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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. fucking idiot. what a scene. i fart in their general direction.
  2. before anyone started speaking.. 1st thought was.. Australia. those are australians.
  3. on reddit there's a washington post story about the business deal and a contract w/donny's signature on it.. from way back during the campaign. so he was dealing w/russia during the campaign and everyone knew it and they lied about it. what other smoking gun is required? fucking fuck this fucking douchebag already.
  4. so good. that scene w/diane was amazing. intense. she's so great. the whole dougie jones thread is pretty great. the fact that she feds him cake then he goes to put a fork in the socket.. i mean.. if it was pie he might have stayed to finish it and never electrocuted himself. ;)
  5. russian army will come to DC and protect trumpy from the traitors. it'll be great. srsly though i can't imagine he'd stay in office and refuse to leave. he'd be ousted and thrown out. Pence would have to stand up and do some shit. fucking lunatic christian fucktard that he is.
  6. http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/347644-state-dept-science-envoy-resigns surprised it took him this long really.
  7. https://twitter.com/MrJamesonNeat/status/899376913927389184
  8. the sound design when that place disappears into the woods.. fucking dope. dark as hell. brilliant.
  9. https://theweirdwideweb.tumblr.com/post/164388598594/its-funny-as-fuck-how-little-nazis-showed-up-for It’s funny as fuck how little nazis showed up for the Boston “free speech rally” (on the left)—-and I wanted to add as a personal sidenote that I lived across from that vestibule when I first went to college and I smoked weed in that thing every single night. We called it “The Snail” because well
  10. and there are/have been others The Red Warriors, Paris, late 1980s. “The Red Warriors used violent force to remove Neo Nazi gangs from France and provide safe spaces for immigrants during the rise of white nationalism and an outbreak of violent crime against people of colour. They formed a squat called “L.U.S.I.N.E” and were considered the most effect gang to counter nazi violence, working to instill fear in their opposition. “
  11. i'd say the wheels are coming off the alex jones bus to crazy town but he's never had any wheels or any destination. jones: "you got something to say to me then say it" man on the street: "i did say it.. fuck you.. fuck you"
  12. was on the evening news but didn't go viral because it's not as sexy as a terrorist attack.
  13. so dumb.. this guy has no concept of history. moron.
  14. i'd bet the country will just go SnowCrash and split up into regions and separate entities if a civil war happens. it'll be ugly.. people will run out of stuff.. bombs will go off.. we'll see. really depends on who the president is at the time and the strength of federal institutions which are currently being ravaged by this administration.. it's a goal steve bannons to destroy the federal adminsitrative state..
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