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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. the correct term is Dad IDM.. i don't think this fits though. Dad IDM is like BT or something.
  2. I think living longer and the economics of it have an effect too. People not feeling like they can retire because they can’t afford it because they might outlive their money. I know a lot of gen x people who think “retirement? Wtf is that?” Sarcasm because they don’t have the funds. People will inevitably work longer and longer as the dystopian world and climate change kicks in over the coming decade. I guess some of that depends on climate models and politics. a lot of people are currently living in their retirement plan and will sell it and hope to parachute into some place cheaper. but there is also a huge number of boomers who retired well. I’m guessing it’s different in different cities/states.
  3. i made one hair sniffing joke to like 17 people. maybe 2 of them laughed. all 17 people forgot about it immediately and went on w/whatever they were doing. and yeah.. everyone knows what's possible and that trump could win and he'll go scorched earth on anyone he perceives wronged him and the project 2025 people are lined up to give him gasoline to keep the fire going and get their way. we all know this. you freaking out about it isn't helping anyone. if you want to freak out that's fine.. go for it.. but remember where you are. this isn't twitter or facebook.. this is an town square of a different kind. you can go on and wag your finger about how every interaction is loaded with possibilities and making one hair sniffing joke here at WATMM is costing biden votes or furthering a narrative but i disagree. as someone already said.. the americans here who vote are, for the most part, going to vote for biden and one or two people will write in Bob Dole or something.. but either way.. WATMM is not deciding the election. the undecided voter masses.. the middle class white women.. aren't hanging out here or having WATMM show up in their search results on google when they look for "biden is a hair sniffer" or whatever. on social media.. if i make a post about politics you can bet it's hard left or it's a meme about the bible getting jesus' name wrong and his name is really josh because yeshua = joshua. but whatever.. if you're so upset about the narratives running away on you and things getting out of control.. go put on a big sandwich board sign with your positive message about biden and go stand at a busy intersection.
  4. stumbled upon this one today. excellent interview. her enthusiasm and ability to explain things is top tier. edit: gonna add this one in here too because i love the way they are having a great time with this and also shitting on young earth creationism etc.
  5. The “Biden is great” narrative only works because the bar is set pretty low. the infrastructure bill is huge and is one thing more people should point to but it’s not an instant kind of thing. It will roll out over ten years or whatever so various politicians will take credit for anything good that comes from it over the next decade. saying Biden is great is like that website during Obama’s administration. “What’s Obama done” that listed all the things his administration did and every time someone clicked on it it refreshed with a different accomplishment Biden should argue his record but no one will care. They’ll point to scandals (real or fake it won’t matter) and inflation the economy wars etc. and they’ll measure him against some imaginary ideal that would never get elected to local city council let alone the presidency. They live in a make believe world where the president is a woke mastermind always on the right side of every issue who falls on his sword for his principles. its bullshit. The president is a manager who sometimes gets to have long lasting impact but mostly just wants to stay in power for the sake of it.
  6. really? you're surprised? dude.. the hair thing is a joke. c'mon. also, how am i amplifying any narrative here on WATMM? i'm not out on the internet with millions of followers or some shit. we're in a tiny sand box here.. this isn't twitter. edit: srsly man.. get ahold of yourself. don't panic. a handful of people here on watmm making jokes and having opinions/discussions and sharing memes isn't going to amplify any narrative in a way that changes anything in the wider world of american presidential/electoral politics. i'd argue it's going to be the same story as every election. people will vote the party line and a bunch of stupid undecided voters who are mostly uninformed jagoffs will sway the win one way or another by a few percentage points.
  7. they probably all go to MIT or something. edit: pretty sick tune though. i'm not a bongo hand drum fan but that tune has an epic arc.
  8. legend has it he's still pogoing today... srsly. i hope he gets to pogo for as long as he wants to pogo.
  9. guys, dr. jordan peterson has answered this, and many other, questions about life. /s lol. this guy sucks.
  10. find someone you can superdaddy your pants with.
  11. not surprised. he made a few videos about them and early on mentioned they paid attention to one of them and perhaps reached out to him but my memory is fishy on that as it was a long time ago. spotify does suck. in case anyone needs reminding Edit: after doing some reading it seems this happens often enough. Someone’s track or tracks will get added to a playlist created by a bot. Some how this is part of fraud by whoever controls the bots? Idk. Generating “fake” streams? So eventually the playlist gets flagged and relevant people take a look at it then take some action. So, even though the artist whose song is in the playlist didn’t tour it there, their songs get removed. Weird.
  12. just be yourself. make them laugh. don't be a dick. be interested. listen. get their pet to like you. be supportive. don't simp. if the chemistry isn't there don't force it. go see a good 3D movie.
  13. i've only got a few things from him. will have check out the rest. Browen is nice. hits me in the right way these days. i didn't realize it was released in 2010. he only showed up on my radar w/the release cristian vogel put out. '2 Point 5 step pets' i'm less into the straight forward techno type things and more into the abstract or slightly weirder things..
  14. i liked this a lot. nice delivery. nice animal ratings. all in all.. pretty great.
  15. More terrifying than interesting. I know there’s some conditions or possible medication that can cause things like this to happen but 1st thought was “12 Monkeys” Man dies mid-flight after breaking out in 'cold sweats' and losing 'liters of blood,' scaring his fellow passengers https://news.yahoo.com/man-dies-mid-flight-breaking-191920956.html
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