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Everything posted by zero

  1. I am so behind the times on the video game front, not sure what bad things will happen exactly because of epic. the main thing that stood out to me on the blog statement, was a slight hint of BS coming from the bolded part: hints of web 3.0, which means crypto world is coming for bandcamp? if NFTs start popping up on bandcamp, then yes, the end is nigh...
  2. this 19 year old American student was tracking Elon's private jet, which seemed fairly harmless. but he has now switched over to tracking and broadcasting locations of the oligarch jets: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/europe/are-russian-oligarchs-twitter-feeds-follows-private-jets-rcna17975 now in a normal situation, I would think this would be a very dangerous game to be playing with some very well connected Russian dudes...
  3. comrade hermolia - thank you for taking time to share with us what the DPRK think about all this. their opinions are certainly valid, as they are the pinnacle of trustworthiness when it comes to world affairs. they have an excellent track record of speaking the truth, such as sharing with the world all the amazing things going on in their country. I know the knee jerk response is going to be to accuse the US of doing things far worse than them, to which most people of this earth (including myself) will share a different opinion. therefore the options to continue a discussion such as this are limited. I shall end this by simply stating that we have no choice but to agree to disagree on many things, such as your belief that communism is a better path forward for society than democracy.
  4. just some out loud wishful thinking on my part, the optimist part of my brain trying to escape from reality. I know there'll be no disney ending here. dunno how else to say I don't want a whole bunch of people to die without coming across as naive. this whole thing is one big losing affair.
  5. like this one - https://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/as-it-happens-the-monday-edition-1.6367495/why-a-canadian-comedian-is-heading-to-ukraine-to-fight-against-russia-1.6367623
  6. that's true as of right now. but if this continues to escalate as it's looking like will happen, then I think the next few days are really going to put NATO to the test in regards to not getting directly involved militarily. if this next wave of Russian forces being sent into Ukraine amounts to hundreds more (or thousands) of civilian casualties, then the humanity part of our brains is going to overwhelm the rational part, and IMO there will be more and more public pressure put on NATO for direct military response. that will be the shit hits the fan moment I know no one wants to see happen. but I can't imagine any country being able to stomach seeing massive amounts of civilians getting killed. if Russia sends in these convoys that are going to be expected to commit huge amounts of on the ground violence to an overwhelmed Ukraine, then a change of thought as to how to respond is undoubtedly going to occur. fuckin hell. this is all so bad. the planet seems to just be finally crawling out of 2 years of pandemic doom and gloom, and now this.
  7. quick, hide the yachts! https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/28/russian-oligarchs-move-yachts-as-us-moves-to-hunt-down-and-freeze-assets.html I heard there's this lawless place off the Florida coast that would welcome the yachts. a mythical place, ruled by an orange wannabe tyrant.
  8. ^ what a jackass. whataboutism at its finest. another R schmuck following the trump playbook to a T. hey let's not call out Putin for threatening to use nukes, let's blame this all on the dem/left/woke/antifa/bogeymen, which are clearly the bad guys here...
  9. we're sorta crossing the thread streams here, but the gazillion dollar question is how to fix this. anyone old enough to remember the pre-internet days will recall that none of "this" seemed as bad back then. I've joked before on here that I think 2007 will be viewed as somewhat of a tipping point for modern society. that was the year the iphone came out, and also facebook started its assent as the social media king. those 2 factors - phones/cameras/internet in everyone's hands, plus having social media that can easily spread disinformation - have IMO had disastrous unintended consequences as far as normal people believing complete and utter bullshit. I know we can't stop the smartphone/social media machine from chugging along. education is a broad tool to fight disinfo, but that's more for the next generation, I think. the current generation of people who have fallen into this trap, all need to be somehow re-programmed, or unplugged from the MAGA Keanu Matrix world they inhabit.
  10. I sure hope so man. but sadly, I can see this all getting squashed in roughly a sentence by team donald once the conflict starts getting less attention in the media. something like "what happened in Ukraine is bad, very bad, but Putin is a smart guy, I know him well. but the real problem is the DEMS blah blah blah" - and then all is forgotten. the heard moves on to the next media frenzy. time and time again I am amazed at how narcissistic so many trump supporters are. they willingly elect to block out seeing the smoke coming from the dumpster fire that has been burning now for years in this country. the 2022 elections are many months away, so many more media cycles to make it through before getting there. the R's will distance themselves from the conflict, and continue the focus to be an all out assault on the Dem's, and democracy in general.
  11. there is so much overlap between the Russian & Ukrainian civil population, many families having relatives in both places. this war is going to cause further familial conflicts, divide those into siding with BS propaganda vs. reality. I talked to a Russian friend about all this who said he has family members that wouldn't be able to be in the same room with each other right now, as they'd end up literally killing each other. hate to say it, but the Rodney King "why can't we all just get along" video clip has been looping inside my mind since, oh about 2015.
