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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. trump looks like he just made a deal to trade his two sad nuns for 6 steak dinners.
  2. the USA (and all of geo politics really) is ripe this kind of thing... i recall having to explain to a christian who thought we should invade iraq because he so terrible to his people that the USA doesn't give two fucks about that and if we did we'd invade china and 10 other places before iraq.. and that if we cared about iraq we wouldn't have littered the country with uranium depleted rounds causing long term contamination and deformities in children etc etc etc.. and there's a 10000 other examples of the 'say one thing do another' modus operandi that the USA practices and how that even varies from place to place.. capitalism bends to suit the momentary interest of the power structure. whatever it takes to keep USA a hegemonic power in the world. america is resilient but we can only shit the bed so many times and come back from it.
  3. Link? this happened a day or two ago. it's verified. and of course first thing infowars does is disparage victims in the manchester suicide attack. http://money.cnn.com/2017/05/23/media/infowars-white-house-press-pass/
  4. That's what gets me the most. He's just not smart. It's astonishing how people look up to the guy. Keep in mind that Dubya was basically a patsy and did whatever his cabinet told him to. He was just incompetent. He didn't have the same hubris as Trump coupled with incompetency. and yet there were a few times he stood up to his cabinet and the republicans in congress to push some of his own ideas. he had an immigration plan that congress just left out in the cold. reasonable people.. many democrats/liberals etc thought it had some good ideas. also, the wars... he fought against some ideas for a while then caved. there's good documentation of this in the frontline series about the wars and 9/11 but so many gargantuan mistakes. people loved that guy but i couldn't believe he got a 2nd term. fucking shameful. cheney is darth vader w/o the conflict of the good side of the force and longing for dead wife.
  5. everything about that is soooo awkward.. and obvious that netanyapoop and wife are using the diplomatic playbook for how to deal w/trumps and praising trumps
  6. they probably deserve each other in some way...
  7. ^^^^ apparently he never tweeted or didn't tweet since 2011 or something.. it's in the thread of that tweet.
  8. please be kushner please be kushner... srsly.. please.. also, wtf sean spicer: "We fired him to ease up pressure on the Russia investigation so that we can have an easier time making deals with the Russians." i mean... isn't that admitting to a felony? sort of the crux of the entire case????
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