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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. can't remember if it was "citizen ruth" or "wild at heart" when my adoration of laura dern began but at this point it doesn't matter. citizen ruth though.. what a film. still relevant of course.
  2. posted in the social media thread but guess it fits here mo betta this guy argues for open source Ai so we can see the code and know what's going on. interesting thoughts on Ai tutors in the futre for kids.. basically raising kids.. argument now is about alignment and who gets to align the Ai w/it's world view/biases. ugh scary shit.
  3. edit: i guess this could go in the Ai thread. edit edit: haven't paid attention to cory doctorow in years but this came up today.. it's from sept. 2023. interesting speech. sort of dovetails w/some of the stuff in this thread.
  4. these looks at the observable is mind boggling. the distances are unfathomable.
  5. was having a good sleep and a wrong number woke me up when my phone was vibrating. first solid sleeping like the dead type sleep in a long time and fucking wrong number wakes me up. i didn't answer just looked at it later and it was a call from minnesota.. going to start putting the phone in a drawer or something.
  6. a friend of mine did dmt and 'died' and was reborn into outer space.. came out a big vagina into space.. and saw the birth of the earth.. and a bunch of solar events and some kind of death/birth sequence where he became a baby and stuff.
  7. matt tabbi.. wtf happened to that guy. used to do some solid reporting and investigative journalism type stuff.
  8. lol.. a friend said something similar about that track. there was a longer version with some other parts but it felt like they were mucking up the core of the track so i got rid of them. maybe i'll tweak the longer version and keep it bare bones and add it to the release. i always feel like it's better for people to rewind than fast forward but also make lot's of 12 minute tracks. shrug. anyway.. thanks for the feedback! and yeah.. still making music.. just haven't released any of the more recent tracks.
  9. that's him in america right? on that trip and somehow they talked him into stopping to take a tour and he was overwhelmed by how much americans had access to in the grocery store? i think that's how that story went.. and his take away from it was that "we will lose" or something of that character
  10. https://64.media.tumblr.com/24de981e1ef9d2e5a025cf5fab98e56c/f67b43c79943a171-3e/s1280x1920/ca61cc326baa2fda30eac842d0864f0e0ad62ff3.jpg
  11. he's going around pointing out all the amazing things they have in russia and how much "better" it is. maybe he should stay there. he's doing straight up soviet era propaganda style. sorry for hassanbi link but didn't want to like to young turks or tucker channel or majority report or whatever the fuck.
  12. the woman who ran up on stage is the topper. it still amazes me how they see him as a god and savior and honest business man.
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