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Everything posted by zero

  1. only when he has body guards or other people standing next to him for protection. otherwise if he's out alone in front of people, he rushes quickly through public spaces keeping his head down, acting like he doesn't want anyone to see him. think I mentioned this once on here, but years ago I used to be able to run activity reports on his arrival times when he officed out of a building in downtown Houston. he would usually show up to the building like 4-4:30 am, and I figured it was to avoid running into like other people that would recognize him, and possibly want to ask him why he's such a fuck head. I couldn't think as to why else a politician would be at the office at like 4am on a weekday. and to be fair to lyin Ted, it's really the same though with any of these insecure public figures who have no problem getting up in front of a safe audience, surrounded by people to protect them, and then shitting all over whatever pops into their brains they deem as threatening. they have the support of the group. then whenever they are back to being an individual, they tend to backtrack or lie about whatever was said back in that group setting, if they are questioned by an actual adult about it. or avoid getting questioned about it entirely. I think the technical term for this behavior is called being a fucking pussy.
  2. seems more Zuck than Elon. Zuck, builder of the imaginary goggle land, where sprites and humans intermingle as one.
  3. good idea for the next BOC subforum poll - which release has the best artwork? that's gotta be Geogaddi I'm thinking...
  4. the guy sitting down...is that a man bun and a fucking head band? can't tell from the angle.
  5. it certainly does seem like the spectacle he's creating right now is a pathway leading up to a trump announcement. trump's truth social bullshit is done, so he'll need somewhere to re-establish his online presence in preparation for his 2024 run. Elon threw his support in yesterday for the republicans, so I can see twitter turning into a total pro-trump garbage can real soon. any of the legit voices on there will move on to something else, and donald will go back to using twitter the same fucking way he did in the past. it's all just so fucking bonkers...
  6. that's exactly it. last 15 years or so also correlate with the rise of social media. coincidence? I think not...
  7. again, I was just trying to question its effectiveness. sometimes by taking a step back, and looking at it in terms of will these actions produce the desired result, you may begin to question the process. these activist type activities in question have been the M.O. for a how long...past 100 or so years? they have been developed to fit the modern era, I get that, but is there another way...I don't know. just food for thought is what I was hoping to get across. but I do see the way I questioned this initially came across as it isn't working, therefore what's the point. look man, I too want the same thing as you - not let the crazy R party gain any more traction in this country, as they are doing hella damage right now to the American psyche, and all the other bad shit too lengthy to list out here. it just seems like we go through the same activities time after time, the same freakin process - political ad campaigns, town halls, activism, go to a building and push some buttons on a voting machine - and we are still at like 50/50 in terms of political divide in the US. why is this? if 1 party is in fact far more truthful than the other, than it should be a no brainer to vote for the most truthful, accurate group providing us with information, rather than the guys who don't even attempt to hide the lies any more. but humans be humans, they think they all know more than the next guy, so then they don't want to accept accurate information when it is like right there in front of them! so then you start thinking if campaigning/activism/or similar isn't working...what else? queue an old Simpsons episode, the one where Flanders is like the overlord of civilization or something. sends all the populace to the re-neducation center to be brainwashed to his way of doing things, teaches them how to say okily dokily or some shit...joking of course, but maybe in some possible version of the future, we'll get chips implanted in our brains that allow humans to better be able to detect bullshit. or go backwards and full frontal lobotomize the shit outta everyone haha
