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Everything posted by zero

  1. hadn't seen this one mentioned yet on here. I stopped after ep2, and on the fence whether I'm going to jump back in or not. a whole bunch of wooden, bad acting turned me off from this show. and the story seems very straightforward, a by the numbers plot that doesn't seem really that interesting. Ansel Elgort is really not doing a good job in this, and he's more or less in every single scene.
  2. you see, that's why I guess I like riffing in this place. this little known corner of the internet where aphex fans continue to show up to. this is a prime example of being brought down off my soapbox to reality. I sometimes totally lose track of the fact that there are complete and total douchebags out there that actually want more racism, want more societal division, and want all the other completely out of touch MAGA shit the orange one promises to make happen. aaaand this is where I can go full on misanthrope on humanity. start railing about how the majority of humans are living in tunnel vision world, and aren't smart enough to escape it. but that is like Matrix level shit, totally unfashionable, been done to death. I.don't.even.know.anymore.man. this entire fucking thing, and I mean society, what we do to this planet of ours, human life, is all packed with bad processes. we, the end users, see this, and scream day in, day out for someone, something, to fix it. yet what do we get? some stupid ass white guy politician giving lip service to the largest groups of donors/voters, and making decisions most sensible folks don't agree with. this all leads me to the conclusion that I just gotta constantly reiterate to myself the fact that the game is fuckin skewed, there is no fair play, greed is good...which completely goes against the mental grain of those of us who actually DO give a shit, have to raise young people in this, etc. so yeah, torch it all down if something better can grow up in its place. but current pace dictates that shit is getting torched, but there isn't any game plan in place to make it better. that's what the MAGA fucks do. just burn it down, and look to the con man to preach it to them. yet he is so full of it he doesn't even live in reality...it's paper napkin planning. burnt steak with ketchup. what a fucking shit show.
  3. I get your point, and realize my comment was sorta vague. I suppose I meant torch it down with hopes something better will come next. yeah trump is torching the shit alright, and things are definitely not getting better. he's building up a con man fueled empire of people worse than him. yes men who are geniuses in coming up with the most backwards ass ideas ever. where the fuck is superman when you need him.
  4. bingo. that's what every fuckin thing in the American political world looks like. don't matter what it is, we got to beat the other team. and if you're an R - do it in the most hubristic way possible. we know this level of shit-headness (shit headery? is that a word?) really got kicked into high gear with trump. of course a large part of the blame for him comes down to those fuck nuts on team R allowing a con man into their fold. I mean they are totally fine with essentially letting a toddler brained orange man with a huuuuge sharpie red line the constitution, re-write it to suit his needs, and make a buck or 2 off the entire operation. there is no more making sense of anything in politics. I think the entire thing needs to be torched to the ground. but yeah, that will never happen.
  5. you're good man. props for actually responding intelligently to that juvenile post. I know you've been here awhile and probably know this, but that guy's "shtick" is to jump in whenever he feels the need to call people out on here, and say some arrogant asshole BS making fun of them. it was funny maybe back in 2005, when everyone on here was acting about the same way. but most of us board regulars now are what, in our 30's/40's, have kids and shit, and are past the point of acting like anonymous dickheads to each other online. if the only guy you offended is a known troll on this board, then it should be obvious to anyone who the actual loser is.
  6. yes. if it came out in the '80s/'90s, it is now called dad rock. which leads me to segue over to the fact that I still have a hard time accepting the fact that classic rock radio stations today all regularly play Pearl Jam, Nirvana, NIN, Rage, Pumpkins, RHCP...all that shit I grew up on. classic rock to me was Zeppelin, Beatles, and that stuff. now we are the old dudes, and teenagers are listening to the most unoriginal bland pop dance crap ever created in the history of the music sphere. like I get the fact that parent's of kids growing up in the '80s/'90s all hated heavy metal, loud guitar driven stuff on the radio because it was more aggressive than the guitar led music from before. but the popular shit out there on the radio now has none of that aggression or originality, it is just generic wall paper with the same style female vocal lead, or male R'n'b type singing on top of 4/4 dance pop, sorta hip hop influenced, but more EDM / Scott Storch / Brittney / Christina / Paris influenced fluff. all created so phone junkies can tag the shit on their 'grams or whatever, and not really care to think anything the music is about, because it's all about fake ass dollar led crap, with no artistic integrity whatsoever.
