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Everything posted by zero

  1. re: electronic books. I tried that maybe around 10 years ago. read a few on a tablet. then I realized that this is not the way I want to enjoy this medium, by spending more hours starring at a screen. the tactile sensation and physical action of holding a book, page turning, and repeat, NOT starring at a screen, are important factors for me. funnily enough though I do enjoy reading comics on a tablet more so than the physical medium. perhaps the digital factor adds to the artwork, can present it more attractively or something. I dunno.
  2. ha! that explains a lot! (upside down pizza in tinfoil oven never forget where tf is ding luv ya tim j ?) yeah suppose I should've indicated non-fiction books. but reading what I said again does come across as sorta elitist, which wasn't my intent. the act of reading in and of itself isn't what I was thinking, more so reading stuff that can help broaden a person's horizons, get them thinking on subjects they may have not know too much about before. like gaining wisdom, that sorta thing. I guess what spawned that comment is the fact that I rarely see books in peoples houses any more. or at least the people I've encountered over the past years. book shelves are still there in like the older generation's houses, but I don't see them as often in people in their 30's/40's. it's all just people starring at phones. again, just a pointless thought. yeah that's what I was intending to say. the content is what counts. but I do sometimes think that a book has had time to be edited, with the author re-wording and creating a cohesive narrative that is possibly easier to gain knowledge from. like for thousands of years books were the way humans passed along knowledge from one generation to the next. youtube videos containing factual info are great and all, and of course can be edited as well...just the fact remains that in institutions of higher education, it is still books that dominate the academic landscape. no clue if youtube videos are used in classes now to pass along knowledge to students. been a minute now since I was in university.
  3. I think one of the reasons society feels so fucked up right now is because nobody reads books any more. books are how we know virtually everything regarding our history on this planet. actions and events recorded and edited in text. reading internet all day has really done a number on a bunch of people's brains. so much bullshit online, nonsense designed to pit people against each other. another reason I think society feels off at this present time is the phenomenon that everyone's free time must be occupied by starring at a screen. like don't people know how to sit and do nothing any more? don't y'all remember before internet how much time people spent literally sitting and waiting, doing nothing, just thinking? there is something to be said for those moments spent in mindlessness...like sometimes it takes a minute to think on things in order to see them clearly. it seems that this activity doesn't occur as much as it used to. it is all largely fast paced reactive decision making against something viewed as antagonistic. what happened to utilizing logic in making a decision? game planning shit out? I don't know...so many of these fucking people I deal with out there are all running around scamming each other, a bunch of fucking liars. hard not to let that get to a person at times.
  4. I'm starting to wonder if something's wrong with me. I can barely bring myself to watch any modern movie. like I sift through a lot of titles I hardly recognize on the streaming apps, with some so-and-so actor I do recognize the name of, and it all seems like generic glossy crap. the ones I have watched are all forgettable, like it barely made an impact. I don't want to sound like some elitist film snob, because I'm nowhere close to this. but I really think that there are so many great "classic" films that are deserving of a watch or re-watch, rather than most of the newish stuff out there...or maybe it's that I'm getting old and want to watch something that helps me escape from modern reality. anyway, I really liked this one. this is a totally reflective, almost spiritual film not big on dialogue with some excellent 1970's European cinematography. Nicholson is so sublime in this, almost acting monk-like...not anywhere close to his maniacal side we all know him for.
  5. IMO people who despise social media are mostly the type of people who don't fall for scams. people who look the other way when everyone else is starring at those bright shiny objects designed to draw everyone's attention to it. if you ask me, social media is all totally fake, not reality. and the fact that the zuck's of the world are hoping to bring more and more people into this fold, and trap them in some alternate world they can't easily escape from and buy more useless shit is beyond fucked up. that's why I will stick to posting anonymously on obscure internet forums, because this is about as far into the la-la land social media world as I want to get.
  6. people aren't mean, they are nice. they turn mean when they get constant amounts of hatred and lies thrown at them on a daily basis.
  7. joined in 2004. posted as handsplatter back then. whenever the forum went down in 2005 I left. was working a long hour shit job back then and didn't have much free time to do internet stuff. there were also no mobile devices with fast internet back then like there are now. rejoined in 2006 because I was drunk one night and wanted to comment on something. then I didn't really post too much until I got sucked back a few years back, thanks to all the political threads that popped up on here whenever dumbo became president. I go in phases with electronic music. sometimes I hardly listen to it and sometimes it's all I listen to. I'm of the opinion that the best of this genre was all created back in the '90s/early 00s. I still have a lot of this stuff on CD, and listen to those when I need a nostalgia fix. whatever was in the air/water back then that led to this spark in creative explosion left this planet awhile back. I don't think there's been anything close to the scene that Richard, Luke, & all the brothers happened upon in the '90s. there's been a lot of shit music dumped out there thanks to internet. I've kinda hit a point where I stop looking for new stuff. yeah I suppose I fall into the category of grumpy middle aged dude shaking fists at the sky.
  8. ^ easy fix. change "TRUTH" to "BULLSHIT" then he can skirt around that nasty trademark nonsense.