  8. genuinely interested to know why you interpreted me attempting to question an activity as objectively as possible, as negativity/insulting? if you did take offense, then my apologies. bottom line, if these activities you're promoting are helpful and do work, then that's great. if they have little effect, then they should be questioned. I don't know the true effect here of said activities, therefore wanted to question it. I know advertising, campaigning, phone bank, online whatever is all the norm. this has been this way for quite some time now. it just seems like to me it is more noise that people have become accustomed to, and therefore may begin to tune out, therefore not making much of an impact as hoped. just wondering if there's a better way, that's all. yeah it certainly doesn't seem that way to me. but again, as you pointed out, I am using generalizations to make assumptions based off of stimuli I've been exposed to either online or IRL. this has created my perspective on it, which I am open to change. if I am given proof of something as factual and this differs with my previously held belief, then absolutely, it is a-ha moment time. with that said, I do not hold the most positive view on politics/politicians. the bad ones give such a bad name to all of it, which sucks I know. the media should be highlighting more of the good shit the good ones do...but good press doesn't generate click revenue the way bad behavior press does, unfortunately. there's also the whole power leads to corruption argument that could apply here in regards to elected officials, leading to a negative view of them. another generalization, yes, but one in which most people are surely familiar with. not just bribes corruption, but the act of being in power will eventually lead to corruption of a person's integrity or moral character. that generalization tends to counteract with being virtuous. harmful to think this way? helpful? I don't really know... see that's the thing I've always not liked about politicians. they can never answer a damn question directly. a direct question will receive a direct answer when you are spitting nothing but fireballs of truth. when they are asked a question and start talking about something else entirely right off the bat, take 2-3 minutes to make a fucking attempt at answering the question, then yeah...it DOES make it hard for people to figure out what's going on sometimes. I just don't like that tactic, and try my hardest not to act like that IRL. people like this have to try and sell you on their argument first, before they get to something a little more factual. wade through the BS to get something useful. but yeah...I get that this is how it is, how it's always been, and how it will no doubt be going forward. is it right for politicians to act like this? I certainly don't think so. is it that most humans can't handle that much truthfulness coming from our elected leaders, that it is the leaders job to massage the message into something much more palatable, so people don't all lose their shit? I guess so. and that too is on some level, a form of brainwashing.
  9. yes, a call to folks reminding them don't forget to vote. makes sense. they're pushing for a change "they" want, which falls in line with the rest of the group, no? I don't think they're pushing for any sort of change that falls outside of the group lines. not trying to be overly pedantic, only try to take a look at all this from a human behavior perspective. understood. yeah I also take event to mean any sort of activity mobilizing people to get out and vote. see this is what I'm getting at in regards to persuasion. you're hoping the people you reach through this activity to vote for the dems, therefore some type of persuasion is present. you're not hoping to get more of them to vote team R surely. but at this time, again my opinion, seems that anyone that is still supporting the R party right now is a truly lost cause. there is no amount of correct or truthful information in the world that may be able to bring these folks back to reality. therefore any sort of persuasion is going to fall on deaf ears. there won't be any impact on this group, which unfortunately still represents nearly half the fucking country. I don't think these people are looking for truth/reality as you've indicated...they are happy being spoon fed more lies from maga man and the rest. so then the next group to persuade is the undecided folks, or the people who normally don't vote because they think it's all a bunch of BS. will these persuasion type activities work? that is what I don't know, and why I threw this out there on here. I'm not going to respond to the rest of your points, as you seem to be taking somewhat of a defensive stance on some of it, as if I'm trying to somehow prove you wrong. I'm not hoping to achieve that at all. I wanted to toss out something I viewed as taking a critical thinking stance on the question of whether or not will the activities you promoted by posting a link actually have the intended result? I mean I think it is totally bonkers that anyone would vote for the R party at this point in time. the fact that the R/D divide in this country is still nearly 50% is insane to me. if we are stuck with this 2 party system, then you show up and vote for the lesser of 2 evils is how I view it. politics in general is a farce. half truths and empty promises fed to people by politicians in order to keep the population in these happy bubbles of self centered thinking. they know most peoples minds are corruptible. they feed them with the kool aid they need to slog through existence. then end of the day, everyone is still unhappy or scared about the future. there is no true problem solving in politics, only pass the buck, and keep the system fed, so the next member of the team can step up and replace the current leader. the way I see it is there's either truth or there's bullshit. it's that simple. live your live according to facts and truth, and you're better off because of it. believe in lies and bullshit, then your life is going to be a mess.
