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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Limo

  1. HBO is a bit better in that regard. At least, I'd like to think I don't treat students like dogs. But when the meeting you're in is billed as an assessment and they know the outcome of a conversation is that you will slap a grade on their performance, the automagically trying to formulate answers thing stops working. In fact, it doesn't work that great to begin with in situations where one participant is the teacher and the others are students. In my experience, anyway. Anyway, just wanted to complain ?
  2. One thing I’ve found is terrible working from home and video conferencing is student assessments. Meetings, with other teachers or even with students, are fine. People communicate and work around the inherent limitations of video and audio conferencing no problem at all (well, maybe it’s a *little* easier with colleagues than with students). But assessments: don’t work at all. You ask a question and silence ensues. You can’t send out encouraging glances or assess the body language of the students to determine whether followup questions are needed. It’s just stone cold silence until either an answer does finally come or one of the teachers has enough and expresses the conviction that no answer will be forthcoming. You can imagine what that does to the overall atmosphere. Instead of having a conversation with students in which you gently determine their ability you end up grilling them. Very unpleasant.
  3. Love that chair. It really ties the room together.
  4. Nah, Aaltopiiri is where they got accessible
  5. Just started season three of Babylon Berlin. No official English subtitles yet, so prepare to spend a few frustrating minutes to get the fan made ones to line up correctly, but it looks as gorgeous as the previous two seasons.
  6. A cheery little ditty. Enjoyed it. You're not lying about the House/Techno/Acid bit, btw. First it's House and in the last third it's Acid all of a sudden. The techno isn't very obvious to me, though ?
  7. Well, I do believe there are maybe one or two young'uns on here, so you know, for their benefit ...
  8. It does. If you keep it up long enough.
  9. Dunno, what he's doing looks suspiciously like turning a circus act into self help with health claims, which can be very dangerous*. * Dangerous for gullible people, anyway.
  10. No I didn’t but that’s because I’ve never used it, sorry. Would be interested to hear what you come up with, however ?
  11. No one has ever drowned from taking an aspirin though
  12. Ah, ok. I see where you’re coming from. My own line of thinking is more along the Unix way of doing things: be quiet if thinks work but if they don’t fail loudly. Had you tried to connect to a nonexistent MIDI port, you would have noticed ? . That said, trouble shooting mode might be useful. I’ll add it* You’ve found a stupid mistake in the demos. I’ve accidentally removed the bit where it checks the available MIDI ports. Sorry. (rs-m-list-ports) will show you the list of ports. Will fix. Ok. Glad we’ve cleared that up ? I thought I missed something really obvious. Like @sweepstakes I’ve read a few chapters. It’s pretty good, though the focus on mathematical examples obscures the fact that a lot of the ideas in those first chapters have become reasonably commonplace since the book was first published in 1986. Even Java allows has lambdas (of a sort) these days and composing functions is not at all uncommon in Python or JavaScript. I still mean to finish it someday. However: * I can’t promise when I’ll next have time to do significant work on this. Might not be before the summer holidays (last week I had a week off so I had time to scratch this itch).
  13. Glad to hear you got it running and thank you very much for the detailed report. Very helpful! Logging would negatively impact performance, but it could be turned on or off as needed. I’m not quite sure what you would want to see logged, however? The ability to select the MIDi port is definitely there. I guess I just haven’t made it clear that you can do this. The demos all use the first available one but you can use as many as you like. Anyway, will make it more clear. As for the daemon: what do you mean exactly? What sort of commands should it receive? I’m genuinely puzzled by this remark: right now there’s a main loopmthat starts and stops other loops and that’s it. What else would you like to see? Finally: demo 2 being wonky. Yes, that’s a demo that illustrates doIng 3 over 4 and then 5 over 4. Thanks again for trying it out!
