above value on. http://time.com/5011000/paradise-papers-tax-havens-leak/ For those who aren't familiar with Gazprom, Gazprom financed the spy ring that in 2013 tried to recruit Trump Advisor Carter Page before being broken up by the FBI. One of the spies trying to recruit Page said of Page, "He got hooked on Gazprom." http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/04/04/russian-spy-met-trump-adviser-carter-page-and-thought-he-was-an-idiot/ Around the time Yuri Milner was investing in Facebook, they lost their CFO Gideon Yu. Reason given: Facebook wanted a CFO with public company experience, suggesting they were thinking of an IPO at the time of Milner's investment (the reason given was deemed nonsensical). https://techcrunch.com/2009/03/31/confirmed-facebook-loses-cfo-gideon-yu/ Yuri Milner's DST was one of the big winners over Facebook's botched IPO. https://www.ft.com/content/281a8420-a46e-11e1-a701-00144feabdc0 When Facebook was confronted about the fake news epidemic on Facebook and it's influence on the election, he said it was "crazy." http://www.latimes.com/opinion/topoftheticket/la-na-tt-zuckerberg-russians-20170929-story.html When Facebook put out a report in April 2017, it conspicuously left out any mention of Russia: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2017/10/report-facebook-cut-russia-references-from-report-on-disinformation/ US political ads were at times paid for by rubles: http://thehill.com/policy/technology/358102-franken-blasts-facebook-for-accepting-rubles-for-us-election-ads Facebook had "embeds" into the Trump campaign working with Brad Parscale, Trumps digital director. https://mashable.com/2017/10/10/facebook-responds-embeds-trump-campaign-60-minutes/#BrZIcKnffGqw Based on Kushner's quotes, these "embeds" may have worked closely with Cambridge Anayltica: “We found that Facebook and digital targeting were the most effective ways to reach the audiences. After the primary, we started ramping up because we knew that doing a national campaign is different than doing a primary campaign. That was when we formalized the system because we had to ramp up for digital fundraising. We brought in Cambridge Analytica. I called some of my friends from Silicon Valley who were some of the best digital marketers in the world. And I asked them how to scale this stuff." Here's a video explaining just that: @2:37 http://www.bbc.com/news/av/magazine-40852227/the-digital-guru-who-helped-donald-trump-to-the-presidency Theresa Wong from the Trump campaign says that people from Facebook, Google, and Youtube "...were helping us... They were basically our hands-on partners..." In the video above, Theresa Wong from the Trump campaign says, "Without Facebook, we wouldn't have won." (@4:21) For those who aren't familiar, Cambridge Analytica was communicating with Julian Assange about Hillary Clinton's and DNC's stolen emails. So was Don Jr. Michael Flynn, who pled guilty to lying to the FBI, also had an advisory role at Cambridge Analytica. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/aug/04/michael-flynn-cambridge-analytica-disclosure Zuckerberg admitted there was overlap between Russia ads and the Trump Campaign. http://www.techheadlines.us/facebook-says-it-found-an-insignificant-overlap-between-russia-ads-and-president-trumps-campaign/ Facebook recommended Russian propaganda to users: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/01/25/facebook-tells-senate-its-software-recommended-russian-propaganda.html Facebook helped Agata Burdonova, who was a manager at the IRA (Russian Troll Factory) that meddled in the US 2016 elections, and her husband, Dmitry Fyodorov, immigrate to Seattle Washington. Burdonova's husband has received a job offer from Facebook. https://www.buzzfeed.com/kevincollier/a-former-manager-at-the-russian-troll-factory-is-now-living https://twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews/status/967559297516425217/photo/1 Yuri Milner made these investments into Facebook with the help of Jared Kushner's friend and old classmate Ryan Williams. Yuri Milner also invested in Cadre, a company co-founded by Ryan Williams, Jared Kushner, and his brother Josh Kushner. However, Jared Kushner conveniently failed to disclose his ownership of the company. Milner's investment is likely through Gazprom as