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Everything posted by zero

  1. idk why, but the metaverse reminds me of this: best case scenario for humanity is that the metaverse goes the way of the power glove, and is viewed as a passing fad that will flame out naturally. worst case is billions of phone addicted social media junkies buy into it, and all become entrapped in some sort of consumerist VR version of hell run by gordon gekko type capitalists. I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but I always thought Kaczynski was right about a lot of stuff he said about the advancement of technology, and the negative effects it will have on our psychological well being. yeah he was wrong about a lot of other things he said, like the whole idea he could singlehandedly somehow stop the advancement, and was obviously mentally unsound. but it's sorta hard to argue with this little blurb I pulled out of the wiki article on some of the points he made: He writes that technology has had a destabilizing effect on society, has made life unfulfilling, and has caused widespread psychological suffering.[78] Kaczynski argues that most people spend their time engaged in useless pursuits because of technological advances; he calls these "surrogate activities" wherein people strive toward artificial goals, including scientific work, consumption of entertainment, political activism and following sports teams.[78] He predicts that further technological advances will lead to extensive human genetic engineering and that human beings will be adjusted to meet the needs of the social systems, rather than vice versa
  2. I wonder if Eric's dad even knows how to ride a bike. I can picture the orange guy wobbling around on one before totally wiping out. that's why god invented golf carts. so you don't have to waste all that effort pushing pedals. the carts practically drive themselves.
  3. *presses pause on current doom and gloom conversation to dive deep into the watmm memory banks* bro I don't think you were here on this forum back in like '05 or '06, but there was an offshoot of watmm, a sister site so to speak, that sprung up around this time. this unnamed forum, which may or may not be hosted by an ex-baseball playing member of the Toronto Blue Jays organization, was set up with no adherence to the rules, everyone was let loose to troll until their hearts were content. it was populated by celebrities being impersonated by idm nerds, and most of it was nothing short of genius. it was trolling in its most pure state, and it was probably the funniest shit I have ever bear witness to. it is my hope that somehow the posting history of that forum be included in the national historic archives of some neutral country, possibly the country of Wales. there were fake celebrities battling it out with spambots, which is some shit on another level entirely that I can't really even begin to describe. have you ever gone toe to toe with a spambot? no! because sane individuals don't do this. this is left to fans of this here style of electronic music, which was birthed unto the world by the godfather of the troll, Mr. Ricardo H. Jamison. anyway, the moral of my story is that trolls have been here before, will continue to be here, and will no doubt spring up again at some point down the line. I take just about everything posted here with a grain of salt, and try not to let the blatantly wrong shit get under my skin. it is pretty obvious to anyone who frequents this place daily who the voices worth listening to are, and who should be taken with a pfft, whatever, attitude. now back to discussing the heinous atrocities being committed against the infrastructure and civilian population of the country of Ukraine...
  4. this shit is hilarious. bravo guys, I needed a laugh.
  5. IF he were able to run for US pres, I have no doubt he'd win in a landslide. that pesky rule about non-US born folks not allowed to become president, is such a massive thorn in poor Arnie's side. this clip, and a similar one he did after Jan. 6, are the closest he'll get to having a US president type moment. we really need more politicians that are able to speak as he's done here, not just constant mud slinging and chest thumping all the time.
  6. um........ https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/chinas-latest-manly-heartthrob-russian-082250245.html
  7. shoulda known you'd come swooping in at some point after I rambled away there. probably a good thing you think anything I post in this thread is absurd, as that indicates disagreement - which is correct! I've said before to you, we must agree to disagree, and leave it at that. I've disagreed with just about everything you've posted in this topic, but it's just really not worth the effort to call it all out every single time. look, when I haphazardly threw out "USSR 2.0" I was using it more or less as a euphemism to what I had just said in like the sentence just before. I was talking about the direction Russia is heading in regards to becoming more closed off to the world, similar to how it was closed off back in the USSR era. it was an off the cuff phrase that I admittingly didn't game plan all the way out, and I really wasn't thinking about the category of "ism" it would be referencing. I really don't know what social or economic philosophy Russia is heading towards, tbh. and I really don't want to get into the weeds over this and go round and round on here with you, as it is just not a constructive use of time.
  8. it's all a no win situation. Russia's economy remaining in tatters for a lengthy period is ultimately going to lead to a humanitarian crisis in that country at some point. my guess is everyone's day to day life in Russia right now is somehow effected, but not in a way that is dire just yet. once people can't get all the things they were once accustomed to, and possibly food becomes an issue, then I would think it is only a matter of time before they realize something is not adding up with the state's messaging. I read an article somewhere that Russia's population in some way knows they are being lied to, as that's all they've really been subjected to all their lives from the propaganda machine, whether soviet or not. but they accept the lies, as there's really no means for them to fight back against this. and if they did fight back, for it to really change anything. all the decades of being lied to have changed they way Russian people think on things. the "grey area" Russian's are typically known to mentally reside in ("could be this, or could be that") has come about thanks to their leadership doing this to the population for decades (centuries?). side note - some of my closest IRL friends are from Russia. guys I've known for 25 or so years, and no doubt will know till the end. had many good talks and heard plenty of first hand stories about all the fun they had growing up back in 1980's commie motherland. I have nothing but respect for Russian people, and optimistically was always hoping for more global partnerships with Russia. I remember back in like 2000 when Putin first came on the scene, there was such a hopefulness that this could be a positive chapter for Russia, and they could become a more trusted voice on the world stage. sadly though, history repeats, and it's looking like USSR 2.0 is the direction the country is heading toward...and heading there fast, thanks to this complete and total clusterfuck in Ukraine.