  9. not to de-rail into ye territory...but kinda sounds a bit like this guy:
  10. a classic film I'd heard about but never watched until now. great great great
  11. these online youtube channel self help peeps are all full of shit. they're in it for themselves (ego) and money. this is not some true altruistic let's help everyone type affair. all these questions these people purport to know the answers to have been asked by humans in some regard for thousands of years. if anyone thinks they can "heal" themselves by watching these peoples youtube videos, then they are going to learn at some point that this is not the reality they thought they were going to find. it will all crumble at some point because it is nowhere near any sort of ultimate truth. it's half baked pseudo psychology bullshit. if you want to learn more on any of these uber vague meaning of life type questions, then start by reading some ancient texts. like the stuff that came out of India thousands of years ago. because those guys came to some pretty good realizations on the nature of life back then. their ancient wisdom has been regurgitated and twisted into some form or another for the thousands of years after. learning on that stuff takes time, effort, and most importantly - life experience. you can't expect to get anywhere close to that from some fucking youtube video.
  12. they are purposefully arrogant, bunch of fucking know-it-all yes men, bowing down to pressure coming from the biggest con man on the planet. you'd think that legislators would listen to experts when it comes to medical issues, y'know those people known as doctors. but no, they listen to douchebags in their own red hatted party, who all keep their fingers jabbed way down in their inner ear canals, repeating stupid stuff like "trump won" over and over. if you ask me, this is the textbook definition of insanity. in fact doctors are being forced to jump into this political shit show mess, in order to try and preach some truth to these R asshats: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/22/doctors-abortion-state-capitals-00052946
  13. I quit social media after Friendster. couldn't be bothered when myspace came around. around this era is also when all the internet dating sites started, like lava life. no way was I going to post my picture on one of those. then facebook started as some secret student thing, then spread to normies. I thought it all seemed so fake. post images of when everyone is all happy, smiling, like life is one big party. this shit sets people up for disappointment. fuck that. thought y'all were talking about this band at first
  14. it's all entirely possible certain frequencies hidden away in unknown corners of sine waves appearing in the Janet Jackson song are the culprit here. OR this guy travelled in through a 6th dimensionary wormhole at the exact same time all the laptops frizzle fried, then left completely unnoticed by the human eye -
  15. I know this town and have driven by this place before. didn't really feel like stopping in though. figured it's 100% a gimmick restaurant catering to his supporters, which of course are all over the place out in these small Texas towns. the place everyone else goes to in Bellville for burgers is called the Hill. now I have eaten there a few times, and can confirm it is legit.
  16. ok that one is him for sure. it is rambling, incoherent, obvious spelling error...the donald we all know and love! but compare that post to the one posted above it, and you can see the difference in punctuation and tone. I'm guessing one of his handlers jumps on his account from time to time, in order to make him appear less batshit than he really is. not like any of this is really important though. he could be just mashing down random keys all at once, and his horde of brainwashed maga fiends would still lap it up. view him as the chosen one, set to lead the US back on top AGAIN!!!!
  17. there's no way donald is the one writing any of these "truths." the tone / grammar / spelling are all far different from when he was typing characters out on his twitter device. my guess is that piece of shit stephen miller is the one writing this crap for his master.
  18. we all said so much stupid shit back then. so much immature asshole fighting back around the time when this forum kicked off. I still can't believe I've been coming to this fucking website for like 20 years man
  19. sorry to hear. definitely a watmm OG. had only a few interactions with him back in the day. he was certainly a unique voice on here. his lengthy posts showcased his intelligence, but also that he was a pretty messed up dude. RIP. and any other OG watmmers may remember there was a Sini hoax death thread that riled up a few folks probably close to 20 yrs ago on here. someone posted he OD'd or something, arguments ensued, then it was all sike no he didn't. Theo posted a FB screenshot on beak
  20. super edgy editing featuring digital effects added. stern sounding voice overs using clear and distinguished sounding voices. stuttering orchestral stabs utilizing timpani kettle drum effects. this is how they brainwash them...
  21. here's what I predict will happen to donald - nothing. the trial will get dragged out, charges will be slapped on everyone but donald. he will get away with it all (again), sludging along his merry way, hurtling wildly toward a 2nd term. the R's will win both houses in November, and the political shenanigans in this country will continue, until every sane person in this country has completely and totally lost their fuckin minds...
  22. agreed. there wasn't a shared plan spread across large amounts of individuals that set foot in there. if they had all been instructed in some coordinated manner with clear instruction as to who needs to do what exactly, then it would have been total chaos. I don't even want to imagine what that would've looked like. and that's when military intervention steps in, and you have untold number of casualties...and then the country implodes. we do know that there were groups (e.g. proud boys) that did have a coordinated plan to take hostages, in some sort of effort to get the election overturned, and trump re-elected. but even that would have backfired. you start taking hostages and public opinion is going to sway pretty quickly on this endeavor. the horn wearing dudes and the rest of the crackadoodle tourists would have been cleared out, and then it's the suicidal idiots taking hostages vs. a shit ton of highly trained law enforcement/military dudes, and I'd take a guess who would come out on top. if they did kill a hostage out of desperation, then yeah, that would have almost surely ended the R support for the trump train...or at least I'd hope so.
  23. yep. they're all total badasses on twitter. and of course whenever these type of dudes all get together IRL standing around like morons holding automatic weapons in front of some public building... but I don't think any of these jack offs are capable of organizing a deadly serious initiative to overthrow the government. they can post whatever crap on social media in an attempt to come off as hard and threatening. but these are the types that mostly don't have serious life planning skills. they live in fantasy land. if you really want to plan some initiative to overthrow the government, then you do it quietly and intelligently (um, not like I know, um...). now those are the ones I hope the FBI would be on top of.
  24. it'd be nice if "chip shortage" actually meant potato chips
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