  14. Hey, thanks for you interest! Looking forward to hearing how you get along with it ? Next steps would be simply to play around within and determine what works and what does not and then write wrapper code to make sequencing with it more fluent. Or, you know, fix bugs as people run into them ? The idea is to keep the core as lean and compact as possible (less code == less bugs) and to put additional features in add ons that save you from having to type the same thing out over and over again. Featuring very prominently on the wish list is making installation easier. This will involve dealing with someone else’s library, though, so I’m not sure how feasible it is. Also on the wish list / next steps / roadmap is offsets per step, where you can move a single step forwards or backwards in the timeline, like in Elektron sequencers. But anyway, thanks again for your interest and hope you have fun with it!
  15. Aw man ... Not a bad age to go but ... damn ... one of the very very greats.
  16. “Nitzer Ebb” weighs in: (bandcamp link seems to be broken - go to bandcamp directly: https://notsoebb.bandcamp.com/track/stay-inside-your-home-nitzer-ebb-parody )
  17. Tonight I managed to massively improve the timing issues I had so it's now at a point where "it works on my machine". If you're not afraid of compiling some code (you need to perform some elbow grease to get the MIDI library installed) you can play around with it if you like: https://github.com/mcdejonge/rs
  18. Now this is something I’m gonna get a tattoo of. On my butt. ? As it happens, someone *just* released something called Scheme4Max that allows you to interact with Max using Scheme. It even comes with a REPL so live coding would be a possibility. From the looks of it it is fairly low level so you would have to do quite a bit of Max hacking to get to a situation where you can do easy sequencing with it. This might be a worthwhile avenue to explore, though, as hooking into Max will take care of what I’m finding are some of the hard bits to implement (proper timing, mostly). Drawback, of course, is that you’d have to hold your nose and do some programming in Max. ? Github is here: https://github.com/iainctduncan/scheme-for-max Video showing sending messages and accessing objects in the patcher is here: https://youtu.be/ErirIFCTdjg
  19. wouldn’t serve this to my worst enemy? Dunno, looks like a fine, healthy and tasty meal to me.
  20. Thanks @Nil If you're interested, I've inserted a code snippet below. This may very well make. your eyes bleed, because, well, it's Racket, but the important thing is a sequence is simply a list: (list note null null null) is a sequence of four steps where the first step is a function called "note". "null" means, well, null. In Racket you can also write this as '() or #f if you find that more readable. The other thing you see here is sequences can have an arbitrary number of steps. These are spaced evenly among the available time for a sequence. So in this example tracks inherit the time settings from the global settings, meaning a loop is 8 1/4 beats at 128 BPM and then the sequence i2seq1 puts five steps in that time and the sequence i2seq2 three. This makes it really easy to sequence polymeter. It's also possible to sequence polyrhythms but then you would need to set separate loop lengths for each track (which you can do). So in theory this can get pretty fancy. In practice, it turns out it's nearly impossible to get good timing. I've spent all day on it today and the best I've managed to come up with is "fairly wobbly" although if you limit the number of tracks they can at least stay (somewhat) in sync with each other.
  21. I’m with you here. The functional part isn’t so bad to me (I’ve enjoyed Elixir and have quite the Lisp fetish) but if I’m going to be writing code, I want to go all the way because otherwise what’s the point. Which is why I’m now trying to build a similar system in a Scheme derivative called Racket. This makes much more sense to me as you’d be sequencing using lists instead of strings with yet another syntax to learn as in TC. So far I’ve got the basics up and running but getting timing right turns out to be a challenge (d’uh).
  22. Limo

    Now Reading

    Just polished of another novel by Adolfo Bioy Casares (one of Borges’ buddies): Dormir al Sol. Starts off innocently enough: middle aged man has unhealthy relationship with wife and with housekeeper (no sexytime, sorry). In-laws not to great either. Just regular slice of life boring meandering stuff. But there’s some weird sprinkled in. Things that seem reasonably normal only a little bit off. Maybe. This is a good thing because it keeps you reading to ... ... the end, which is gloriously twisted, unsettling and makes all of the preceding 180 pages worth it I hindsight, ?
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