  12. re: sanctions. Putin seems to have miscalculated big time in thinking that war could be paid for by stacks of gold and those pallets of cash he's sitting on. wonder how many economists he has sitting next to him giving him advice? probably not many. bunch of yes men gangster dudes too scared to lay it all out and explain that if all his loot gets sanctioned, then it's gonna be worthless. Ruskie economy will tank because the rube bottoms out, and he can't get anymore dollars/pounds/euros to get those 8 series beemers for all his buddies. how the average non-english speaking Russian citizen responds is what we're waiting to find out here. how long will they continue to buy the BS propaganda from RT/channel 1 that this is all just a peacekeeping mission? they are the ones that the sanctions are going to do a number on. will it be enough to snap them out of the Putin love fest, and realize he's just the same ol same ol as the commie dudes from back in the USSR days? if the country slowly realizes what he's really up to, then I can't see him sticking around to explain his way out of this to them. he'll probably end up exiled in some golden mansion, that is if he can dodge a bullet coming from someone on his team.
  13. I would think that as well. he certainly comes off as being someone who strategizes things out long term, so he knew sanctions would be imposed. I seriously wonder if trump plays into any of this. we know putin uses him. could there be some way trump, don jr., or any of the team help him in some financial capacity long term, without their direct knowledge? maybe sanctions on mar-a-lago are needed as well. there's got to be some secret pipeline of financial resources he could turn to eventually that aren't caught up in sanctions.
  14. I thought that too. I remember a guy from St. Petersberg was on here for awhile, he left though. not sure I've seen too many other Russians on this site. back in the old days there used to be a member map, where you could drop a pin where you were from, IIRC. that vanished after one of the board updates.
  15. Zeff I luv u man and all and mean no disrespect, but any time you get asked to answer simple questions on the commie agenda crap you got cookin up, you always deflect to bicker on BS that lends no support to your underlying belief that communism is somehow an answer to all that is wrong with the world. unless you can spell the shit out, as to how magically all the stuff you believe will take place after the Lenin tanks roll thru the fuckin neighbors place, then this is all just a bunch of online rambling that is never going to happen. your argument will always fall apart once we get to the point of asking how many people will have to die to get to the socialist dream land of textbooks and manifestos. I am not happy with a lot of shit out there, but live in the understanding that to make large scale massive changes, group A is always gonna have to do heinous shit to group B to accomplish that. having lots of people dying is somewhat no bueno in my book. but I don't fucking know, maybe that's just innate in us, or some shit...
  16. how can this be done peacefully tho? I know you've been over this like a thousand times before on here, but what the hell. forum's been kinda quiet lately, so let's reboot the communism discussion that has been lurking in the forum's shadow for years lol. and wouldn't the Lenin playbook be exactly what I was saying - that yes things can happen fast, but um, didn't like a whole bunch of people die in the process there?
  17. agreed, but easier said than done man. there are too many safeguards in place to prevent any real societal change from ever happening on the scale we're talking about. and of course the elephant is the room is the number of people that would end up as casualties if any massive shift in societal/political conditions were ever to occur quickly, in an attempt to get away from the capitalist model currently in place. historically humans have not been very good at changing any status quo without a whole bunch of people getting killed. baby steps are what they take toward change efforts, because those don't result in people dying en masse. I know you've got a game plan worked up as to how this all would play out, but I can't see a shift away from capitalism happening any time soon, unless its a rebuild after a mass extinction event.
  18. I keep wondering when are all these arrogant, white, male, old, chauvinistic, racist, discriminatory, misogynistic, completely out of touch politicians going to die off, so the rest of us can have a world we can stand? or do "we" all turn into these disgusting pigs at some point, if given the power? isn't that what Orwell warned against famously in Animal Farm? how can we stop letting assholes run the show, is I guess my point...
  19. can only speak for myself, I don't really have anything against him per se. but I mean c'mon, he's unfortunately become a caricature at this point, hard to take him seriously on anything. I don't think most people look at him as being a hero bringing light to the issues of child abuse in the entertainment industry. he could be maybe taken a little more seriously on that front if he tried to act a little more...well spoken on an issue like that? he comes off as any other washed up celeb trying to re-invent himself to make $, including using self-mockery to do so. and yeah, the cringe is just too much. it is not funny, it comes off as trying to hard and sad. whatever he's doing is all in self-promotion, just like all the actors out in Hollywood la-la land. looks like he's all about making a comeback, again - https://www.laweekly.com/corey-feldmans-back-at-the-whisky/
  20. did you pay for the haircut all in toonies? 'cause that would've been some wild shit man, like magical shit...
  21. yeah buckle up, we're in for several more days of palindromes ahead - wonder who will appear on the last one. Kali the destroyer? JFK Jr on the grassy knoll?
  22. I too come from the old school mentality of never sharing much, if any, personal information online. I'm horrified when the wife posts a picture I'm included in on her FB, will usually try and turn my head or thrown on sunglasses so I can't be easily identified. not like I'm some hard core criminal trying to hide from anyone, I just don't want to share a bunch of personal stuff online where anyone can see it. I was literally forced to make a linkedin profile that I haven't updated the picture on for almost 10 years. *shudders*
  23. https://cointelegraph.com/news/the-metaverse-will-bring-a-further-erosion-of-privacy part of the reason why forums are good enough for me.
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