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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Yes, sucks and maybe spurs preexisting anti American prejudice worldwide, which in itself is pretty stupid. But people like to feel good about themselves and pointing the finger at others is a pretty convenient method. So the typical European arrogance of thinking we are somehow better than Americans (while loving American movies & music) is just a cheap way of distracting ourselves from our own unique sort of stupidity. Being from Eastern Germany, which is Germany's Florida, I can relate to being associated with phenomena that are connected to that place and that I want to have nothing to do with, namely the rise of right wing populism. Don't take it to heart. Americans are generally very obnoxious, though. Ice cream with bacon? Apple pie with cheese? Just obnoxious
  2. Here (Germany) we have this. Both systems aren't that different when it comes to treatment, however the privately insured have fancier hospital rooms and get a bit more acceptable food I preferred working on private insured ward because they usually tipped very generously, sometimes €50. But public option also consists of private insurers, however the taxation for them is collected centrally and then distributed to the public private insurers based on need through the government (which is the socialist part). I linked a NYT article the page before where someone makes the point that such a system would be easier to implement in the US right now than M4A. However I like the idea of M4A and see the advantages it might have
  3. If the US split up into a number of nations, what would happen to the inflated military and secret services? Would they run rampant without an empire they belong to?
  4. A friend gets her pancreatic cancer removed today/tomorrow. In Brooklyn . Will push her further into debt and chances are high she catches Corona there, she is risk group. I hope they don't fuck it up
  5. I honestly enjoy silliness in music I handle both alcohol and weed relatively well (at least from a physical perspective), but I hate doing anything even remotely productive when stoned, depends totally on the strain of weed, though. But as Indica strains tend to yield larger crops in a shorter amount of time than Sativa strains these are the strains that are mostly commercially available here, unfortunately. I stupidly tried some synthetic Cannabinoids in the past which had a similar effect on me as weed has on you. One time I was just sitting there listening to music and then had to look at the playlist to find out which amazing track was playing only to find out that the music was just playing in my head, lol. Serious mind fuckage. As for alcohol, I hate when it makes me dizzy, it's an unpleasant kind of numbness, usually get that when I haven't slept enough the night before or when I didn't eat before drinking.
  6. Women are a man's reward after a day of hard work. Ready and available Time to establish the islamo-patriarchy from Houellebecq's "Submission"
  7. I love Ikea because it's cheap and functional and their designs make a lot of sense. I have different sorts of Kallax, they store my belongings fabulously
  8. Yes, Chomsky often makes the point how education elites and intellectuals are often talked up as some voice of responsibility and critical thinkers but in fact they more often than not adapt to the ideology of the authorities and perpetuate it, labouring in the service of power.
  9. There are so very many variations of the Norwegian language and unlike speakers of other pluricentric languages the Norwegians are either inept or unwilling to switch from their dialect to the standard language when speaking with non-native speakers which makes it difficult to communicate with them when you start out learning their language.
  10. Probably longer. Much longer ?The other day I continued editing a photo that I started editing two years ago, that means it took me two years to edit it
  11. Yeah, that might be. There are so many thinkable reasons why two people don't do the same thing anymore they did at an earlier point in their life
  12. The sad thing is that it's long been a known fact how criminal the US government is, how it lies and deceits, how it scams its own population, tortures and kills, yet nobody can do anything about it. Public pressure can't achieve as much as you would expect in a democracy
  13. Good article but it obviously isn't only about the help Italy will receive but also about how the Italian media communicates this or if at all.
  14. Would you set it on fire, just for fun, and see what happens? lol
  15. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emu_War
  16. Yes, I think you put your finger on the main problem the left has these days: Identity politics obscuring the real dividing lines. But don't dismiss political correctness, it definitely has its place. Millennials are sometimes called "the empathetic generation", which actually sounds more like the cure than the disease. They are more whiney and sensitive, but also more media savvy and educated. Prone to a different kind of delusion than the former generations I guess. Growing up with alternative media and a much stronger cultural exchange than it was normal years ago they might actually be the factor that could prevent the indoctrinated American public to go full retard, at least in the usual American militarist way.
  17. Style is totally up my alley: functional, simple, slightly militarist (but not intentionally so, it seems, but in fact it's intentional). But I don't like the price tag, lol. I wonder why it's not the standard look for clothing. Is it so hard NOT to put some silly print on a jacket?
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