  7. nah. u ever see that show called MacGyver? that's me. and I mean the 1980's one with the mullet dude, not the crap reboot with millennials running around.
  8. got called in today to assist with an arson investigation. pulled all the footage, and I get multiple views of the guy. took homeboy 2 tries to get that Molotov shit lit. first try the dumbass can't get the shit lit, but he knocked a hole in the glass. 2nd try he lights it with a new one, tosses it in, the shit burns for 2-3min, then sprinklers kick in to water it out. FD rolls trucks within 5 min, break a bunch of shit because they can. there is no more fire but fuck it. why is the question now. why do dumbass people do dumbass shit all fuckin day long on this planet of ours. I easily start thinking we're all lying to ourselves saying shit will get better when it obviously won't. suppose it will, because good is better than bad yada yada when the end of the day hits, and we all sit and think wtf happened today. most of it is a shit show, then sleep happens, and we wake up thinking today will be better, and this goes on for the next how many years?
  9. yeah, me too. a nuke going off would undoubtedly drag more militaries into this. then the doomsday clock notches one stroke closer to midnight, probably a millisecond away from hitting the 12 spot. can't see them lobbing one across the ocean to hit 'merica tho. Vlad would probably point it at the western border of Ukraine and let 'er rip. we know he wants to keep the east for himself. he don't care about radioactive winds, etc., because he's got bunkers packed with caviar & gold bars he could ride the fallout for years in.
  10. seasons 2-5 are where it's at with that show. the 1st season was short, and was still trying to find its footing. then it launched into comedy goldmine territory for a few years. Steve Carell leaving the show in season 6 was the nail in the coffin. it should have stopped then. that's also roughly around the time I lost interest in it. tried a few episodes of the last 2 seasons and thought it had run its course by that point. heard they are trying to reboot it or something. just like every other damn thing out there. REBOOT!
  11. dammit. got scammed out of 60 bucks. not a huge amount, but like everybody says - I should have known better. used a site called fiverr to get someone to help re-write my resume. didn't want to spend like $200 as some of the people on there were charging, so went with a lower cost option. major red flag were the replies I got from the person I chose. first reply was essentially "I'll do it." then next reply after that had a spelling error. I started wondering, why aren't they even asking me about what I'm looking for. I wrote a long reply giving this info since I wasn't asked, and got a "thanks" reply. then it hit me this is a scam. I got my resume & cover letter back now and its dogshit. spelling errors, some crappy template with the most generic stuff copied and pasted. you get what you pay for, right?
  12. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/dallas-man-beats-roommate-with-stick-during-argument-over-what-a-mosquito-looks-like-police/2934590/
  13. oh fuckin lol...donnie boy wasn't able to attend the party on January 6th, because his secret service mommy and daddy wouldn't let him: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/04/07/trump-secret-service-capitol-riot-00023737 and of course some gibberish about crowd size, which he admits he "doesn't know what that means" hahaha I can't wait for 2024!
  14. absolutely. Putin and all the oligarchs stole from Russia to get their wealth. they have been rigging the system to their advantage for decades. it's a total mafia state. speak ill of any in the rich boys club, and you're going to jail. anyone who lives there knows this. the only way to get things done there is through bribes. the surveillance of the citizens is out of control. everyone watching everyone to make sure they're in line. yes an average citizen can have a decent life, but eventually they will run up against someone trying to extort money out of them. this is all by design, thanks to the biggest criminal in the world running the show. and guys like Trump pander to this behavior. fuckin sickening.
  15. The French Dispatch - I should have known better. lasted probably 30 min before pressing stop. should be no surprise for me since I really haven't cared for Wes Anderson's films in many years. Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, Tenenbaums - I loved all these. the Zissou one was ok. I don't think I've been able to make it through anything he's done since then. it all feels so in your face gimmicky, all style / no substance type thing. oh well.
