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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dcom

  1. Whoa, didn't expect Reference to be that pricey second hand, I've got both CD and vinyl from when they were released.
  2. Ah, jos hakee Neon Genesis Evangelion niin ei löydy mitään, koska ne ovat pelkästään Evangelion. Nyt löytyi, kiitos.
  3. Nah, none of my devices have any NGE via Prime, and Google Play shows 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, The End, and Death and Rebirth - but they can't be watched. Boo.
  4. Nope, not on Prime Video, it's different from the actual Prime, the availability of interesting things is a fraction of what it is on Prime proper. License regions, what a scam.
  5. Netflix here only has the original series, The End of Evangelion, and Evangelion Death (True)2. They do nicely, but I'd like to see the Rebuild movies. I got myself one of these, too.
  6. Never heard of a Balil album before, supposed or otherwise - please elaborate.
  7. The predecessor album to Bytes and Spanners, Temple Of Transparent Balls, (GPR, remastered and re-released on Soma) is essential listening; The Book of Dogma (Soma) is a great compilation of their early 12" tracks on GPR, giving a completist view to most of their pre-Plaid split material.
  8. I looked this up, and your claim is unbased. See also Simpson's Paradox and interpreting data. I'm still waiting for the sources of your other claims.
  9. It's a quote from a drunkard, belligerent, womanizing - not to mention dead - literary figure, not a scientific statement of fact, but I can throw in a pair of other names: Dunning & Kruger. Smart, intelligent people have their own category of stupid: cognitive biases; not to say that it's not a problem with, let's say, cognitively challenged, but smart, intelligent people are as unaware of their biases as everyone else. There are extreme rationalists who are aware of them and can circumvent or avoid them altogether (this was referred to in the article I linked to above), but it's very difficult and time-consuming, requiring stringent and prolonged use of Kahn's System 2. In other news -
  10. No, as discussed before COVID will become endemic, it will keep circulating forever within the world population like the flu does. We will not get rid of it, ever. It's probable no-one will be able to avoid it, and the only way to lessen the impact is to vaccinate everyone because it greatly reduces the harmful effects (proper, side, and after) of the disease. It's possible COVID vaccinations need to be administered annually to keep the societal effects to a minimum like we do with the flu: the shots are statistically much less effective than COVID vaccinations and a flu shot is definitely no guarantee you won't get it because there are so many variants. Those not getting vaccinated against COVID will suffer the most, like they do at the moment. I find it irrational and selfishly reckless, dangerous even - to themselves, any and all around them - to choose not to get vaccinated against COVID.
  11. Show me the hard data on all of these - 90-95 % vaccinated hospitalizations, natural immunity better than stimulated, (statistically) significant portion of population agreeing that it is - otherwise they're just anecdotal and not to be taken seriously. Conjecture. Show facts and/or data from reputable, verifiable sources.
  12. Raw dark industrial techno cuts from Broadrick & Moeller on Broadrick's self-release label, PWYW. Highly recommended.
  13. Classic B12/deFocus melodic electro/IDM sounds, PWYW. Recommended.
  14. An interesting compilation of CiM's Amiga ProTracker mods enriched with strings and things from a 386 PC. Highly recommended.
  15. That's a thought-terminating cliché, probably subject to Godwin's Law, or maybe even a case of reductio ad Hitlerum. KTHXBAI.
  16. If that - your experiences here on WATMM - would be your reason for violence against me, it would be as ridiculous and pointless as the violence in the video - but again, thank you, I aim to please.
  17. I explicitly said "it looks like" because you took the original post and made it about you as a victim, opening it up for interpretation because you associated your grievances with a post about senseless violence without denouncing it, you can seem to approve of it. It's a rhetorical device. The phrase "I aim to please" is sarcasm.
  18. 'Easy money': How international scam artists pulled off an epic theft of Covid benefits (NBC News) (I had to choose between how the world sees the US and COVID threads.)
  19. It looks like you're condoning or even supportive of willful, wanton violence towards people who disagree with you because your ego has been bruised on this particular discussion forum you refer to, and respond to a general post that has literally nothing to do with you with a description of personal rhetorical injury because you're in a subject matter minority. That's laying it quite thick, but thank you, I aim to please.
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