well. http://www.newsweek.com/jared-kushner-ivanka-trump-white-house-forms-omissions-cadre-millions-679231 https://www.theverge.com/2016/11/10/13594558/mark-zuckerberg-election-fake-news-trump Guess who's friend's with both Mark Zuckerberg and Yuri Milner? Suspected Chinese agent and Vladimir Putin love interest Wendi Deng Murdoch. Wendi Deng introduced her then husband Rupert Murdoch to Mark Zuckerberg: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2013/jun/13/rupert-murdoch-divorce-wendi-deng Yuri Milner and Wendi Deng attended a Time 100 Gala together in New York, April 2016. http://www.zimbio.com/photos/Yuri+Milner/2016+Time+100+Gala+Time+Most+Influential+People/quud6cf3as- Here's Wendy Deng with Yuri Milner's wife and Karlie Kloss, who's dating Josh Kushner, Jared Kushner's brother. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/fashion/events/time-100-gala-best-dressed-celebrities/model-karlie-kloss-with-wife-of-russian-entrepreneur-yuri-milner/ Wendi Deng also hosted a dinner that included Jared Kushner, Josh Kushner, and Ryan Williams, amongst others. https://www.vogue.com/article/businesswoman-wendi-murdoch-career-profile Wendi Deng is know as a match-maker to her friends and actually helped reunite Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner after a break up, eventually leading to marriage. Wendi Deng may be the link between Yuri Milner with Zuckerberg, as well as with the Kushners, and Ryan Williams. Wendi Deng was spotted on Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich's yacht several times. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3514484/Wendi-Deng-takes-break-St-Barts-billionaire-friend-Roman-Abramovich-s-yacht-three-weeks-ex-husband-Rupert-Murdoch-tied-knot-Jerry-Hall.html Wendi Deng introduced Ivanka Trump to Dasha Zhoukova, then wife of Roman Abramovich. Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner met at a business lucheon led by Abramovich associate Lev Leviev. At the time, Lev Leviev was hosting the bris for the grandson of Tamir Sapir, who's daughter Zina Sapir married Lev Leviev's Africa-Israel US CEO Roten Rosen. Trump, just months priors, hosted Zina Sapir and Roten Rosem's wedding at Mar-a-Lago. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2008/05/highprofile_bris_on_sunday_you.html The Sapir Organization, in conjunction with Bayrock and the Trump Organization, put together the scandal-ridden Trump SoHo and were working together to replicate that with a Trump Tower Moscow. https://therealdeal.com/2013/11/12/the-donald-sapir-execs-mull-bringing-trump-soho-to-moscow/ In 2000, Abramovich and Oleg Deripaska, along with others, made a deal that ended the "Aluminum wars" and turned the industry into a near monopoly. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2003/jul/06/russia.football Oleg Deripaska and Alisher Usmanov have been business ties together. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/analysis-and-features/whats-a-nice-russian-oligarch-like-you-doing-in-a-steelworks-like-this-65258.html
  10. "featured" = two questions while picking the nose. i read interview somewhere they said they walked out of that doc after a couple minutes because it was "so pretentious".
  11. btw never search for "cheney shoots guy in the face" unless you want to see a bunch of people who've been shot in the face
  12. McCabe's statement was pretty awesome as well. also he turned over to mueller his memos he wrote on trump conversations. btw if you haven't read this article it's worth a read.. a big tangent to this thread but wrapped up in it somehow..
  13. had to google this to see if it's something he said.. he said it.. https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/trump-space-force/vp-BBKb18l
  14. and immediately hired by the trump campaign.. gotta keep him on the payroll so he'll stay quiet. he's trumps long time personal assistant and was his golf caddy at one time.
  15. i'd rather see some randy orton slitheren... from outta nowhere!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XwKepsOjKA
  16. eating some plain ruffles right now. 1st time i bought chips in a yeear?
  17. midiquest is a pile of shit at least in my OS X experience. it worked some times for some synths.. but mostly was totally disappointing.
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