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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Limo

  1. I want that oven.
  2. Apparently conspiracy nuts have latched onto 5G causing corona - or corona being a coverup for things caused by 5G - or ... whatever. I really don’t want to know more, to be honest. The burning definitely started after the corona lockdown, though.
  3. I’ll have you know Dutch people are setting fire to 4G antennas now because “5G causes Corona”. USA may be number one, but Holland definitely number two.
  4. Dude at 0:08 trying to kill that protesting nurse guy by touching him on the arm?
  5. First two episodes of the new season of What We Do In The Shadows were quite entertaining. This might be going somewhere.
  6. While it is true that Europeans like to feel superior, it's not true that they are completely wrong when they paint "Americans" with the same brush, IMHO. Compared to Europeans, Americans really are all alike in that they all do speak broadly the same language and have broadly the same culture that on the one hand places excessive value on individualism and that on the other hand is excessively fearful of not following the rules. This really is the same from New York to California and everywhere inbetween. The differences between someone from Massachusetts, say, and Wisconsin really are very small in the larger context of things. They are much smaller than the difference between someone from Germany and someone from France, not in the least because they speak completely and mutually unintelligible languages there. People from Massachusetts read the same books and watch the same movies as people in Wisconsin. People in Germany and people in France watch different movies and read different books, even if they live within 50 km of each other. It's just no comparison. That said, us Europeans do like to make a caricature of the US as a hellhole where everybody is a gun nut that votes for Trump. That, of course, is unfair and very much not true. What is true, however, is that Americans, yes, all of you, talk too goddamn loud.
  7. My wife and I have been starting to buy antiques now to solve this problem. They’re very cheap now that the last of the boomers’ parents who used to buy them for insane amounts of money have mostly died out and the boomers themselves are starting to move to smaller houses and can no longer keep everything they’ve inherited. 50 to 100 euros will get you quite reasonable pieces that used to cost a 100 times as much. Of course it’s an aesthetic that has to agree with you and finding the right piece takes a bit of patience and effort, but if you’re into it it’s well worth it. Only thing I can’t seem to find is a Kallax / Expedit replacement. It’s almost like people in the 19th century didn’t need to store their record collections.
  8. Always used to ruin Mediterranean holidays this way. “Let’s have wine with lunch just like the locals do” - and then walk around like zombies for the rest of the day. And then do it again the next day, because “that’s what the locals do.”
  9. So what costs have smaller and more efficient companies lowered, exactly? What efficiencies have they improved? I can think of dozens of things that only came about because the state threw its weight behind it (the internet, for one) or that only became useful and, yes, efficient, when they were nationalized (the railway network, phone networks, plumbing, etc) or when the companies behind them grew large.
  10. I've worked for the private sector for half of my professional life and I can assure you that once a company gets big enough you get exactly the same problems of inaction and swelling bureaucracies. If anything, I've found government agencies to be a bit more pleasant to work with because at least the people there did not fear for their jobs as much (I'm assuming) so they were more willing to bend the rules and be flexible to get things done.
  11. If you were one of the men that got any, yes. I've read somewhere that in the Inca empire that privilege was only extended to the royal family and only the very top level of it, too. Everyone else had to perform manual labor.
  12. This is not a source, this is hand waving. Please cite specific examples of "the private sector" being "more agile" and governments "[tending] to revel in increasing the size of their bureaucracy". I've seen plenty of very efficient government agencies (the US postal service, for one) and plenty of private sector entities with increasing bureaucracies. For the latter, just consider where Google or Microsoft began and what they are now (huge, inefficient bureaucratic molochs).
  13. Historically, that's the way things were, yes.
  14. Again - provide sources please otherwise this is just libertarian propaganda.
  15. “When you owe the bank a thousand dollars, you have a problem. When you owe the bank a million dollars, the bank has a problem”.
  16. In the newspaper this morning: the best material to make facial masks out of: vacuum cleaner bags. Unused ones, presumably. Har har.
  17. Don’t worry, unless it’s an uncommonly stupid mouse, it will get the peanut butter out and make off with it before the trap even thinks of closing.
  18. When I said "they're both shit" I meant that, well, they're both shit, I guess, but not shit enough to not buy them and go for an alternative instead. Which, as far as I know, doesn't even exist. I've thought about having a furniture maker replace the Expedit in the living room with something that has the same dimensions but that is at least made of proper wood, but it's not super high on my list of priorities. Especially since it would be about ten times more expensive.
  19. We get Ikea hipsterism now? Or am I just too much of a prole not to notice the difference? As far as I can tell, they're both shit. I mean, I get that Kallax is much lighter, but for actual functionality it doesn't matter. To me, because I don't throw furniture around. Often.
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