  10. sociology time... serious question, not just trying to be flippant or start a fight, but what do you really think a bunch of like minded individuals in group A, are going to be able to do at this point to sway the individuals in group B? these events strike me as symbolic, showing strength in force...that there are a lot of people that believe in this group minded thinking rather than that other stuff the other group says. and of course try and paint the other group as the bad group (rightfully so). I'd be very interested to know the effect of events such as this on the people left outside of either group. will it really bring over to team dem the undecided voters at this point? using events as a mass advertising campaign to get those who may be too lazy to care, to get up and vote for the group deemed as more sane right now? or will the undecided show up for the spectacle of the event, then return back to not giving a shit by the time election day happens. I guess what I'm thinking is it seems past the point of trying to use logic or common sense to get the message across to anyone on the R side of things. so these events will really have no effect on that group. the undecided, or uninterested voters do represent a valid slice of the populace worth trying to get seeing the viewpoint of the most sane group - and vote dem on election day. just trying to think from all sides here... my opinion of course is that a vote for R indicates you no longer subscribe to a truth based existence, you are lost in a mental cluster of bullshit you no longer have the mental capacity to cancel out. non factual information has been washed over you so many times, you are brainwashed, susceptible to all sort of looney toon fantasies not rooted anywhere close to reality.
  11. same. most of the people I encounter out in the wild aren't really going to know what the hell IDM is, so just saying electronic music keeps it open for potential further discussion. if someone is into any of this, then you can tell pretty quickly and get into a good conversation about it. otherwise if they listen to all the mainstream radio stuff, then IMO it's not worth trying to talk about. the times I've said "electronic music," usually the other person jumps to talking on stuff like deadmau5 or some other EDM type stuff I'm not much of a fan of. or I've heard "yeah I like the aphex twins." I just crack up at that shit internally, try and be polite about it on the outward front.
  12. total side bar here...but news of this reissue has made me look at some of warp's recent releases, since I stopped paying much attention to the warp roster a long time back. damn...can't believe Nightmares on Wax is still at it. he's a Warp OG who was there from more or less the get go of this scene. can't say I like much of the vocall-y stuff he's doing now, but that dude has been with Warp his entire career and keeps rolling with his thing...deserves respect right there.
  13. hey what if Elon's plan is actually to turn it into free for all hellscape, which results in the company completely going under. is buying a company to deliberately tank it a thing? I'm not entirely up to snuff on scammy economic principles. maybe he actually wants to end the thing on purpose...an attempt to get rid of social media platforms. yeah, I'm kinda high right now, but am hoping this is actually what happens. but chances are, it's just another ego maniac who thinks he can control the world, and this twitter take over is really going to cause something worse to happen to all of humanity.
  14. not a tote bag aficionado then I take it? don't forget the tote bag man! a warp AI branded tote bag may be exactly what's been missing in your life. tote bag. has a nice ring to it. this is the phrase of the day.
  15. been watching this to get in the halloween spirit. hauntology fans take note. British anthology series from 1980.
  16. Sonobus has worked out quite well for our purposes. the guy I jam with is on the west coast in Washington, and I'm in Texas. we did have to fiddle with the settings a bit in Sonobus the first time we tried it out, in order to reduce the latency factor. but seems to be fine now for live playing. and yeah it is really user friendly. create a private session, then both connect to it when we're ready to go. I was initially concerned about using wifi vs. hard line internet connection after reading into it. but I'm just on wifi with around 120mbps upload, not sure what his is. I use a fairly new laptop with windows 11, he uses some mac. we've jammed a few times now and I can't tell any delay/lag at all. we're keeping it pretty simple though. loop some drums, then mess around playing live bass and guitar parts over it. we're doing it with no web cam or facetime either, just text back and forth for communication. so far I kinda prefer this than being in a room jamming with others. a lot of advantages, like not wasting time setting all your gear up. and you can hop on for 10-20 minutes, practice, then do it again later on when time allows. again, this works for me in what I'm looking to get out of this.
  17. there really is nothing better than spending a Sunday afternoon outside on the back porch, drinking beer, listening to music, petting the dog, and starring out at plants / trees and/or the sky. did this for about 4 hours yesterday with very limited distractions. it is in these moments when a person can really educate themselves on the reality of existence. like stop and take a moment to reflect on where we are in the cosmos, and where we're heading. now if only everyone else could figure this out, then we'd be on a much better path to getting along with each other.
