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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. European fruit industry is a topic for itself. It's corrupt as fuck and makes a lot of mafiosi rich and a lot of African refugees work as slaves there At least the UK will prospectively be making Brazilian gangsters rich with their fruit imports from now on, not Italian ones. I guess that's a plus
  2. Might be a mixture of wishful thinking and reason. Watching the UK from outside, it looks like both leavers and remainers have an equal disdain of the EU. Ironically. The difference is that remainers see it in their best (economic) interest to stay, regardless of what they think of the EU. In this sense, a No Deal scenario could be the better option from the EU perspective. It certainly has some advantages but nah, it's not the better option
  3. Conservatives all over the world seemingly try to always do the most stupid shit possible and skillfully avoid making good policy. They're a big factor in all of the problems we have today
  4. Der Pass - German-Austrian crime series with lots of dark mountains, Krampusses and drone music. Surprisingly good. I'm sure this will be translated / subbed and distributed on international platforms soon
  5. Hard to find a good balance between centralized power and regional power though. Small governments can be kicked around by businesses easily whereas a big central government can't to the same extend but is on the downside more out of touch with the people. And when such a government is trapped in control of banks and businesses not only partially but completely the fuck-up is huge. Still, as a self-declared socialist, Corbyn should support internationalism and therefore the EU because it is one of the most successful projects of internationalism that we have today. I understand the left critique on the EU but all the things criticized won't be solved by destroying or damaging the EU but instead by reforming it. The UK won't get more social without the EU. Instead the EU should become more social with the help of Britain. I don't understand how a politician with a self-image like Corbyn can be so fearful about this. With a pro-European Labour party governing the UK the country could become an important factor in pushing social reforms in the EU. Corbyn's lukewarm attitude toward the EU might be in a way understandable but at the same not pragmatic and too ideological
  6. you should feel good about it because it is good
  7. After several shots of rice liquor I had an argument with a neo-Nazi in an Asian all you can eat restaurant who thinks that the guy who did the shooting in the mosque in New Zealand is a hero. Such a pointless way to ruin one's evening
  8. UK will be a pretty good place to live in, even with Brexit. Just worse than it could be
  9. Weakening the EU is irresponsible considering that without it there is no real force in the world that could be a counterbalance of democracy and peace to imperialist powers like China, Russia or the US.
  10. dingformung


    yes the lyrics are ace i do cry all so
  11. No deal isn't necessarily the natural outcome but the most likely one at this point. I don't get why a lot of people think a second referendum would be undemocratic. It would be the more democratic thing to do. The EU is a stinky nutsack. But leaving it is pretty dumb. I don't know how they could have a weak majority of barely 2%+ decide such a far reaching decision. Such fundamental things should only be decided by 2/3 majorities
  12. have these docs not heard of medical confidentiality? someone should sue them for telling the police
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