  16. only question I have is why didn't he put Gary Busey at the top of the list? everyone knows Busey's the king kong of the acting profession.
  17. you should totally start with a penis joke right off the bat. "Hi you may notice a weird black spot on my face, but I promise my penis still works!" unless of course it doesn't work. then it's game over maaaaannn
  18. interesting piece from a military historian. it's a week old, but good points nonetheless. will copy in the quote box in case it is paywalled. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/03/putin-doesnt-realize-how-much-warfare-has-changed/627600/
  19. don't know whether this qualifies as hilarious, sad!, or genius. probably none of those. trump could claim "lost time" like in those alien abduction stories, and it would stick. just no point anymore in trying to fight this insanity. the bad guys are going to get away with it all. and the best part - I have no doubt he will come very close, if not win, in 2024. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-calls-seven-hour-gap-january-6/
  20. vlad should mix a drop of hooker piss into his polonium tea recipe, just to let you-know-who he wink wink knows how to get him
  21. for sure. that really does seem to be the best way for people to feel their voice is heard when it comes to politics. I should do the same before the next election comes about, learn more about the local candidates instead of voting blindly. up until trump, I never disliked the Republican party as much as I do now. last time I just voted straight ticket dem, except in those races where there was only like 1 R candidate there, and was forced to vote for them. it's going to be harder and harder I feel to support an R ticket local candidate even if their viewpoint is entirely reasonable, largely due to how toxic the Republican party has become on a national scale.
  22. yep, lack of accountability. people in general are bad at this (well not all, but a lot), and politicians are on a whole another level when it comes to it. "not my fault / I'm not to blame / let me point a finger" attitude has been a thing in this country for a minute now. my guess would be it largely started probably some time back in the 1970's. that's really when lawyers started threatening everyone and everything with lawsuits, and that has just snowballed into a change in societal attitudes. "no officer, I didn't run into that car, and I'll get a lawyer to fight all the charges" is, if you ask me, an accountability problem. any way, we could go on and on about these types of sociological issues, but the fact remains that no one knows how to solve them. politicians say one thing, then do another all the freakin' time. and they are the ones that we are looking to to somehow change things? all politicians are completely full of shit. lie to get votes, then battle it out for years trying to eke through some piece of legislation that is no doubt totally different from when it started. yes "the system" is indeed fucked, and we're stuck with it. and since it's all so murky/confusing/complicated, you are going to get guys like trump who find a way to exploit it, use any loopholes they can find to their advantage. twist and manipulate everything until it profits them. now we're at a point where even hard proven facts are up for debate, thanks to all these political clowns and their agendas AND who claim to represent the best interests of the people. on some level, I'm almost eerily aligned with beliefs held by a trump supporter, in that I have never felt that the political machine in DC represents me. I feel pretty detached from all of it, hence why I didn't vote a few times over the years when I could of. but I also have a pretty good purview to be able to spot a scam, which is why I didn't vote for the orange guy.
  23. think you answered your own question there man. I know it's not polite to call someone dumb, but I don't know any other way to describe it. you know those type of people that fall for obvious scams, buy crap products off of 24 hr shopping channels, get suckered into high pressure sales tactics. those are all prime targets for the NY City slickster! and that is unfortunately a massive chunk of the US population. his supporters don't care as much that he's from NYC, because he sure acts and talks a lot like people in their tribe...all the low brow petty shit he's known so well for saying and doing. therefore he somehow gains an iota of their trust, and then they start buying into more and more of the trump show. I think until donald started his political thing, many of us totally underestimated just how many people like this there are out there, because we usually interact with people with somewhat similar viewpoints as our own. that's why as much as I don't like trump and what he's done to this country, he deserves some small golf clap for his carny smarts, and his non-stop ability to keep his supporters rolling in the pig shit he throws out for them. the fact that he has duped millions of people into believing he is fit to be US pres, is why I say he totally deserves the unofficial title as the biggest con man in the world.
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