  18. yes and no. on one hand, sure, we are technically being "social" interacting with each other on here...but the "media" part is certainly different than the FB, Twitter's, etc, where a person's identity is known. the anonymity factor is what appeals to me about forums. that's what strikes me as a key difference between the way forums and forummers interact with each other, rather than the promotional heavy d-bags on FB and twitter... the fact your real identity isn't disclosed, therefore you aren't trying to promote or sell shit. just voice your thoughts with no self attachment. no ego, just real shit. shit most people don't like looking at... anyway man, there's definitely a difference between posting on something like watmm than that self promotional bullshit like twitter. who the fuck cares on here. like limited people come on this site, and are such a small segment of the rest of the shitheads out there...or what not. idk...modern reality is all such an inconsequential fucking popularity contest...total fucking bullshit man. no one really sees what people are up to. just fucking stay busy for appearances. fake shit everywhere. oh well. all that shit is out of my control.
  19. the "boxes" he'll be hiding behind will more than likely be giant stacks of cash, old 1980's playboy mags, and copies of the art of the deal. this is how he fooled like half the country any way...
  20. I gave up playing/making music for a long time because I always felt frustrated not knowing how to progress in a track. I'd come up with a cool sounding riff, then struggled trying to figure out what to do next. I had some mental standard I was holding myself to, that a track requires A, B, C, etc., and then it is done. that right there is what caused my frustration. I've come to realize you should have no mental roadblocks such as this when it comes to coming up with ideas, melodic or otherwise. the hard part is turning your brain off and just letting it come out naturally. perhaps this is why a lot of people like getting high when jamming...can be an easy way to get away from your overly concerned thoughts, and just let whatever you need to express come out of you in a more relaxed manner. anyway, a few years ago I started tinkering with music making again. and like a virus, it spreads and you end up buying a whole bunch of gear. this is the way of the musician lol. when it comes to generating melodies, I am a strong proponent of the simple is better path. this has already been stated in the posts above, but for me, a simple 3-4 note riff looped is usually how I roll. I should also add that I have no intention really of recording any thing I play, because that too adds an added layer of pressure. I dislike tinkering with all the parameters in a DAW. but that is just me...I know there are others that appreciate being able to fine tune a sound, and enjoy doing so. so yeah, again echoing what has already been said, but starting with a simple few note melody, and then stopping all sound, let your mind then see what comes next melodically with as least amount of pressure as possible, try and re-create that using keys/buttons/knobs/strings, is probably the best way to go.
  21. nothing ground breaking, but I like it. I like the inclusion of a few more beats in tracks, even if they are fairly straight forward. I'm mostly familiar with As the Crow Flies and From Out here, and don't remember many drum tracks on those. review: https://www.popmatters.com/advisory-circle-full-circle-review ^agree with the reviewer in that this one seems less "British" than some of the previous ones. um... ???
  22. just remember it could be a lot worse. like in the US. we weathered the craziest person that has ever held the title of president, turned roughly half the country (cuntry) into a mob of unintelligible narcissists. aaaaand he could very well come back for round 2. does your PM have the ability to form complete sentences at least? I'd raise a glass to that. the bar is low low low these days
  23. I do see the difference. I am voting dem because the R party is totally bat shit. the fact that the dems are not doing a better job of securing their position as the only viable option right now (and will more than likely lose ground in the mid terms) is what made me make the "don't have their shit together" comment. but I do get that they are fighting a largely losing battle trying to convince any R person to potentially switch sides, since most R team peeps have dug so far into the BS, they are not gonna budge. yes. most people can't see the big picture on a lot of stuff. foresight, planning for things long term, is unfortunately not a skill that comes naturally to people. it takes mental concentration, clear reasoning skills, empathy, experience, etc., and that is becoming less and less the norm, thanks to all the distractions one is faced with on a daily basis. smart phones are the ultimate tool to distract everyone from what's really going on. easy to stare at a screen and fill yourself with images and text that have been fed to you through marketing ploys and tactics to buy into whatever it is being offered/promoted. don't pay full attention to the environment around you. again, a generalization here, but I see it all the time out in the wild. agreed
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