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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Limo

  1. We should do a poll how many people on WATMM own those godawful Ikea record cabinets. I have four of them.
  2. No, it is a resounding success. The US does everything on a level other countries can't even hope to aspire to. Italians, for example, had Berlusconi. That was idiotic. Philippinos one upped them with that Duerte guy. But the US? Truly number one.
  3. I love how this thread is a Euro nationalist wank fest one half of the day and Americans whining about Trump the other. ? I’m signing off now, see you tomorrow. Let’s pick up on @darreichungsform’s suggestion and do some slamming of Macron. Anyone game?
  4. If you think a German government is going to send medical supplies to another country, even a fellow EU member, before making sure they have enough for their own people, aka their voters, well, then I can't help you.
  5. Right, but when Italy starts borrowing the Euro zone as a whole becomes a lot less attractive because Italy is such a big part of it, resulting in Finland and Austria having to borrow at much more unfavorable rates. Also, don’t listen to what Salvini says. He’s an opposition politician whose throwing under a bus talk is for local consumption, to get his poll numbers back up.
  6. Spoken like a true Northerner ? I agree for the most part, btw. There's another aspect to this, however: Italy is not a small country. Its economy dwarfs that of a number of the countries that don't want Euro bonds *put together*. If there were to be Euro bonds, a slight blip in Italy would become a very big problem for, say, Austria or Finland. It makes no sense for anyone to willingly make their economy subservient to the sixth largest economy in the world.
  7. Hooked up an old tablet and colored it. Props to people who do this professionally.
  8. Futurama is great. The Simpsons are the cartoon equivalent of “Everybody welcome here” signs in all white neighborhoods.
  9. You should see what they do to mooses
  10. Has he built a wall on the Canadian border yet?
  11. Enjoyable in a blood, shotguns and evil dogs kind of way. Patrick Stewart was pleasantly creepy and the whole thing is over and done with in one hour thirty five minutes. Thanks for the recommendation ?
  12. Airports and sea ports are a lot easier to monitor than land borders, though.
  13. Note one is an actual island nation and the other pretty much is too because it’s sole land border is hermetically sealed. Not to belittle their efforts, but I’m sure that helps.
  14. Wait, so is this Chinese WWII propaganda* with better production values or something? * yes, I know the Japanese behaved atrociously in China in WWII
  15. Buddhist monk chanting along to the Ramones. Enough internet for the day, I guess:
  16. Spent the better part of the day migrating my hobby stuff off an Azure VPS and onto a cheaper one, a process enormously complicated by the fact that I had decided to Dockerize all my little applications. Now that the day is almost over I can proudly announce that this first world problem has become a first world success and I will never be able to tweak my little applications right on the server they're running on ever again.
  17. Surgeon is dad techno. He is the Datach'i of boom boom.
  18. None of it matters because: - Surgeon isn’t all that great. Or anyway not great enough to offset: - Eurovision Song Contest
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