  9. anyone wonder who said that? can't wait for the shit show to roll around again in 2024. looking forward to a whole new set of re-hashed zingers from the man. will "lock her up" still be a thing in 2024? I'd take an educated guess it will. or maybe the doomsday clock will be stopped at midnight in 2 years time. we're only 100 seconds out now... https://patch.com/illinois/chicago/hands-doomsday-clock-stay-100-seconds-midnight
  10. armchair quarterback time - if Putin ultimately destroys key infrastructure in all the major Ukrainian metro areas, then what? play king of the castle to empty buildings and rubble? he would have to rebuild everything in order to have any sort of chance of gaining control over the remaining hostile population. but with what resources to do so? so then it becomes destroying everything for destructions sake, declaring victory, and then putting in a puppet group of leaders there to be hated. this doesn't seem like much of a long term plan, and will lead to continued conflict until both sides have been ground down morally to a pulp. I think it will be up to the Russian population to turn on Putin to end this. but this seems next to impossible to happen at this point, unless some massive revolutionary shift happens involving millions of people. Putin and all his Kremlin ilk will need to be gone, which would likely mean they're dead. Putin stepping down and nominating a successor won't work, since he did that before and it was a sham. plus he's too far down the totalitarian rabbit hole to step down anyway. he's 69 years old. he won't be dead naturally for another 20-30 years. maybe the Russian military fighting right now will eventually turn on the state and stop this? they sure aren't getting the good end of the stick here. even if they "win" they are going home to a country in massive economic turmoil. they of course must recognize they aren't freeing anyone from anything in Ukraine. if they did turn, it would also have to be on a massive scale. a small fraction of dissenters would end up killed by other Russians. and in the meantime, civilians keep getting killed. this is so confusing, pointless, frustrating, I don't even know anymore... not looking to argue about nazis or Syria here. just using this board to write thoughts out.
  11. I wasn't a fan of her either really in the beginning of BCS. but the actress playing her really stepped up in the last season of the show and absolutely killed it IMO. I became a much bigger Kim fan after that. and I hate these long gaps between seasons of shows. I know covid delays and everything, but still. hard to remember where this show left off exactly.
  12. any Shadow fans should recognize this - “…I’m asking you to make a small quantum jump with me, to accept one deviant concept – that our other states of consciousness are as real as our waking state and that reality can be externalized!… …We’re beyond mass and matter here, beyond even energy. What we’re back to is the first thought!”
  13. https://www.gearnews.com/fck-ptn-emergency-aid-limited-pedal/
  14. lol. yeah I think someone is going to have an issue with this part:
  15. brother, I think if you were to ask the 50-100 or so peeps that frequent this board daily who the biggest supporter of cmunism is on here is - they would no doubt point to the person behind the Zeff/hermolia username. I am rolling with the assumption that you are always on team comunism, because of your past posts on this site. it is all good tho, because this really isn't worth arguing over on a message board. goes round and round and in the end, same ol shit...
  16. this is totally vague, and on purpose. whatever shit you keep preaching on here will always fall apart, because you can't explain anything in simple terms that you supposedly fight for. there are holes all over your belief system, man.
  17. I don't understand your use of the word actionable here. what does one do to "action" this?
  18. retail shopping behavior exhibited by humans the world over never ceases to amaze me. I am just not wired the same way as those that fight over TV's on sale, panic buy, or line up for days to get some new style of food item. like the economy is tanking, maybe we should rethink our spending habits? but no, a deal on some cheap ass bookshelf is just too good to pass up. have no doubt 'mericans would be doing the same thing.
  19. this was excellent. any fans of Heat that haven't seen this need to check it out. Michael Mann took a lot of elements from this film and re-used them in Heat. the Deniro character in Heat was heavily influenced by the James Caan character here. incredible performance by Caan, and great cinematography. classic 1980's Tangerine Dream score as well.
  20. good release in the barber beats category. sounds very similar to '90s era Vibert, DJ Cam, Shadow/Krush type vibes https://obliqueoccasions.bandcamp.com/album/anathema
  21. ah yes, the days of CD burning, I remember those well. waiting all those minutes for a giant PC tower to chug along, waiting for the CD drive to pop open letting you know your prize is ready. the dreaded thought while the PC fan is whirring away of "did I forget to click the button to eliminate the 2 sec delay between tracks." ha! that too was fun while it lasted. then napster ushered in the mp3 era. then ipod came around and CD's died. then mp3's turned to wav's, then streaming, etc. point is, whatever comes next, it will be good for awhile, and then something else will come along. bandcamp is great, and we as collectors of music all know it. but any time I mention it to a normie, they're like huh? band what? therefore I can see the powers that be wanting to put bandcamp right there next to spotify, or whatever mainstream platform is the soup du jour. and that's when other people get an idea to start something else outside of the tech bro capitalism machine, and on we go.
  22. admit it. you had dreams for a sec of becoming a modular fart noise superstar over there. you could've been the next this guy:
  23. thanks for the refresher. now if only someone could dumb this down enough to explain this to Big T's voting base, to help them understand what a piece of shit he is. but no. even if they fully understood, his deals with the russians are translated into MAGA talk as "smart business man behavior," of which I have heard from countless T supporters that is why they think he's so qualified to be pres.
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