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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. very cinematic as always, I like it a lot
  2. One still wonders if he is actually meaning these things or if he thinks that it makes him sound pragmatic and smart among a certain demographic of total retards.
  3. Oh, you edited your post It's slightly less shitty now
  4. But you do know that the US has one of the most inefficient health care systems of all industrial countries. Canada has a system with a much better coverage that i at the same time cheaper because it's more efficient. Have a look at the Scandinavian and central European countries. Why can't the US have something like this? I'm not an expert of Obamacare. I know it was flawed but from my standpoint it was at least a step into the right direction.
  5. yeah, listened yesterday. sounds nice
  6. Destoyer with Nicole Kidman. One of the worst films I've ever seen. Makes me appreciate medicore films more. There is not one single good thing to say about it. And it isn't even so bad that it's good again, it's just bad
  7. How do you know? Isn't this supposed to be released in 14 days?
  8. lol, average rent in my city is around 7€ per square meter. average income is 2500€ per month
  9. Ooof, as if Scottish independence would be one bit less complicated than the Brexit chaos we have right now. But would definitely be interesting to know what would happen
  10. Not really a docu, but a series of mini reportages: https://www.nowness.com/series/portrait-of-a-place
  11. Let's just wip out our diques and possies and slap oure nudsacks and tiddiece together
  12. but sucks for the ones who didn't make that mistake to suffer from it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. Dunno man, I usually tend to prefer the option that's best for everybody, in this case remain ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. Nope, this wasn't posted by Aphex Twin
  15. I think they should leave now before elections. This shit show has gone on long enough. Leave! And take that idiot Farage with you please! "Good riddance" Cheerio! ;D edit: *reads worms post * GOOD RIDDANCE LEAVE ALREADY lol, I definitely understand how posts like worm's can make you think this. But a great deal of the (especially younger) Brits aren't such shitheads. The UK leaving the EU doesn't make sense in many ways. Brexit is irrational even if you don't love the shit out of the other EU members. But it's not that much about rationality but more about national pride it seems
  16. "Brexit party" in EU elections... I'm sure they have EU's best interest in mind. Such an egocentric decision and a waste of your vote. If the UK should take part in the elections I hope that most British voters are more reasonable I think they should leave now before elections. This shit show has gone on long enough. Well, I'd prefer if the UK would stay. But I doubt that anyone will come up with a solution until 23rd of May. If there is a good chance that Britain will stay if the separation is postponed until after the election then why not. But I don't really see that chance
  17. Would it be okay if Brits could vote in the upcoming EU elections if they fuck off afterwards?
  18. To save water I just wash my anus in the sink when I wash my hands
  19. Very interesting & fascinating soundscapes
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